
Alice Meets the Vampire Gang

After eating breakfast and changing his clothes, Rudy left for school, and so did Lucy.

Rudy teleported to Alice's house to pick her up and then teleported directly to the vampire gang. He had already told Alice everything, and she was excited to meet them.

When they teleported to the vampire gang, all of them were sleeping on the beds while Angelica was crawling on the ceiling for some reason.



"You know what, I don't even want to know what you are doing," Rudy remarked.

Angelica jumped on top of Rudy and hugged him before kissing him like crazy. Since she was in a visible form, Alice could see everything, and she was surprised by how brazen Angelica was.

After a few kisses, Rudy pushed her back and pointed his gaze at the vampire gangs.

"Don't worry, they are all asleep. They watched five movies all night."