
Another news

Pouring another cup of refined Oolong tea while his eyes wandered outside, he took a deep sigh. He was reminiscing the times when both of them could still enjoy the autumn breeze.

He knew that this was not the first time that his brother had collapsed — only hoping that it would be the last. Moments passed, and he heard a tiny grunt on his right; his little brother finally woke up.

As much as he wanted to be the cold older brother, he was not able to hide the delight when Ran Xue finally regained his consciousness.

In a hurry, he summoned the closest servant to seek the family's physician, and then frantically looked for another to inform their mother.

"Ah, it's you… No wonder it's cold," said Ran Xue, pulling himself up, slightly in a daze.

"Well, it's the end of winter," he replied, hands scurrying over the warm teapot to give his brother a drink.

"What—" the young one exclaimed, before a wave of dizziness overwhelmed him.

"Hey, take it slow! I'm just playing with you, Ah Xue. You've been in bed ever since I returned; six days, perhaps? And Niang…"

Fearing the worst, he stared directly into Ran Huo's eyes.

"Niang's fine. She's just worried."

Covering his mouth to let out a cough, his mother entered the room. Her face looked like it never felt the warmth of sunlight, and her figure appeared frail, as if she might lose balance at any time.

Sitting next to Ran Xue, she caressed her son's face and thanked the Gods for their blessings upon his son.

Not long after, the physician arrived. Uncle Hu was no stranger to the Rans, as he has been serving them for decades, including his predecessors.

Checking Ran Xue's pulse for abnormality, he paused. His face was showing signs of concern as he took another reading.

"I need to talk to your mother privately," said Uncle Hu eventually, distraught.

To be continued.

[Thanks for reading!]

The song I listened to while writing:「黒猫」 花たん

Kenkicreators' thoughts