
Escaping the Eyes of the Yandere

Being watched. Everything you say. Everything you do. Everywhere you are. Jilun grew up in a small rural village. Located at the edge of a major Empire, the village only housed farming families. Because of this, Jilun didn’t really have anyone around his age in the small population of the village. Except one girl. She was named Jia, a bright and friendly girl who happened to be born around the same time. Their parents were great friends and even gave them similar names. Over the years, they grew attached to each other and did everything together. Jiluns dream was always to venture out of the bounds of the village to explore what the big cities of the empire had to offer. After explaining his dream one day to Jia when he was young, everything changed. Jilun started to notice changes in Jias personality. She became so clingy that she clung tighter to him then the clothes he wore. He wrote off her changes as natural for being the only one in the village around her age that could understand her. He found her to be perfectly normal as he had never met any other girl or boy of his age. Everything was fine… until the day he decided to leave the village. _____________________________________________ Contains Prominent Yandere Elements R-18/Smut Content Chapters Labeled (Don’t expect any until later chapters) I do not own the cover image. The artist can DM me and I will immediately take it down.

Czzi · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Truly Extraordinary

Jilun acknowledge Xuanyin with a nod.

His foot stepped down a stair, starting his descent down to the training grounds. Jia followed, stepping behind Jilun as he walked down the stairs.

Xuanyin noticed this as her eyelids fluttered. Her blue eyes slowly followed her descending figure.

"I am testing him first, I would advise you to have patience, I will trial you next"

Jia's eyes lit up with a slight excitement as she responded.

"I am just inching for a closer view, how rude of you to jump to such an assumption"

Fengge cringed at the blatant disrespect Jia had given to Xuanyin. Of course, Xuanyin could be said to be in a position equal to, if not higher than that of the Grounds Master.

Although she could be said to be a great friend of Jilun, or even possess a greater relationship than that of his assumption, he could not let it continue.

But just as he was about act, the pair of ocean eyes stared him down. He stopped in his tracks, temporary losing the ability to move. But before he could fully realize the situation he was in, it vanished. Looking down at the grounds floor, the previous piercing eyes now turned away, focusing on a new target.

Such a benevolent person, truly caring for the lives of others.


Jilun had never encountered, or rather, experienced a true battle, and so, he was especially excited for this upcoming trial.

Witnessing and possessing experience first hand are always different, and while he may be new to the martial arts path itself, he is quite inexperienced on the topic, as the closest fight to his name would be the single encounter with the Green Tiger back many years ago.

So, while not holding tremendous expectations for himself, especially while his opponent is a seemingly formidable disciple, enough to be recognized by the grounds master himself, he would have to remember that this is a trial, marking only the beginning, not his worth.

He was sure that with time, all is bound to improve, because no matter the action, everything done will always grant improvement, no matter how minuscule it may be.

As he completed the last few steps of his journey, he couldn't help but once again be lost in the infinite world her eyes possessed. With the emergence of the strange feeling again, the mystical familiarity once again adorned him. It was inexplicable to him.

Once again, he found himself searching through his short life of memories.

When had he seen, heard of, or have known, Xuanyin ever before? It couldn't be that she was the reincarnation of his dead pet bird or something?

Jilun ceased his thought, as it was futile attempting to understand things that don't hold the possibility of understanding. Instead, he would focus on the present. It mattered not should he have known this girl somewhere because the relationship was clearly not strong enough to be recognized.

Though, it was a face Jilun should've been all too aware of, and soon, a face all but forgettable.


Resting his two feet on the earthen ground, Jilun walked to the complete opposite of Xuanyin, providing enough space as a starting point.

Seeing as he was ready, Xuanyin reaffirmed him.

"This spar is but a trail, and will only prove your experience in the path no matter how small it may be."

Of course, Jilun knew the power of a loss. Jilun had heard stories from Old Gi, about people who had given up on the path after a defeat, or had even gone as far as to end their own life. But, contrary to them, Jilun walked in today with an understanding of his opponent, and of his own position. This would prevent any misgivings he would have about how bad he was bound to lose in the future.

Still, while this much is obvious, he still appreciated her kind gesture. Jilun slightly lowered his head in appreciation.

"Thank you"

Seeing not a change in Jiluns expression only reassured Xuanyin. As all of the formalities were over, there was nothing else left.

"Are you ready?"

Jilun didn't respond, but nodded. Taking a stance he thought to be defensive, he diverted all of his focus to her.

For Jilun, no one else existed in this world but the two of them. Her every breath and movement, none escaped his eye.

But clearly, no expectation could be held against her.


She suddenly vanished. His eyes had to have been deceiving him.

'Where… did she go?'

Jiluns eyes scrambled in all directions to track the now missing figure. Such speed… is no longer human.

Suddenly, two soft arms, containing the warmth of the core of the very world itself, with the soft skin that held no blemish, wrapped around his neck.

While Instructor Fengge may have had a hard time tracking her, her sudden pause in movement, and her action, surprised him. What was she playing at?

Jia also watched this intimate action, though no visible reaction could be noticed on her equally beautiful face.

While Jilun was lost in the sensation for a moment, he quickly snapped himself out of the strange state as hr swung his fist at the maximum speed his hand allowed him too.

But as if she never existed in the first place, she was again, no longer there.

Confused, Jilun again looked behind him, preparing for another encounter from behind. But as he brought his head around to face forward once again, two soft lips covered that if his own.

Her blue eyes stared straight into his. And while this moment of a meeting between angel and human was truly heart warming, such things were never meant to last long.


The world turned black and white, losing its color. Time all around seemed to cease, slowing down to a stop. While all who was in the world stopped, only two remained unaffected.

Xuanyin narrowed her eyes as he removed her succulent lips from Jiluns as she slowly stood up straight.

Suddenly, over millions of red strings appeared all around the room. Even though only black and white colors were present, the presence of these strange strings of fate only served to further darken the atmosphere.

"It seems you haven't died enough"

A figure of pure red manifested some distance in front of Xuanyin.

Jia's eyes glowed the usual sinister red as she crowned the world of motionless. She giggled, her laugh spewing nothing but uneasiness in all that heard it.

"You think of me afraid?"

Jia laughed even harder as she replayed the scene within her head. Remembering what Xuanyin had done before only further enraged her.


Xuanyin mockingly smiled as her pure white wings sprouted from her back. Her white robes fluttering into existence. She only spoke two simple words.

"Do it"