
Escaping My Contract Husband, Finding His Step Brother

Alayna Sandra's path, marked by trials and societal expectations, becomes a canvas for resilience. She faces childhood bullying due to her less affluent background. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, she moves abroad and finds success as a news anchor. Just as life looks up, a fortune approaches her through a contract marriage proposal from a famous billionaire. Marriage reveals hidden facets of her husband, he has a double life and meets a woman on their wedding day inside their wedding car. Right after they get married, Alayna sees them, right in front of her eyes. Five years later, the contract nears its end. Alayna never expects to it to be this tough to end a marriage. She thinks a contract marriage will be easy, but these years have been a nightmare. She wants to escape from her contract husband, but what if she finds solace with his step-brother instead, while her husband won't let her go. "We're ending our marriage now. The contract is over!" "No, I can extend it. It's written here! Plus, if you force a divorce, you'll lose all rights to our child!" Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · Thành thị
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 Stay in Your Lane

As Alayna and Lev arrived at the office, they stepped out of the car and walked together toward the entrance, the gentle morning sunlight illuminating their steps. 

Alayna's footsteps were a bit heavy, but she tried to cover it up with a straight posture. Lev, beside her, seemed more resolute and in control, though there was an unreadable strain of tension on his face.

Upon crossing the threshold, the atmosphere underwent a sudden shift. Alayna felt intense pressure and scrutiny as if the entire room had turned its focus solely on her. Yet, she couldn't allow her anxiety to show; instead, she dealt with it in a resolute manner.

Alayna swiftly assumed her professional persona, donning a confident smile that concealed her worries and masked the storm that was churning in her heart.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Halton!" greeted the employees, their smiles warm and genuine. Some couldn't help but cast admiring glances at Lev, acknowledging a figure renowned in the media world.

"Good morning," Alayna replied, her voice steady.

While Lev smiled graciously in response to the greeting, it was clear that his presence commanded more attention than usual. As the majority shareholder of The Premier Times station, his influence could not be ignored. Respectful gazes, intertwined with traces of awe and fear, were directed his way.

"You always look stunning, Alayna," the other employee remarked.

"Aw, thank you. You too!" Alayna replied, returning the smile.

As she walked to her office's room, Alayna felt the pressure growing stronger. Her scope of responsibility no longer only involves herself, but also a big image with Lev to maintain. Every decision, every action, even every word spoken would be closely watched by the eyes of the public and colleagues.

As they reached the end of the corridor, they encountered Dafa, briskly jogging while clutching a folder. He sported a simple attire - a plain, light-blue shirt coupled with an employee ID hanging around his neck.

"Hi, Alayna," Dafa greeted, his voice resonating through the corridor, radiating warmth.

Alayna responded with genuine warmth in her smile. "Hi."

Lev's chest puffed out instinctively, his hands finding solace in his pockets - a subtle gesture that subtly betrayed his discomfort in Dafa's presence.

"Good morning, Lev," greeted Dafa, his tone cordial.

"Good morning," Lev replied, his smile taking on a wry edge. "My wife and I just arrived." Lev casually draped his arm around Alayna's shoulder.

The tension between Lev and Dafa was palpable. Lev aimed to assert his dominance in the interaction, eager to showcase his position. The glint in his eyes radiated unwavering self-assurance, while his sardonic smile hinted as if he had a card to play.

However, Dafa was not affected by Lev's ostentatious display of dominance. With a calm demeanor and a kind smile, he looked at Lev's wife and asked, "Nice to hear that. Alayna, how are you this morning? I hope you're not feeling sad anymore."

Alayna responded with a gentle smile as if seeking to ease the tension in the room. "I'm fine."

Lev turned to Alayna, perplexed. "Sad? What is this man talking about?"

"Why are you even asking? As her husband, you should understand how your wife feels," Dafa raised an eyebrow, speaking with a touch of reproach.

Lev felt the sting of Dafa's sarcasm. He was determined to maintain his haughty attitude despite the growing complexity of the situation. With a sinister smile, he retorted, "Of course I understand. I mean, why do others meddle in my wife's emotions? What does that mean?"

Unfazed by Lev's arrogance, Dafa remained composed and smiled. "Lev, there might be a reason why others care about your wife's feelings. Sometimes, we simply want to ensure that the people we care about are doing okay."

Lev seethed with anger as Dafa continued to chip away at his pride. He was resolute in asserting his dominance unequivocally. "We must also acknowledge that everyone has their way of expressing concern, right? Understanding that is more important, isn't it?"

Dafa nodded in agreement, "You're right, Lev. There are many ways to express care and love. Knowing how to value and respect someone is a valuable skill. And maybe, not everyone has it."

Lev's irritation grew as he perceived Dafa's constant subtle criticisms. Determined to regain control of the situation and assert his position, he spoke with a firm resolve. "Respecting and appreciating others is indeed important. However, it becomes futile when people only focus on small matters."

Dafa maintained his calm smile, his words carrying a sense of serenity. "I see your point, Lev. But often, it is in the seemingly small things that we find true value."

Lev felt compelled to prove the strength of his convictions. "As a husband, I have the right to protect and make the best decisions for my wife. I do not seek approval or opinions from others."

Dafa nodded, voicing his opinion in a friendly manner. "I agree, Lev. But in making a decision, isn't it also important to hear the opinion of the people we care about? Especially for a gentleman."

Lev felt his blood boiling even more. He felt that Dafa belittled his authority as the head of the family. With a sharp gaze and a rising voice, he said, "Oh, don't get me wrong. I already know what's best for my family. A husband is a leader and I will carry out my responsibilities in my way. You're just an outsider. it's none of your business. So, stay in your lane."

Alayna grew increasingly anxious as the conflict escalated. Her eyes darted between Lev and Dafa, desperately wishing to put an end to this confrontation. In a gentle yet hopeful tone, she interjected, "It's alright, Dafa. Let's just forget about it."

Dafa met Alayna's gaze with an understanding expression. He knew that prolonging the situation would only worsen matters. Despite a lingering desire to continue the debate, he chose to yield for the sake of harmony. With a slow nod, he uttered, "Of course."

However, even as their words diffused the tension, an undercurrent of unease hung in the air.

Alayna spoke in a gentle voice, attempting to divert attention from the earlier clash that threatened to explode. "Let's head to the office to focus on our work, Lev."

"Indeed, my dear wife." Lev wrapped his arm around Alayna's shoulder and offered a smile. "We've wasted enough time on insignificant matters here."

Dafa remained silent, standing still until Lev and Alayna departed from the hallway that led to their office.