
Escaping My Contract Husband, Finding His Step Brother

Alayna Sandra's path, marked by trials and societal expectations, becomes a canvas for resilience. She faces childhood bullying due to her less affluent background. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, she moves abroad and finds success as a news anchor. Just as life looks up, a fortune approaches her through a contract marriage proposal from a famous billionaire. Yet, marriage reveals hidden facets of her husband. Five years later, the contract nears its end. Alayna never expects to it to be this tough to end a marriage. She thinks a contract marriage will be easy, but these years have been a nightmare. She wants to escape from her contract husband, but what if she finds solace with his step-brother instead, while her husband won't let her go. "We're ending our marriage now. The contract is over!" "No, I can extend it. It's written here! Plus, if you force a divorce, you'll lose all rights!" Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · Thành thị
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24 Chs

Chapter 11 Tears of Frustration

Lev's grip only tightened, his fingers digging into her arm like a vise. His lips curled into a half-smile, the kind that sent shivers down her spine.

Alayna's heart pounded, her chest heaving as she glared at Lev with fiery defiance. "I'll never be under your control, Lev. I won't let you manipulate me any longer!"

Lev's chuckle was chilling, a melodic contrast to the intensity of their confrontation. "You mistake manipulation for understanding, my dear. We're married now. Denying the connection between us won't make it disappear."

Tears of frustration welled in Alayna's eyes, her willpower hesitated for a moment before blazing back stronger than ever. "It's just a contract remember? You can't just barge in and claim some kind of twisted bond. Let me go! Don't be so pathetic like this!"

A passing glance of regret flashed across Lev's look, softening the sharp edges of his expression. "Yes, you're right. It's just a contract and I pay you for that. But let us not overlook the fact that I can become your gateway to unimaginable success."

Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Alayna abruptly twisted her arm, breaking it free from Lev's grip.

With a surge of adrenaline, she broke away from his presence, the sound of her fleeing footsteps reverberating through the corridor as she sought solace within the confines of her sanctuary.

In chaotic haste, she reached her room and slammed the door shut, her chest heaving, gasping for air as she leaned against the solid barrier, desperately attempting to steady her racing thoughts.

Finally, alone, the weight of Lev's suffocating presence lifted, leaving her engulfed in a tempestuous whirlwind of emotions. Relief mingled with uncertainty, intertwining in a complex tapestry that consumed her being.

Lev's words had struck a deep chord, exposing a truth she had been reluctant to accept. As her anger subsided and the adrenaline of their confrontation waned, a newfound realization seeped into her consciousness — leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Seeking solace, she moved towards the window, gazing out at the night sky adorned with shimmering stars. The celestial display seemed to reflect the uncertainty that swelled within her heart. In the silence of her room, her thoughts took center stage, forcing her to confront the truth she had evaded for far too long.

Lev's claim about paying her reverberated in her mind, provoking introspection. If it hadn't been for her unwavering determination to prove the doubters wrong, perhaps she wouldn't have been driven to such ambition and audacity, ready to go to any lengths to achieve success.

Alayna's thoughts retraced her arduous journey, recalling the obstacles she had conquered and the sacrifices she had made along the way. She reflected on how tirelessly she had fought to defy her predetermined fate and elevate her standing. The bitter words hurled at her by those around her became an unwelcome accompaniment to her thoughts.

They dared to say, "You are just a poor person. Do not dare to approach and play with my child!"

"Know your place. Don't pretend to be superior!"

"Who do you think you are, daring to surpass your station?"

"Success is reserved for the privileged, not people like you!"

The sting of those words resurfaced, each phrase cutting like a knife. They had been thrown at her like daggers, meant to wound and belittle. But instead of breaking her, they had fueled a fierce determination to prove that she was more than her circumstances.

Memories surged within Alayna's mind, igniting an even fiercer determination. The comments, doubts, and dismissive attitudes she had encountered all stoked the flames of her desire to prove herself. Each challenge she confronted became a forge, shaping her into a resilient force that refused to be constrained by societal expectations.

Alayna's journey had been a battleground, not just against her self-doubt but also against the prejudice and ignorance of those who belittled her. With every hurdle, obstacle, and incredulous glance, her resolve surged stronger. She transformed their acrid words into stepping stones that propelled her towards her ambitions.

The sacrifices she had made were not just for herself, but to break through the barriers that had been set before her. She had been driven by a desire for a better life, for herself, and for anyone who had ever been told she wasn't good enough.

Amidst the silence that enclosed the room, Alayna realized that her relentless pursuit of success had often masked a vulnerability within her. It had become a shield, guarding her against the pain of her past. It had served as a defense mechanism, a testament that she was more than the person she once was.

However, in the presence of Lev Halton and his provocative claims, Alayna found herself compelled to question her motivations. Was her ambition merely an external response to judgment, or did she harbor a deeper, more genuine drive within her? Did Lev's alleged understanding of her unveil truths she had yet to fully acknowledge?

The thunderbolt realization that her ambition had both shielded and propelled her struck Alayna with electric intensity. She had indeed used her desire for success to prove her worth, but buried beneath that was a genuine passion for her craft and a hunger for self-discovery.

As minutes turned into moments, Alayna's inner turmoil grew more. She paced, she sat, she fixated on the ceiling, each breath heavy with the ebb and flow of emotions struggled to untangle.

Within the room, the air hung heavy with the sound of her laborious exhales, serving as a stark reminder of the reality she faced. She had to make a choice—to confront Lev, to confront herself, or to continue hiding behind the walls she had built.

With a heavy sigh, Alayna finally sank onto the edge of her bed. She reached for her journal, her refuge in times of uncertainty. As she flipped open the pages, her pen hovered, waiting to transcribe the turmoil that churned within her.

The ink flowed as her thoughts spilled onto the page, her writing a raw and unfiltered expression of her conflicted emotions. The words flowed freely, carrying with them a sense of release she hadn't anticipated.

Hours passed, the moon's gentle glow bathing the room as Alayna's hand continued its ballet across the pages, until finally, when she laid her pen to rest, the burden upon her shoulders had lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of clarity.