
Escape from Konoha

IS A TRANSLATION: Everything has to be studied to understand the meaning. Traveler Chiba Shiraishi picked up a book called "The Will of Fire" I opened it and saw that the things in it were nutritious and that the history of the village of Konoha was ageless, but the words 'will of fire' were written all over the crooked pages. Baishi couldn't sleep anyway and picked up the book "The Will of Fire" again. After reading it carefully in the middle of the night, he could see the words in the cracks, and the two words - Multilevel Marketing was written all over the book! With hesitation and fear in Shiraishi's heart, he decided that sooner or he should escape this Multi-Level Marketing brainwashing organization called Konoha! Link: https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/244227.html?fbclid=IwAR1ByATbRm_A47hOF6fyLTBEgKDbQAxE4ECqX3VyNxNy9eJ19xomi0uQ75A

Yuahiu · Tranh châm biếm
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60 Chs

My acting level is above yours

In the early morning, the sky was just bright.

"Did not find?"

"Sorry Professor Jiraiya, I didn't find it."

Minato, who followed Jiraiya into the River Country's southern valley, just shook his head slightly at Jiraiya's question.

"Damn, I didn't expect this mission to be like this."

Jiraiya punched the tree beside him with his fist and gritted his teeth bitterly.

He's not worried about Sakumo, because the mission information from Sakumo's side hasn't been tampered with, and the problem is that the other three have completely fallen into the root trap.

I don't know what the purpose of the root is.

Anyway, it was because of their own momentary mistakes that the three of them fell into this situation.

But who would have thought the Anbu would have root spies?

Jiraiya wanted to use this opportunity to fully verify the root.

Even the Hokage's direct subordinates, Anbu have spied this is no trivial matter.

The Anbu is responsible for classified tasks as well as the Hokage's safety, and there should be no accidents.

But thinking about the temperament of his teacher Hiruzen, who is very fond of his old friend, I fear that at most he only gives a verbal warning.

"Please don't do this Professor Jiraiya, maybe the three of them will make it back. All we can do is find them as soon as possible"

Minato comforted Jiraiya.

"I know, I'm just complaining. Then only the bottom of the cliff in front of me is left unsearched. I've been there with Tsunade and Orochimaru before, and the terrain there is a little tricky. Minato, be careful not to get too far away from me.


Minato nodded.

Although he believes in his strength, he still has a lot of immaturities compared to Jiraiya.

"I hope the three of you are fine, otherwise the Uchiha side..."

Jiraiya is not ignorant of the situation in Konoha. Today's Uchiha clan is Konoha's #1 family.

Jōnin level ninjas who have Sharingan with three tomoe are very troublesome. If they are united, they are a powerful force that can easily suppress all ninjas at the same level, and they have only been surpassed by the Senju clan.

Compared to the conservative and gentle Hyuga, Uchiha is mostly a bunch of rambunctious guys.

If you irritate them, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking about it, Jiraiya began to scold Danzo in his heart.

It was already morning, but the fog-shrouded in the deep valley was so thick that sunlight couldn't penetrate below, and bubbles spread out in the fog, with only a small halo spread.

In the dark cave, only a fire burned, dispelling the darkness and cold around.

On the stable floor of the cave, Ruri closed her eyes for the moment, her palms pressing her chest tightly, her face was very sore, she was panting and her breathing was very weak as if her life was in danger.

In her body, there is an extremely violent aura of power that has not been completely dissipated, which is the power called 'senjutsu'.

Ayane is worried.

This is the first time she has seen Ruri's weak appearance.

Her face was pale as the color of a corpse, and she was panting with pain and suffering, looking like she could die at any moment.

But considering the destructive power of the previous technique, it is natural that there are such sequels.

Though the power of this fire technique cannot be compared to the power of the tailed beasts seen before, it is a force that ordinary ninjas cannot resist.

Senjutsu? Ayane sighed inwardly.

In my heart, I couldn't help but admire Ruri's boldness, and I also felt ashamed.

In this case, one can imagine the difficulty of being able to merge natural energy and chakra.

But Ruri managed to do this, although very reluctantly, the use of senjutsu is also an unquestionable fact.

"It's complicated, I need surgery right away. Help me hold her."

Shiraishi took a scroll from the ninja kit, unlocked the above technique, and a medical kit appeared on the floor, which contained a full range of medicines and surgical tools.

Even with her superb medical ninjutsu, there is a certain risk, but in this situation, the longer time is delayed, the chances of her getting worse and dying are high.

Therefore, he can only take the risk of having this surgery as soon as possible.

"I see."

Ayane walked to Ruri's side, knelt, and sat down, pressing Ruri's body with both hands.

Shiraishi took a deep breath, and then, under Ayane's surprised eyes, rolled up Ruri's clothes, revealing her snow-white abdomen, and rolled it up to her chest before stopping.

Ayane suddenly blushed.

"Don't get distracted."

Shiraishi's calm voice came.


Ayane lowered her head, and her face turned even redder.

Shiraishi ignored Ayane's incoherent thoughts and placed her palm on Ruri's exposed abdomen.

Baishi closed his eyes and his face grew more and more solemn.

The chakra and natural energy in the body in his are very chaotic, especially the natural energy, which was originally in a smooth and stable state, but because of the sudden fusion of the chakra, the power of senjutsu ran rampant in the body.

To get Ruri out of a dangerous state, you can only extract natural energy from Ruri's body.

The problem, however, is that now that the natural energy and the chakra are mixed, the separation work becomes dangerous.

Because of the volatile power of this abrupt fusion, Shiraishi does not know how to resolve it, although Shiraishi theorized the ultimate form of this power, he did not practice it.

If it was just a matter of natural energy, Shiraishi could easily solve it.

Thinking about it, a cold sweat abnormally flowed from Shiraishi's face.

This is the only surgery that has not been able to determine the success rate.

Hopefully, your previous experimental data won't be too different.

Then again, the safest operation should be to extract the chakra from the body along with the natural energy. It is also the easiest and most effective operation to avoid danger.

The question is whether the chakra separation will cause the human body to die.

It would be embarrassing if the chakra from Ruri's body was extracted along with the natural energy, and even if the chakra was returned in the end, Ruri couldn't wake up.

If this assumption can be established, Ruri's current problem is easy to solve.

The fundamental reason why Ruri fell into this state was because of the fusion of natural energy and chakra in the body, causing the art to run wild in Ruri's body.

As long as the natural energy and chakra are completely removed, Ruri can naturally be freed from this danger.

But the operation to leave Chakra out of the body is risky.

Therefore, Shiraishi can only first separate natural energy and chakra, and then extract natural energy from the body.

To separate the natural energy from the body, you just need to use the careful extraction technique.

This kind of high-level medical ninjutsu can extract unfavorable factors from the human body, even avoiding surgery.

Therefore, Shiraishi only needs to break down the senjutsu into natural energy and chakra.

Shiraishi took a syringe from the medical kit.

Inject the medicine.

After injecting the medicine, Ruri's appearance was much better, but her breathing was still weak.

Seeing this, Shiraishi started the operation.

During the operation, Ruri struggled several times, but Ayane held her back.

This way, Shiraishi just needs to focus on the operation.

Painful grunts continued to come out of Ruri's mouth, and even with anesthesia, it was still an unbearable pain.

Time passed like that, and Ruri's situation improved.

Her face finally regained a little flush, and her breathing gradually calmed.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't completely separate the chakra from the natural energy, most of it was decomposed. Then he just needed to extract the natural energy.

When you get back to camp, with all your gear, you can eliminate the danger.

The green light began to linger on Shiraishi's palm, and he used the gentle extraction technique to extract the natural energy.

At this moment, the sound of people walking could be heard from outside the cave, causing Shiraishi and Ayane's expressions to change.

Ayane quickly opened her eyes with the chakra that was left in her body and looked at the situation outside.

"Who is it? Sand Shinobu?"

"No. It's the root ninjas."

Ayane's face was tense.

If it wasn't for the root ninjas, the three wouldn't be so miserable, falling into such a life-or-death situation.

"Will they have the last laugh?"

Shiraishi muttered.

The Sand Ninja's chasing troops were resolved by the three, but they didn't expect the ninjas at the root to always follow them.

"They must have kept their distance so you could see them with their Byakugan, they knew what the observation range of their eyes is. They know the information from our side."


"No, otherwise Anbu would have come to contact me a long time ago."

Shiraishi calmly analyzed.

According to Ruri's initial information, although the root is also a branch of the Anbu, the leader is not the Hokage himself, but another senior Konoha elder, Shimura Danzo.

What the other party's purpose was, Shiraishi still couldn't say.

Whether it was to hit Sakumo sensei or to hit all three, Shiraishi doesn't know.

"What should we do now?"

Ayane didn't know what to do. She had little chakra left, and she still didn't practice natural energy, so she couldn't provide much combat power.

"We'll meet them when we leave." Ruri is out of danger, so it doesn't matter if he stops the operation.

Shiraishi finished medical ninjutsu.

Ayane nodded and left the cave with Shiraishi.

As expected, four figures were outside. It was the root team that was in contact with all three at the beginning.

They wear masks of cold, uncomfortable colors, and their indifferent eyes are as relentless as machines.

They stood in a line and didn't move, just looking at Shiraishi indifferently.

As soon as one of them waved his hand and was about to attack, Shiraishi took a step forward.

He wasn't attacking the root ninja, but Ayane.

Pressing Ayane's face to the floor beneath her body, she twisted her hands behind her back.


Ayane got scared, she was exhausted and couldn't react, so she was arrested by Shiraishi.

Shiraishi said in a helpless tone, "Can't you see the situation now? I didn't expect you to be such a stupid woman. I don't want to die with you, I want to live well."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the four people at the root and said to the captain among them, "I am a medical ninja, the least threat to you, and the most useful. I don't want to die."

The captain was thinking.

As Shiraishi said, their threat is the lowest, and their roots desperately need medical ninjas to conduct forbidden human experiments.

As for Shiraishi cheating or not, there's no need to think about it. Once they get into their roots betrayal won't be an issue.

"I appreciate your self-awareness, so I'll give you a chance."

"Kill the woman under you."

"It's good."

Shiraishi didn't hesitate, although there was a fleeting struggle on her face, it was quickly replaced by the ghastly.

Picking up Kunai, he aimed for Ayane's neck and started stabbing him.

However, a shuriken flew in and knocked out the Kunai in Shiraishi's hand.

Shiraishi looked suspiciously at the four people at the root, and it was one of them who stopped his attack.

"Your determination is good, but it's not good to just kill the ninjas in your village."

The ninja captain spoke hypocritically.

After all, the Byakugan is an important doujutsu. Even though it's from the Hyuga clan branch, the living body is more useful than the dead body.

And there isn't much chakra in the opponent's body.

"Understood. I don't want to carry the notoriety of killing my comrades."

Captain Ninja was very pleased with Shiraishi's answer.

He firmly believed that Shiraishi will make a good medical ninja to root.

With this belief, it is easier to live.

The two root ninjas walked towards Shiraishi.

Shiraishi consciously stood aside and raised her hands empty, showing a very cooperative and submissive attitude without any threat.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person, thanks to me and Ruri trusting you so much."

A root ninja took a rope and tied Ayane's hands behind her back, and Ayane looked at Shiraishi with resentment.

"Compared to life, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all. This time is very bad. I'm not like you from a wealthy family. Everything can only be obtained by my efforts."

Shiraishi didn't want to argue.

Another root ninja also came up behind Shiraishi, and also took off the rope, and moved towards the gloves that Shiraishi lifted.


The root ninja, who was about to tie Shiraishi's hands behind his back, didn't notice anything. He only heard the sound of the blade cutting into his body, and the vision in front of him went dark.

In the last moment of consciousness, he seemed to see a headless body and hands holding ropes.

Is this my body and my hands?


He fell into that thought,


It was also too late to react, and the blade that came out of nowhere pierced the root ninja beside Ayane, mercilessly piercing her heart.

He pulled the blade from the root ninja's body, smeared with blood red.

At this moment, the rope that held Ayane's hands was also cut, and she regained her freedom.

Shiraishi held the bloodstained ninja and smiled gently at the only two root ninjas left:

"How is it, is my swordsmanship good? Although I can't compare to Sakumo-sensei's swordsmanship, I can still surprise you all."

"You brat!"



Your chakra must be almost exhausted!

And... how did a medical ninja get so fast?

Isn't he a medical ninja?

Not everyone can reach this level, even among jōnin.

Is this guy the most troublesome of the three? One can imagine the shock of the ninja's heart from the root.

But after the shock came anger.

The smile on Shiraishi's face remained the same, and no other emotional changes could be seen.

"I saw anger in your eyes. I heard that your roots are just machines to complete tasks... Do machines have feelings too? But please don't show that kind of look, because my anger is something you can't imagine. "