
Escape from Konoha(continued)

IS A TRANSLATION: Everything has to be studied to understand the meaning. Traveler Chiba Shiraishi picked up a book called "The Will of Fire" I opened it and saw that the things in it were nutritious and that the history of the village of Konoha was ageless, but the words 'will of fire' were written all over the crooked pages. Baishi couldn't sleep anyway and picked up the book "The Will of Fire" again. After reading it carefully in the middle of the night, he could see the words in the cracks, and the two words - Multilevel Marketing was written all over the book! With hesitation and fear in Shiraishi's heart, he decided that sooner or he should escape this Multi-Level Marketing brainwashing organization called Konoha! Link to Yuahiu's translation: https://www.webnovel.com/book/escape-from-konoha_21455236006554505 Link to qidian: https://book.qidian.com/info/1024843795/ Link to uukanshu: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/150012/ First 55 chapters have already been translated by Yuahiu, I plan on continuing from where it was dropped. This is probably my favorite Naruto fanfiction, I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.

FoolsDream · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

59: Reversal thanks to senjutsu

The Sand Hidden Camp, which was razed to the ground, is already in a mess.

  There are traces of the brutality of Shukaku's rampage everywhere, the entire forest has been turned barren, and it has long been impossible to see what the original camp looked like.

  In the air that was originally a camp and is now a wasteland, there is still the cold chakra of Shukaku, and the pressure has not disappeared from here.

  Where Shukaku stood before, there was now a ninja in a black coat.

  This person is the current leader of the Sandyin Ninja Village, and the most outstanding and powerful ninja in the Sandyin Ninja Village - Sandaime Kazekage.

  On the barren land, black sand and dust were scattered, and he looked at a unconscious monk lying on the ground next to him.

  The skin of the monk's body was burnt, but it regained its vitality at an abnormal speed.

  Even in the eyes of the third generation Kazekage, it is a very surprising scene.

  "It's a normal Jinchūriki, he's already dead... He's really a tough guy."

  He muttered to himself.

  Shukaku is a tailed beast that their Sandyin Ninja Village has had since ancient times.

  But because the power of the tailed beast is too great, for ordinary ninjas, let alone approaching, just looking at it from a distance will feel fear from the soul.

  Therefore, it is necessary to seal the tailed beast in the human body with the sealing technique, treat the human as a sacrifice, and seal the tailed beast's power, and use it when necessary.

  And this monk is Jinchūriki, the guardian of the cranes in their Shayin Village.

  "Master Kazekage!"

  A large group of sand ninjas rushed here, roughly, there were four or five hundred people, all of them were elite ninjas from the sand hidden village.

  One of the jonin came up and saw that Jinchūriki's condition was okay, with a look of relief on his face, and looked at the leader of the three generations of Kazekage with admiration and respect.

  Three generations of Kazekage nodded to these sand ninjas.

  "As expected of Lord Kazekage, Shukaku should settle down for a while now."

  As for the judgment of the name Jōnin, Sandaime Kazekage shook his head and said: "How can it be so easy, this guy is still unwilling to cooperate, if this guy is willing to cooperate, I will not use another way to stimulate Shukaku."

  Bunpuku is the monk's name.

  As a human pillar, he has a very good relationship with the tailed beast Shukaku, which is sealed in his body. Therefore, Shukaku has been sealed very stable all these years.

  But there are also problems.

  Sharing blessings and compassion, he is a person who does not like fighting.

  For this reason, in the past when the second-generation Kazekage Shamon ruled Shayin, in order to militarize the power of Shukaku, the second-generation Kazekage imprisoned Bunpuku, studied the strength of Shukaku in his body, and developed a series of magnetic Escape ninjutsu.

  Even so, Bunpuku did not succumb to the second generation of Kazekage.

  After the death of the second-generation Kazekage Shamon, his disciple, the third-generation Kazekage, succeeded to the throne, and naturally inherited the will of the previous generation of Kazekage, thinking about how to militarize the tailed beast.

  This time, it was an attempt. I wanted to use the power of the tail beast to hit Konoha by surprise and pass over the rich resources of the country of fire.

  However, the effect was not very good. Due to the lack of cooperation in the distribution of blessings, Shukaku's mood has been very unstable recently. If he hadn't sensed that there was a problem with the seal type, he would not have rushed here immediately to seal the runaway Shukaku back. Human Jinchūriki's body.

  "What's next, Master Kazekage?"

  The name Jonin asked.

  "Forget about Jinchūriki, there is always a way to get this stubborn guy like Bunpuku to cooperate. But what is the situation of Konoha Ninja here?"

  It didn't take much effort to suppress Shoukaku, after all, his ninjutsu was developed for this purpose.

  Compared with the exposure of Shukaku's position, the Konoha ninja suddenly attacked here, and Sandaime Kazekage believes that this is the key point.

  Dispatching the tailed beast to the battlefield must be done in secret, in order to defeat the Konoha ninja with lightning speed and invade the hinterland of the country of fire.

  "We don't know, that group of Konoha ninjas came to attack suddenly."

  Jonin's face was also a little ugly when he answered.

  The matter of the tailed beast should be the top priority, and there is no risk of leakage.

  "Re-examine the people here."

  Three generations of Kazekage issued such an order.


  Jonin nodded solemnly.

  At present, it is more likely that there are ghosts in the village.

  "By the way, how do those Konoha ninjas cook?"

  "Don't worry, those Konoha ninjas, when I came, have already split up a troop to hunt and kill, I believe there will be good news coming back soon."

  Sandaime Kazekage looked into the distance with calm eyes, full of confidence in Sand Shinobu, who was dispatched to hunt down Konoha ninjas.

  Jonin nodded and put the order of the monk who had collapsed on the ground on his shoulders.

  "Then, Kazekage-sama, I'll go down and relocate Jinchūriki ."

  "Go ahead, I will increase the guard strength appropriately, and this time there will be no more accidents."



  The country of rivers, the valley bottom of forest cliffs.


  Having stabbed Kunai into the enemy's chest, Shiraishi also took a deep breath, took a step back, and sat on the ground tiredly, clutching his blood-red flank.

  "These guys are really difficult to deal with... Wind Blade?"

  It is easy to leave such a deep wound on his body that has been strengthened by natural energy. The wind blade used by Sandyin elite ninjas is indeed an extremely sharp ninjutsu.

  Shiraishi frowned, a faint green light lingered on the palm of his hand covering his flank, and he began to heal the wound.

  Beside him, Ruri and Ayane were also sitting out of breath, their clothes were covered with dust, and they ate the ration pills to refill Chakra.

  Around them, a total of twenty-one Sand Shinobi fell in a pool of blood, and Kunai and Shuriken were scattered everywhere.

  Among them, there are three jonin, and the rest are all chunin.

  To annihilate this army here, Shiraishi and the others also paid a heavy price.

  Shiraishi healed the wound on his flank, touched the ninja bag, and the contents were almost emptied, leaving only two sealed scrolls and an experimental bottle for collecting Shukaku Chakra.

  "Are there any more food pills?"

  Using taijutsu will not consume chakra, but medical ninjutsu requires chakra, but there is no ration pill in his ninja kit.

  Even if it is made from local materials, it is necessary to take into account Sand Shinobi who does not know when the next attack will come.

  "No, it was the last one just now."

  Ayane replied apologetically.

  Ruri also shook her head. The main function of the Bingliang Pill is to fill the hunger, and the recovery of chakra is only used for emergencies.

  Even the special ration pills made by Shiraishi can restore only a limited amount of chakra.

  Shiraishi sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to prop up his body with difficulty, and walked towards the fallen sand ninjas to see what equipment could be used in their ninja kits.

  Luckily, he touched the first corpse, and in his ninja bag there were several undamaged kunai and two detonating charms.

  Shiraishi packed all of these into his ninja kit.

  Suddenly, a fallen Sand Ninja suddenly opened his eyes, with the sharp wind swirling around his hand, and swung the blade of wind towards Shiraishi's body.

  Shiraishi was taken aback, but he didn't expect that there was another one here who pretended to be dead.

  Without even thinking about it, I tilted my body, and a few strands of hair fell down.

  A cold sweat broke down on Shiraishi's face, and he rolled out in a state of embarrassment.

  That sand ninja was unforgiving, his whole body was stained with blood, and his face was as ferocious as an evil spirit, rushing towards Baishi.


  A fireball hits.

  The sand ninja was too late to defend, struggled and roared in the fire, and finally collapsed weakly, turning into a black charred corpse.

  Ruri took a deep breath and looked even more exhausted.

  The fireball just now had almost used up her last chakra.

  Continuing to consume Chakra is enough to kill.

  "Idiot, you can't even tell the difference between the dead and the living."

  "Feel sorry."

  Shiraishi got up from the ground in embarrassment and patted the dust on his clothes.

  After speaking, he continued to touch the corpse, but with the previous lessons learned, Shiraishi was a lot more careful when touching the corpse.

  Every time you touch a corpse, throw a kunai first, so that no one is still swindling the corpse.

  Fortunately, this worry is unnecessary, and only one of these sand ninjas has not died completely.

  In the end, Shiraishi got 40 or 50 kunai and shuriken combined, as well as 16 military ration pills, and about 10 detonating charms.

  He got it in front of Ruri and Ayane, who no longer wanted to move, and began to distribute the spoils.

  Ruri and Ayane were not polite either, mainly because they were too embarrassed this time.

  Shiraishi and Ayane took four of the sixteen ration pills each, and Ruri took half of them each because of the high consumption of ninjutsu.

  The three directly used up the Bingliang Pill's on the spot and replenished Chakra.

  After recovering, Shiraishi prepares to use healing techniques to treat the wounds of Ruri and Ayane.

  "No, these are all minor injuries, just endure it for a while."

  Ruri picked up the white bandage and skillfully wrapped the bleeding calf and arm around her brows even though the pain from the wound was deep.

  "Ruri is right. Our current situation is not completely safe. These injuries will not affect our combat effectiveness for the time being. There is no need to waste Chakra."

  Ayane nodded, and like Ruri wrapped the wound with a medical bandage, it was enough to stop the bleeding.

  "Okay then."

  Shiraishi didn't force it either.

  The icy cold wind was blowing between the valleys, blowing head-on, making the three of them tighten their collars and their bodies were a little cold.

  In order to slow down Sand Ninja's pursuit, the three circled the long road and entered the cliff bottom of the river valley in the Land of Rivers.

  The terrain here is complex, the environment is harsh, and it is covered by thick fog.

  Up close, it was a white fog, but the depths of the fog were pitch black, like a huge black hole hovering above everyone's heads.

  After resting for a while, the three finally regained some physical strength and began to look for an exit.

  There are rock walls with heavy moisture all around. The further you go, the darker the environment becomes. The deep valley is filled with cold and thick fog, which makes your skin cold.

  The three of them walked forward with their heads sullen, without saying a word.

  The main reason is that I don't want to waste unnecessary energy. At this time, it is good to be able to retain a little more physical strength.

  Ayane opened her eyes with the help of the chakra recovered by Bingliang pills.

  In this dark environment, there are actually very few things visible, but according to the meridian system of chakra flowing, it can be determined whether there are people in ambush around.

  "Someone is here. It should be Sand Shinobi."

  Ayane stopped and said something.

  Shiraishi and Ruri just sighed lightly and said nothing.

  "How many?"

  After a while of silence, Ruri spoke.


  "I have a way to get rid of them in one go, Ayane, find a narrow intersection for me. Destroy them here."

  Ruri's words surprised Shiraishi and Ayane.

  But seeing the confident color on Ruri's face, Ayane chose to believe that she had this ability.

  "I know."

  Sand Ninja still has some distance to reach here, and within this time, it is enough for them to find a place with a narrow intersection.

  Although I don't know what Ruri's specific method is, as the core combat power of the three, Ruri will not be the kind of person who exaggerates the sea mouth.

  Soon, Ayane found a place with a narrow intersection. There were only two roads, front and rear, for walking. On both sides, there were tall and rugged rock walls that blocked the retreat.

  "Is it right here?"

  "Enough, how long will it take for them to arrive?"

  Ruri's face was dignified, as if she had made up her mind.

  "At this rate, there are still two minutes."

  "Remind me at the last ten seconds."

  Ayane nodded in agreement.

  Shiraishi frowned. Although he believed in Ruri's strength, he had never heard of Ruri practicing more powerful ninjutsu, and he had not disclosed any information before.

  Therefore, Shiraishi's solution to Ruri's one breath is an elite Sand Shinobi's method, and he is skeptical.

  But now I can only hope that Ruri's method can work.

  Time passed by, and Ruri stood at the front.

  Facing the storm, that stern figure that stood still like a flower on the mountain was more admirable than anything else.


  Ayane spoke, and the last ten seconds came.

  Ruri was not polite, and started to seal, which is a very standard fire escape technique.

  She gathered all the chakra and natural energy in the mouth, and forced fusion without safety tests.

  Then, Ruri felt a very terrifying energy flooding her whole body.

  This powerful feeling is something Ruri has never felt before.

  As she thought, although the experiment of guiding natural energy was completed by Shiraishi, Ruri believed that she had already surpassed Shiraishi, the experimental developer, in the use of this energy.

  It is precisely because of this that she has the confidence to combine the remaining chakra with natural energy without a safe experiment to form a power-multiplying magic chakra.

  "Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

  "Wait, Liu-"

  Shiraishi found the problem.

  With Ruri's current Chakra, it is simply not enough to launch a raging fire to extinguish the fire's large-scale fire escape attack.

  If the supply of chakra is insufficient, it will not only reduce the power of the spell, but may also backfire on the practitioner himself.

  However, when the sea of ​​​​fire appeared, Shiraishi's voice was already covered.

  And even if she heard it, Ruri did not intend to act according to Shiraishi's method.

  She is not good at methodology and experimentation, but in terms of combat, she will not obey anyone.

  The torrent of flames surging like a tsunami in the depths of the valley, in the form of a beast that devoured everything, the area that was originally covered with cold air immediately gave people the illusion of being in a hot hell.

  Before the group of sand ninjas could meet the enemy, they were stunned, and their consciousness fell into a blank.

  Can't hide.

  Can't resist.

  The darkness is burning.

  The air here becomes warped, a terrifying picture of the heat.

  Time and space fell into a dead silence, only the surging sound of the sea of ​​​​fire and tongues of fire could be heard.

  The high temperature that made the skin dry and cracked was still sublimating, and the sea of ​​​​fire continued to grow in the narrow space, devouring all living things in front of it.

  Standing beside Ruri, Shiraishi and Ayane couldn't help but take a breath, only to find that their throats seemed to be filled with hot boiling water, becoming depressed and painful.

  The rock walls washed by the sea of ​​fire turned into red flame spar, glowing brightly.

  In the front, the eleven sand ninjas who had no road surface were all gone, and even the body could not be found, and they were cremated into the air and disappeared.