
ES5: Skyrim - Sam Shepherd

Sam was reading another Skyrim fanfic, and personally, Dragonborn Saga was his absolute favorite. The Main Character's name was Jonhild Firemane, and there was a ton of twists that made him want to do his own adventure. He always wanted to go on an adventure of his own someday, and as he thought about that, he decided to start up his Xbox One S, heading straight to Skyrim as he did so. He knows there's not that many mods he can use on there, but it's all he had, as he doesn't know how to play computer or VR version, mainly because he never owned the systems, but something was strange. The screen remained black. (I do not own Skyrim. I do not own Dragonborn Saga, which is owned by El_Don. I got the idea to do my own try at this, and I promise I won't try and copy anything, but there's a lot of the same adventures I'll need to go through to make this one a solid book to be on its own weight. Please support El_Don's story, and El_Don, you may contact me if you don't want me to write a story with your story mentioned, though I'm American and only 18, so I don't know what I'll be able to do)

SpedaHooves · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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6 Chs

Ch. 4 - Riverwood [2]

Sam collected many things that were not part of the beginning of the game, as he went about the Torture room. He found a Jade Dragon statue, which told him that his mods were in place. However, he saw all the 'cheat' like items have been removed, such as the Odin Rings, and True Dragonborn armour.

After collecting the Jade Dragon, he grimaced, as a sense of dizziness happened. He staggered slightly, but held on to the wall as something poured within Sam, which was not part of that mod at all.

[Item: Jade Dragon Classification: Unique Item]

[Bonus Received: Flames of the Jade Dragon - Veosa]

[Info of FotJDV: Once a day, breath a bout of Greek Fire, which deals intense heat damage, burn damage, and continuous damage until you wish to distinguish those flames]

While he did not have a system, a system like message relayed in his mind, as the knowledge received went through his mind. This Dragon Statue was called Veosa.

But, that was not the end of the surprises, as The little Jade Dragon came to life so to speak, looking directly at him, then chirping in what he would assume to be a baby dragon's call.

"What?! Wait, hold on... this reminds me of a series I loved as a kid, where there were stone dragons based on real people, and even real dragons themselves, but... you aren't Stone. And who is called Veosa out in the world, anyways...?", He asked, but the Jade Dragon only tilted it's head, which he sighed, and gently put it in his duffle bag.

"Hey, what's the holdup, Sam? We were about to carry on without you.", Hadvar said, chuckling. He looked around the almost barren room, when he himself saw something. "Oh, here, you missed something.", he didn't even glance at what it was.

It was a book bag. Within it, was two books, a book of multiple different ways to heal, each more effective, and taxing, as the book went further. And then one with a cover not of Skyrim Origin, making Sam look back towards the Jade Dragon statue at the top of his duffel bag, barely peeking out. How convenient, he thought.

   "Well, Emmett, seems you are in luck, we can get you healed up way faster than I expected. But for now, let's get going.", Sam said, hanging the book bag around his waist like a belt. Emmett looked a little relieved, while the rest sighed, smiles all around. With healing spells on hand, they wouldn't need to worry too much about small or big wounds, that is if a limb wasn't severed of course, or if the injury wasn't fatal.

   Marching on, after another looting round through the cells, they made it to the big chamber room. Inside were three Imperials, and two Stormcloaks. They, unfortunately, were all on the brink of death, something even Sam could not help them from, health potion, or healing spells be damned.

   "Damn... you both..... to Oblivion... Guh..", Muttered one of the Imperials for the last time, while the Stormcloaks huffed in defeat, bleeding out from their wounds. They turned to one another, before sharing a farewell kiss.

   "We go to Sovngarde, my love. Farewell.", Said the male. The female smiled, before plunging her knife into her gut. The male, did so in kind,  before they died in each other's arms. Sam and his group watched what happened in silence, before bowing their heads to the fallen.

   "Alright, let's keep going, guys. We can save mourning for later, if you knew them. I'm sorry.", Sam said, before marching forward once again. Hadvar, Emmett, Sylvia, and Cronk nodded, following behind him, while the apprentice stayed behind. He, in fact, did know the three Imperials, and he didn't want to leave them to be food for skeevers.

After they passed an archway, there was a loud noise behind them, causing them to stop.

A giant boulder crashed, destroying the bridge that connected them to and from the Helgen Dungeons. Marveling at the damage, they stood there, however, Sam went ahead, finding the secondary tunnel that led back through there, under said bridge.

He found a pickaxe, and a wall of iron ore. He would be leaving it for now though, since he could come back later when he had more room.

His main focus was further ahead. Walking some more, he passed more and more walls of iron ore, and pickaxes, until he reached the archway. inside was a fur and leather mat, a chest, and two books.

"Hahaha.... I'll save this for later I suppose.", he said to himself, pocketing the books, with a picture of a busty looking Argonian, with a maid outfit on the first, and one showing some panties pulled to the side. A guilty pleasure of anyone who plays the game, at least those he knew himself.

Finally, he brought out his lockpicks, and began fiddling with the lock to the chest. Six broken lockpicks, and four minutes later, the chest was open, revealing twenty new shiny lockpicks, a book of beginner-to-advanced lightning magic, a soft cape with a cat emblem, and a steel dagger.

Pocketing everything, he want back to the group, who looked more relaxed at seeing him again.

"Alright, let's get going, people. We have to warn everyone of the new danger. Cronk, Sylvia, and Hadvar, you surround Emmet to protect him, I have a feeling we'll run into some trouble. I'll scout ahead, you all follow behind me.", Sam stated, and they all nodded in understanding.

Walking ahead, and down the first hallway, after looting the gold, he found the room with the frostbite spiders. And boy, the game does not do this thing justice... He is completely and totally terrified of spiders, an arachnophobe to those of Earth, and right now, there was maybe thirty Frostbite Spiders roaming in the room, not even counting the potential numbers from the roof, or the eggs.

Shivering, Sam shook his head. He glanced around the room once more, eyes widening when he saw a familiar figure wrapped in webs, next to a dry husk of another, struggling.

Ralof's eyes were full of panic, since his pair of axes were wrapped in webbing several feet away from him, and the spiders looked hungry.

Sam was not going to let his favorite out of the two to die so horrifically, so finally, he charged in, steel sword and dagger raised and swinging.

"Get away from him, you bastards!", he yelled. He killed one, kicked another in the face, then backflipped over another as it lunged for him. Barely hearing the shouts of his new comrades fighting the behemoths behind him, he kept sliding, dodging, and running, determined to get to Ralof.

Shrieks of rage and cries of pain came from the spiders, that Sam didn't notice one behind him until it was too late. The arachnid munched into the right side, injecting him with a powerful dose of poison. Sam yelled in pain and fear, before managing to rip the spiders head off with his bare hands, his weapons falling to his sides.

Sam was just a hairs length away from Ralof, when the poison became too much for him to bear. He fainted on the spot, still surrounded by the spiders.