
Error Code 13

yoongi_is_my_cat · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

"What's going on!?"

Light. I can finally see. I open my eyes slowly. They hurt, but I'm glad I can see. My vision blurred for a moment or two, but the second they adjust to the abnormal amount of light, I scanned the area.

There are set of black cabinets behind me. The room it self is pure white. There are 2 beds here. I'm lying on one of them. My body is really stiff like a tree that had been growing for thousands of years. I can't seem to move. I have a oxygen mask on my face. There is a table besides me that had 2 injections on top.

'wait if im laying on one of them. Whose bed is that one.' i thought to myself. 'why am i even alive right now!?'

I heard someone walking towards my door so i closed my eyes hoping they would just pass it off as if I'm still unconscious.

I can hear the conversation between the two people infront of my door.

"boss says we have to take the wounded one back to her station." said the first male.

"ugh. fine. I'll go back to get her. You stay here and check on the other patient." the second male groaned. He stomped all the way to get the other girl.

The first walked into the room. He walked towards the bed. I can hear the footsteps come closer and closer.

"hmm...This one is still unconscious, so i guess i can inject her now. I'll have to wait for the other one's wound to heal. " He inspected, picking up the needle besides him.

"Okay this won't hurt at all as long as you don't suddenly die, you'll be fine." he muttered to himself.

He rolled up my sleeve and injected the substance straight into my arm as a result my eyes shot wide open.

"fuck the patient was awake." he groaned. "now i have to deal with this."

i took off the oxygen mask.

"who are you and what on earth did you just inject me with!?" i asked perplexed.

"I don't have to answer you, freak." he replied.

'the effects should start working now. i wonder what power her mind will control.'

"you just gave me powers."

"no i didn't." he replied

'this girl is fool' he thought.

"im not a fool." i shouted.

"did you just read my mind!?" he shouted back confused. "you know what! Just shut the fuck up and lay there. Don't make a sound or I'll knock you unconscious again." he threatened.

i did what he said cause i didn't want to be unconscious again. I can't trust him. I'll be okay.

The second man burst through the door. I watched him carry the girl and then placed her on the bed.

"this one woke up. what should we do!?" he panicked.

"calm down Alex you'll be fine. " he said trying to calm him down.

"But Eli-" he was cut off by Eli as Eli covered Alex's face with his hand.

"I'm injecting the other one." Eli says picking up the other injection. He takes his hand off Alex.

He injected her arm. Her eyes shot wide open just like mine. She got off her bed and grabbed my hand.


The ground beneath us dissolved and we were falling through a hole. I held onto her hand tightly. I smiled as i watched how determined she was. Her wound seemed to have healed at an alarming speed.

"Quick think somewhere you'd want to land." She instructed.

"MY HOUSE." I instantly replied.

"okay hold on!" she said holding my hand tightly.