
Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Finding a strange orb, Jayden finds himself turning into a vampire. Strange quests start to appear in front of him, sending him to different worlds. He finds himself playing different roles in different worlds, as he gets stronger and gets the most beautiful women from each world. " So, you want to save your son, impossible. The treason he committed can't be forgiven. " " Please, *sob*" I'm begging you. I'll do anything if you spare him. " Jayden looks at the breath-taking beauty kneeling in front of him, as a sly smile appears on his face. " Anything, you say. Then..." ****** Using his mind control abilities, Jayden will become the richest, strongest vampire, and have lots of beautiful women in his harem. ________________________ -No NTR, But MC will steal other's women. -Might be a bit slow at the beginning. -No Yuri Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/wckUrBNVUd Extra chapters after 30 golden tickets and gifts

Jin_moon · Kỳ huyễn
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699 Chs


The smile remained on her face for several seconds but when nothing happened even after so long an expression of confusion appeared on her face, she tried again yet nothing changed Hecate was just looking back at Veena wondering what she intended to do.

' Why is not it working? ' Veena thought while she kept trying to activate the trap, she had planned to use this trap to destroy all of Hecate's protective barrier and even injure her to a greater extent with an extremely powerful explosion she had worked quite hard to set it all up.


All this time the sound of Jayden tapping his feet kept ringing, and Veena was getting annoyed by it she looked at him and spoke: " Stop doing that, it's annoying."

But Jayden continued and stopped only when all of the light spots had disappeared from the ground, he looked around and did not find anything else like that, and then he looked at Veena who was obviously very angry and annoyed.