
69: Night Terrors: Part 2

Naruto watched as sections of the village burned, but his attention was focused on the massive tree jutting out through the roof of the Hokage Mansion. It also by chance happened to be where most of the chaos engulfing the village happened to be originating from. Not that Naruto was completely mindful of it as he was also feeling a great deal of concern for Tsunade. He was blaming himself for not saving her, but he wasn't the only one as he heard behind him.

"This is all my fault. If not for me, then Tsunade wouldn't be in danger right now."

Despite having been echoing the sentiment in his head except directed at himself, Naruto turned towards the sitting Shiho and gave her a reassuring smile said, "This isn't on you."

She looked up from her lap and he could see the tears running down her cheeks which originated from behind her thick glasses, "But if you hadn't needed to rescue me from Yur..."

As she spoke Naruto crouched before her placing a reassuring hand on her knee as due to the number of people around he was mindful of making a more overt gesture. He cut off her complaint stating, "Shiho, don't blame yourself. The person behind this is to blame, and no one but her. Tsunade is the Hokage, and could take care of herself in most situations. She would have been annoyed if I had abandoned you in favor of aiding her."

Shiho did smile softly, but it faded as she said in a soft whisper, "But I shouldn't need you to rescue me either."

Naruto wasn't sure what to say that would help so stated, "We might all need rescuing before the night is out. Don't forget Yurika took a Rasengan to the chest and was healed moments later. I might have underpowered it, but she shouldn't have been able to bounce back so quickly. Something must have been done to her."

Shiho nodded recalling how her friend Yurika had suddenly attacked those of the Cryptanalysis Team. She had perhaps been one of the more accomplished kunoichi of the group having actually been on several A-ranked missions unlike most of them, like her, who had taken desk jobs after making Chunin. Yet still, Shiho found it hard to believe how easily she had decimated her fellow Cryptanalysis members, until Naruto had appeared sensing the danger she had been in. Even Naruto had struggled as Yurika had seemed to shrug off most of the taijutsu blows that he had landed. He had finally resorted to using an underpowered rasengan when she had caught him by the throat which had forced her to let go and sent her flying. She had smashed into and over a desk, but even as Naruto had been rubbing his throat, Yurika had leapt over it with her shirt ripped to shreds and the swirl patterned wound already closing up. Naruto had then opted to teleport both Shiho and himself away rather than continue to struggle against the strangely resilient woman. Furthermore, he hadn't wanted to have to resort to using more powerful jutsu until he knew what the situation was as it also appeared the entire Aburame Clan was turning against Konoha as well.

A fact highlighted as a Chunin named Sukima, who had been among the test participants when Naruto had taken his Chunin exam, and was one of the Shinobi gathered at the temporary staging area stated to a group of like-minded Shinobi, "I always knew there was something off about the Aburame, but to think they would all turn traitor like the Uchiha."

Unfortunately Kiba heard the comment and rounded on the man stating, "What did you say you mother-fucker?"

Naruto quickly moved to block Kiba's path saying, "Let it go, Kiba."

"Fuck that," Kiba said angrily, "I'm not going to let some asshole spread that kind of hateful shit about a teammate of mine. You were there...the Aburame are being controlled somehow."

Naruto nodded as he, Kiba, and Komachi had been in the Aburame district which although not one of the most populated by regular citizens as people did tend to give the clan a wide berth. It was partially due to the district appearing to be one of the least developed, but was mainly to provide a good breeding ground for insects. Naturally, as the creatures that most people considered pests were almost revered by the Clan most people stayed away. As a result, the Aburame were one of the more isolated clans which as with the Uchiha did lead some people to question what they were up too.

But, despite the lack of foot traffic in the Aburame district, it had appeared almost eerily empty as they had walked through it. At least until Naruto had felt a sense of alarm from Tsunade, but before he could investigate members of the clan had begun to appear from their homes at the same time like they were being called somewhere. Those members closet to them had attacked without warning, while the rest moved into the village. They had retreated rather than fight, but Naruto had left calling for help to Kiba and Komachi as he had sensed Shiho's predicament so had gone to rescue her. A choice he would have made again even though he was worried about Tsunade. He didn't regret not leaving to help as soon as he had felt her distress as he knew she would view it as an insult of her abilities. Not to mention, he was confident in those abilities himself. But, he would admit that although he was calmed by the fact that he could still sense her, and thus knew that she was alive. He was terrified at the idea that the next time he saw her; he might have to face her like he had Yurika. Not to mention, it didn't take someone with Shikamaru's intellect to recognize the possibility that whatever had attacked Kurenai may have attacked the other women helping the Aburame secure the Hokage district.

As such, despite the sick feeling in his stomach that he had helped one lover, while letting his confidence in another be a possible cause in her capture, he knew at the moment they needed to focus on their duty. A fact he reminded Kiba of stating, "Right now isn't the time for debating the issue. Our first priority is getting the civilians to the shelters. Then we can focus on retaking the Hokage district and getting to the bottom of what is going on." Naruto turned to Sukima putting him on notice as well as he said, "Now isn't the time for idle speculation either. Unless, you are accusing the non-clan women having been spotted among the Aburame's ranks of being traitors too."

Sukima paused for a moment, but not liking being talked down to by a genin, even one as accomplished as Naruto, countered, "Maybe they bred some insects that are allowing them to control those women. But the fact that the entire clan has turned against us is all the proof I..."

"Your stupidity is all the proof I need that you should remain silent," Kakashi cut in harshly turning from the banks of radios that were feeding him reports about the civilian evacuations process. "Let me just take a moment to remind you that you are addressing a person that knows first-hand how people's false perceptions can impact how people justifying discriminating against other individuals of the village. Not to mention, that doesn't explain the tree that just sprouted out of the Hokage mansion. There are a ton of questions that we need answers to, but we don't need useless theories being spouted by a chunin with an axe to grind against the Aburame. Lest we all forget how it was Shino Aburame that bested you to earn his Chunin title during your second run-through of the exam. Right now I'm operating under the impression that all those arrayed against us are victims and being controlled somehow. I suggest until such a time that you have evidence to back up your thoughts on the matter; you spend the time before our counterattack in quiet contemplation. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir," Sukima said with the proper amount of decorum although Kakashi doubted it would be the last time the Chunin would present his theories to others. But perhaps would do so quieter in the future and away from less receptive ears.

However, his attention was pulled away as Gai's distinctive voice said, "Kakashi."

Picking up the mike to broadcast to his fellow Jounin he said, "I read you."

"My team's reconnaissance of the Hokage district is complete," Gai reported. "We've located Lady Tsunade, she is currently unconscious and being held captive towards the top of the tree that appeared. There is also a nude woman sitting before her."

"Can you see this personally, or is that what Neji is reporting?" Kakashi asked.

"Neji," Gai answered.

"Put him on."

"Neji here."

"Tell me more about the tree," Kakashi requested, "You say Lady Tsunade is a part of it. Is it draining her chakra?"

"Yes," Neji replied, "Although truthfully it seems to simply be keeping it from being recouped. I believe the Aburame Clan was responsible for her initial defeat. Some of the civilians we have run across claim members of the Aburame had surrounded the building moments after Shibi and Shino entered. They then attacked in mass sending their insects into it."

Gai came on the line a moment later stating, "Kakashi, speaking of civilians we have come across a large pocket of them that took refuge in a building near the Hokage mansion. We are unable to extract them, but..."

"Sir," a voice shouted behind Kakashi, "It looks like they are mounting another assault on our position."

Kakashi looked out the window of the Jounin station that was serving as the command center. He saw a large mass of insects flying towards them as if aiming for the window. But before they could smash into it, the barrier surrounding the building being generated by the ANBU crackled to life as they hit it. The result was like a bug zapper that was positioned before a swarm of insects. He noticed the barrier begin to weaken, but before it did the remaining insects retreated. Kakashi looked down towards the ground from his second floor vantage point as he watched the ANBU that had been powering the jutsu switch out with relatively fresh members. Still he knew it was only a matter of time before the jutsu would fail.

"Kakashi is everything alright?" Gai asked concerned as the silence lingered.

"For the moment," the Jounin replied calmly, "You were stating something about a group of civilians."

"Yes," Gai said before explaining, "They are in a building that the Aburame feel is too close to the perimeter they have established around the Hokage mansion. They will not let us rescue them, but for the moment they seem to be leaving them alone. But, I can't believe that will be the case should they begin moving out. Lee managed to get in close and plant a Hiraishin kunai."

"Say no more," Kakashi said turning towards Naruto and nodded. The Blond disappeared in a red flash before he could turn back to report that he was on his way. As he turned to tell Gai as much he noticed that Shikamaru who had assumed his thinking position of kneeling with his hands held in an oval had opened his eyes to stare out the window. Temari was also watching out it in interest. He wondered what they were searching for, but knew they would tell him when confident in what hypothesis they were formulating. "Gai, Naruto should already be there. Pull back to our position so we can go over your intel."

"Roger Kakashi," his rival stated.

Before the radio shut down though Neji's voice came through as he added with a sense of urgency, "There is something else about the tree that I find odd, Kakashi."

"Go on."

"The tree might be draining Tsunade's chakra, but it is taking in a large amount from the surrounding area. Plants in the district are dying. I suspect it is doing so to feed the buds that are growing from the branches. There is also a massive one forming at the top of the tree. I believe that those buds are what the Aburame are protecting. I don't think we want to let them mature."

"I understand, pull back for now. We'll formulate a plan of attack based on the information you have gathered."

The line clicked signaling Gai's team signed off. Despite feeling like letting loose a string of curses at there now being a time element to the situation he kept his composer. It proved harder for Kakashi as Temari stated, "The Aburame are targeting Naruto as well."

Before he could ask why she suspected as much, Shikamaru stood stating, "I agree."

He didn't need to prompt them as Temari explained, "The assaults on this command post only happen when Naruto is here. He's been called away several times to help extract trapped civilians or shinobi caught behind the Aburame perimeter. Whenever he moves the swarm of insects move to his location. Thus far, he's pulled off those extractions in relatively short order preventing them from reaching him. But it's likely he's been marked by a female beetle."

"Okay, but the question is why single him out?"

"I believe it is because this attack is a personal one in nature. It is being directed at Lady Tsunade," Shikamaru stated. He elaborated as he added, "Taking out the Hokage first was a wise move, but it now seems more like it was so she could bear witness to what is to come." He directed a concerned look towards his deceased sensei's wife before stating, "The attack on Kurenai-sensei might be connected to the women that we suspect are now being controlled. The culprit is likely that woman near Tsunade, so the question is why simply put her on display? Why not establish similar controls over her?"

"How do you know that she hasn't?" Kakashi asked concerned the village leader had endured a violation similar to the one that Kurenai had barely avoided. Not to mention how his student would react should his lover have been violated in such a way.

He breathed a bit easier as Temari stated, "If she had, then they wouldn't be continuing to drain her chakra. I believe, and think Shikamaru will concur that this woman wants Tsunade cognizant of what is happening. The Aburame and other women seem more like drones then active participants. Otherwise, they might be more active in their attempts to get their hands on Naruto. Currently they are merely reacting to what the Female on him is telling them. But if they were more aware they might be more proactive and try to trap him using the civilians he is rescuing and transporting to the shelter. The one attack there was at the same time Naruto was present. Luckily, Kushina was present and erected a barrier using her chakra chains as the ANBU had been unprepared. Despite her chains being a poor barrier as the insects began to feed on them. Rather than continue the attack they pulled back as Naruto went to summon reinforcements."

"Okay, then how do we go about using that?" Kakashi asked trusting the two to come up with a plan.

"It would help if we could learn more about this woman calling the shots," Temari stated.

A red flash appeared revealing Naruto along with Yuugao and to Kakashi's surprise Fuka. Having left the woman's involvement in the incident in Vegetable out of his report, he doubted those outside Naruto's group of lovers would have any knowledge of her. But he was surprised that Yuugao would be with the woman considering her involvement with his student and the reaction she had in the aftermath of learning he had been targeted. Addressing the ANBU with a light tone in order to deflate some of the tension he had been feeling he asked, "And just where have you been?"

"Hopefully getting answers to the mess we find ourselves in," the ANBU captain replied. Aware that she needed to explain Fuka's presence she said, "This woman is a consultant I was relying on to help with my investigation into the string of murders. We believe she is also the one behind this attack." Turning to her lover she said, "Naruto, I left a kunai behind. There you'll find a woman that is being controlled as you explained some of the others encountered have been. She should be bound, but be careful and bring her back here so our medics can see what has been done to her."

"Right," Naruto said disappearing in a red flash. A moment later he reappeared holding the bound ANBU Bat that was struggling against her bonds. He hurried off to bring her to Sakura and Shizune that were on the first floor as they established a make shift medical area as the Hospital was in the Hokage district and had been a place where heavy fighting had taken place to evacuate the citizens to the shelters.

Kakashi watched his student leave before asking, "Alright, fill me in."

Yuugao nodded stating, "I'm under the impression the woman behind this is Furofuki. She was a researcher in medical techniques centering on flowers called the Jofuku. She also had involvement in a project during the last war where Konoha tried to create an artificial and non-toxic version of the Hero's Water of Waterfall Village. Tsunade suspected that Furofuki may have had a hand in the disappearance of the lone success that was created from that Project."

Kakashi nodded aware that Rin had also been used as a scapegoat for its disappearance so that he and Minato would cover it up. He felt his blood begin to boil as he thought about the years of torment that his teammate had been put through because their caring for her reputation had been manipulated. "If I'm not mistaken though she was killed when she accidentally activated spores that spawned Zetsu clones as she analyzed a corpse liberated from the Akatsuki Hideout in the Mountain Graveyard."

"Or we were led to believe so," Yuugao said cautiously as they were venturing into dangerous territory. The knowledge that the White Zetsu could also take on the appearances of people wasn't known outside of members of the Family and its allies at present. Mainly as that knowledge had come from learning the truth about Rin's fate, but also because they didn't want that knowledge to reach Tobi. Kakashi was confident that it was a feature of the Zetsu that would come into play at some point so in the meantime they were planning ways to counteract it. Yuugao's thoughts ran counter to where his were heading as she stated, "But, it wouldn't be difficult for a medical-nin like Furofuki to get her hands on a corpse and insure it could only be identified by DNA testing. Which if she is behind this attack, would imply that she has extensive knowledge in genetics as I believe that her own has been modified."

"What makes you think that?"

Fuka to perhaps lend credence to her helping Yuugao as an advisor said, "Captain Uzuki as she investigated the incident that she suspects was staged to throw us off the trail discovered a cave that housed oversized Jofuku flowers. Naturally considering the dangerous properties of the normal flowers she opted to seal the cave off. That was what we were investigating when the attack here began. The male members of the squad were killed in a similar manner as the serial murders here, while we can only assume the female member was assaulted and turned somehow."

"I would say we are past assuming," Shizune said entering the conversation. "Bat was definitely attacked in the same manner as Kurenai. I found trace amounts of the substance that those tentacles which Naruto severed had tried to pump her full of."

"Can you tell us how she is being controlled?" Kakashi asked, "Is there a way to break it?"

"I cannot be certain at the moment," Shizune stated, "I suspect that there was a second stage to the attack that resulted in establishing her control over her victims. I suspect that another substance was injected into her womb during the assault that entered her blood stream through either the uterine or ovarian artery. There it was distributed throughout her body likely reaching the brain at some point. The first stage of the attack is likely in order to get her ready and receptive for the second so that the substance is carried through the body quicker. A quick chakra scan has shown unusual activity in her brain not unlike those under the sway of the Yamanaka clan."

"Is there a way to terminate it?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm not sure. Sakura is currently performing a more in-depth scan similar to an MRI, but it will take time without an actual machine."

Naruto, who had come back up with Shizune suggested, "I left several Kunai in the hospital that I can teleport a team to so we can scan her. With it being abandoned now I doubt any Aburame or other victims might be there."

"No," Temari said quickly, "We believe you may be a target of this attack as well. It's important that you do not teleport to any locations that might lead the Aburame to attack you away from here."

Kakashi noticed his student look confused before it dawned on him that Temari was warning him not to teleport to locations that his Family might not want uncovered, such as the Den, or his connection to Kiyomi's mansion. He then reacted as expected upon realizing that there was a female beetle likely crawling over him. By that he quickly began stripping out of his clothes. Kakashi noticed a few of the females present, even those not attached to his student begin to perk up as Naruto seemed to forget he wasn't alone in his effort to divest himself of the female Kikaichu beetle.

He stopped though as Shikamaru said, "Naruto, don't try to remove it. It may come in handy to pull Aburame away from the Hokage."

Naruto frowned obviously not liking the idea, but nodded so began pulling his clothes back on. Kurenai spoke up asking, "What I don't understand is if the entire point was to capture Tsunade. Why target Naruto as well?"

Kakashi noticed that Naruto's lovers were concerned the topic was too close to one that they felt could bring their connections to the blond man to light. He felt a note of concern as he noticed that Shikamaru also quickly seemed to scan the room. To his surprise the Nara didn't seem to need the shared concern to focus on women tied to Naruto. Kakashi's concern abated as the Nara postulated, "I believe it is because of Naruto's role in bringing Tsunade back to the village. By putting Lady Tsunade in a position to look out on the village as she tries to destroy it, Furofuki likely wants to break the Hokage's will. As the one many feel is primarily responsible for bringing her back, Furofuki is likely hoping to return her to the state she had been in before. Killing or enslaving Naruto is likely a step to doing just that."

"Okay," Kurenai said finding little fault in her deceased husband's prize pupil's logic. But she added, "But how can we be sure it is Furofuki? Chances are it might be an experiment that Orochimaru left behind or one of her own run amok."

Shikamaru shook his head explaining, "I don't think so. This has all the hallmarks of a plan that has been worked on for years, if not longer. The one question I have is why does it seem that although she can control women from outside the Aburame clan, her ability affects members of both sexes in it?"

Shizune's eyes grew wide as she realized, "She's using the kikaichū and other insects they store in their bodies the same way she is using the substance that she injected into Bat's body."

"That makes sense," Temari said calling on research she had helped Kankuro with after his defeat by Shino. "If I'm not mistaken the Aburame clan's insects have short life cycles. They breed at an amazing rate to help grow stronger and stronger colonies. There were rumors in Suna this even gave them the ability to grow immune to certain jutsu effects."

"That's true," Shizune confirmed, "The insects also aren't particular to one host. This is to help spread these genetic benefits to other colonies as well. It's likely that she has taken advantage of this, and targeted members of the clan to introduce or subdue the insects inside them. The compromised insects then passed their traits onto the others in the hive."

"We can confirm that Shino Aburame was approached by a woman we believe was a disguised Furofuki," Komachi stated, "Naruto, Kiba, and myself were in the process of looking for him when the Aburame began to attack the village and Hokage. I do find it difficult to believe though that she would have approached him if the insects had already been thoroughly spread throughout the clan."

"Then he may be patient zero," Shizune stated feeling her hopes being buoyed as she hadn't mentioned it, but if all the insects were tainted, and none remained that could replace them. Members of the Aburame clan would die if they were all removed. With that thought in mind she stated, "It is imperative that we get our hands on an Aburame, preferably Shino as he might be the most corrupted. Furthermore, we should dedicate efforts to reclaiming the Aburame Hive grounds."

"Why," Naruto asked picking up on Shizune's concern.

"Because," Shikamaru stated, "If Shino is the first host to spread these tainted beetles then it is likely that the other Aburame might only be controlled by smaller amounts of the insects. It's also likely these tainted beetles and insects are breeding into the hives located inside them to spread the imperative to follow Furofuki's commands. That's why outside of defending the Hokage district and their own they haven't gone too much on the offensive. They are bidding their time to give the tainted beetles more time to spread. And to bid time for those buds on the tree to fully mature."

Kakashi sighed as he said, "It might only be a theory at this point, but if you are correct that means we can't waste any more time. We'll have to stage a three pronged operation. We have to continue to provide cover for the evacuating civilians, as well as stage an assault on both the Hokage mansion and Aburame District. All this is being made harder by the fact that I don't want another massacre on our hands here. We'll have to pull our punches, but they will not be operating under the same restraints."

"Then luckily for us we have a secret weapon," Naruto said.

"Which is," Shikamaru said with a note of disbelief. "Naruto, most of us have perhaps spared with an Aburame for training. But this is going to be a large scale operation where the Aburame have free reign to use all their jutsu, and as a cohesive unit that has fought together many times in the past. The truth is they might have fewer numbers, but the edge they have in teamwork trumps us."

Naruto nodded as he said, "True, but we have something Furofuki hasn't planned on. A kunoichi that has fought against the Aburame Clan in the past many times, she has seen their tactics from before they joined Konoha. Isn't that right, Toka?"

Toka seemed pleased as her lover beat her to the punch of pointing out her unique knowledge in having faced the Aburame as enemies. It reinforced for her the belief that she had made a great decision in letting the Uzumaki into her heart. "I know technically I'm still a genin, but I can come up with strategies that we used when combating the Aburame."

"Believe me," Kakashi said smirking beneath his mask at his unpredictable student, "I think we've all learned not to underestimate what genin are capable of, so let's get to it."


Tsunade woke to the sounds of moaning, and although that wasn't an unusual way to regain consciousness in her life anymore. Finding herself suspend almost like in a rack was a new experience to her. She recalled the events that had led her to her current predicament and as such awoke to find herself staring at Yurika's face as she moaned while riding a nude Furofuki. The woman behind that attack on her was facing away as she let out pleasure filled grunts.

Seeing one of her kunoichi being raped in front of her Tsunade said angrily, "Let her go you bitch."

She imagined a pleased but cruel smirk on the woman's face which resembled her own as Furofuki stated, "Ah, you've finally rejoined us. Don't mind me Tsunade; I'm just disciplining this cunt for letting Naruto get away. You should spend this time taking in your last views of the village as soon it'll be nothing but a corpse covered wasteland."

"I swear Furofuki when I get free you are going to wish you never were born," Tsunade growled.

"No Tsunade," Furofuki said as she began to reach up to play with Yurika's tits through her shredded shirt, "I would never wish that. You're the one that I wish was never cut from your mother's womb. Soon it is a sentiment I think the village will share."

"Why," Tsunade replied confused as although they had been rivals in the past. She couldn't imagine what she had done to earn Furofuki's hatred to such a degree.

The Yurika moaned as vine-like tentacles appeared from between Furofuki's legs. They lifted the woman off of her lap and into the air while several more began to enter her anus, vagina, and mouth. Furofuki stood from her wooden throne to face Tsunade, who stared in shock at the large penis jutting out from between her legs. It glistened from having just been nestled deep inside the Cryptanalysis kunoichi staring sadly at the woman now being assaulted by the tentacles that originated from between Furofuki's legs she asked desperately, "Please stop this madness. Whatever your issue is, it is with me. Leave the village and its people out of it."

She scowled as Furofuki said mockingly, "Such concern, such bravery. It's no wonder that the village loves you so. Sadly, you're the one that involved the village by coming back to it. If you had simply remained the sad pathetic wretch you had been when you left none of this would be necessary."

"Why!?" Tsunade shouted angrily, "What has it or Yurika done to you to deserve this?"

Furofuki looked confused for a moment before a look of enlightenment appeared on her face. Looking back at the woman being pleasured by the tentacles she said, "Is that her name? Honestly, I had no idea, she simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time when I grabbed her." Furofuki shivered as a wave of pleasure coursed through her and Tsunade noticed the vines connected to Yurika began pumping her full of a clear fluid. The one in the woman's mouth pulled free and to Tsunade's surprise the kunoichi's tongue tried to follow it to coax out more.

Then to Tsunade's shock Furofuki tossed Yurika away like she was nothing. "No!" The Hokage shouted as the woman fell from the tree. She breathed a little easier as she recovered before crashing into the destroyed roof to angle herself towards the tree so that she could grip it with chakra. Then as if unashamed of her nudeness she calmly joined the Aburame and other women surrounding the top of the Hokage Mansion.

Furofuki clamped her hand around Tsunade's jaw as she said, "Made you look. Honestly Tsunade, you're too tense. Nothing a nice hard fucking wouldn't cure."

Tsunade glared at the woman as she asked, "Then why don't you just get it over with."

"Now really your vanity must know no bounds," Furofuki said angrily, "Do you honestly think I went through all this trouble just to bend you to my will. Why when I wish to bring you despair, do you honestly think I would show you the heights of pleasure?"

"I'm not giving you the pleasure of breaking me," Tsunade said determinedly, "You underestimate this village."

"And you overestimate yourself," Furofuki countered, "After all, I was the person that caused your suffering last time."

"What?" Tsunade said confused. "What do you mean?"

"Don't misunderstand," Furofuki said as a small sliver of guilt appeared in her tone, "It was supposed to be you that died that day. He wasn't supposed to die during that mission. You were."

"No, you betrayed our squad to those Rain-nin," Tsunade said remembering the Ambush that had taken Dan's life. "Why? How could you?"

"Because, he chose you," The woman wearing her face said angrily, "If not for the death of your worthless little brother. I would have been with him instead of you. But you used your little tragedy to steal him away from me."

"That's not what happened," Tsunade said still in shock.

"Oh please," Furofuki replied bitterly, "How long did it take you to get over poor Nawaki's death after Dan entered your life? You're saying a part of you wasn't grateful he passed so the two of you could bond over your similar losses."

Tsunade's shock was replaced with raw anger as she shot forward as best she could despite how she was being held to the tree. Her forehead smashed into Furofuki's but lacking the chakra to make it anything but a normal blow had to settle for the bruise appearing on the woman's greenish skin. Instead of growing angrier Furofuki laughed as it healed while she said, "For a time, I was as racked with guilt as you really. I nearly took my own life, but then seeing your despair I found it all disappeared."

"Then how can you have claimed to have loved him?" Tsunade asked sadly.

Anger became Furofuki's new emotion as she said dangerously, "Don't test me you bitch. My feelings for Dan were present even before you latched onto him. But his choosing you...over me. That was a betrayal I couldn't just let stand. I had assumed he would be strong enough to get away. He after all was the one best suited to make sure the information that your squad had gathered behind enemy lines made it back. But instead of abandoning your team like protocol would have dictated he instead stayed to fight. Ironically enough, he was the only member of the squad to die." Tsunade fought back tears as she recalled having urged Dan to do exactly as Furofuki had stated. He had instead countered that a man aiming to be Hokage is not allowed to abandon his fellow shinobi to save himself. "My hope was that much as you inserted yourself in his life using your little tragedy. I could as well." Tsunade glared at the woman as every fiber of her being wanted to lash out at her. Furofuki smiled in glee as she said, "That's right get angry. That's the first step to the despair that is waiting for you."

"Get over yourself," Tsunade countered, "I'm stronger than I was back then. You don't have what it takes anymore."

"That rich coming from a bitch that even with most of her chakra drained is still keeping up the illusion of her youth and hiding away her true face," Furofuki replied. "Tell me, do you not drop your henge so that your precious Naruto never sees the decrepit old woman that you've become." For a moment Tsunade's face showed the concern that Furofuki knew of their relationship. But, she covered it up quickly, however Furofuki still noticed it so stated, "Honestly, lusting after a boy young enough to be your grandchild. People say he reminds you of your dear brother, but we both know the truth, don't we? Tell me, when I take him in front of you will the fact that it is my face help lubricate your neglected pussy."

Tsunade wanted to retort about between the two of them it wasn't by force that Naruto spent his nights in her bed, but instead she resorted to threatening, "If you touch him. I swear to your Furofuki that I will end you using every method I know how to make it an experience that is both incredibly short, but maximizes your suffering."

For a moment despite the Hokage being bound and kept near chakra depletion a look of concern appeared on the other woman's face. She covered it with bluster as she retorted, "I doubt that. You have simply been outclassed from the beginning. If not for your Senju name, I would be the one this village celebrates as the greatest medical mind of all time."

"Now who is the one with an overinflated sense of self," Tsunade said dismissively. "You've been spending too much time with your damn flowers if you believe that is true."

"Is that right you big-titted sow?" Furofuki snapped. "How you can honestly be so blind is beyond me. You who spent that past couple of decades climbing into a bottle and gambling away her time, honestly believe you deserved to be made Hokage. Your best days were decades in the past, yet they still made you the leader of this village. Can you honestly claim that if not for your name, they would have begged you to become Hokage? Tell me, when they made the pitch did you sneer and thumb your nose at it."

Some of Tsunade's fire dimmed as she couldn't deny that Furofuki had pegged her correctly. This caused the woman to sneer at her as she stated, "The great Tsunade, what a joke you are. If not for the persistence of a genin that shared Dan's dream you probably would still be in the bottle even now. Yet, while you wasted away, I continued to hone my research. I was responsible for two of the greatest breakthroughs in medical history after all."

"The Zetsu," Tsunade said seeing a chance to get some information out of the woman.

"I suspected that you might have begun to believe I had something to do with those creatures," Furofuki replied with a smirk. "It did force me to implement my plan a little earlier than I wanted to. But, sadly I can't claim credit for their creation. No, that was simply the byproduct of my first breakthrough. The perfect melding of Uchiha and Senju DNA."

"Now you're claiming credit for Orochimaru's twisted experiments," Tsunade countered, "Danzou used his research to meld the powers of my grandfather and the Sharingan."

"A pale imitation," Furofuki replied dismissively, "Orochimaru lacked the vision of the man I performed the task for."

Having a good idea of who the woman was referring to Tsunade stated, "Madara Uchiha."

"Quite impressive deduction skills," Furofuki said obviously surprised. "How exactly were you able to arrive to that conclusion?" The Hokage remained silent so her capture said, "No matter. You see my little effort to kill you didn't go unnoticed and I was approached by a man calling himself the Broker. He had been trying for years to meld his DNA, with a sample that he had attained from the First Hokage. I'm not sure how he survived the final battle between them, but he had spent the remaining years since it hoping to unlock some power by reuniting the bloodlines as he put it."

"So he blackmailed you into helping?"

"Hardly," Furofuki replied amused at the thought, "He simply stated that my attempt to use Rain to kill you showed him that I might be willing to partake in a mutually beneficial arrangement with him." Furofuki shrugged as she stated, "He was right. I was curious to see what would be the results of combining the power contained in your grandfather's cells with the greatest Uchiha to ever take to the battlefield. Although, it would be years before either of us got what we wanted."

Tsunade filed the information away and seeing that Furofuki was delighting in proving her superiority egged her on with a tone that sounded skeptical, "Really, so what was this great power that proves your achievement."

Furofuki frowned as she admitted, "Madara was rather quiet about that. But, the proof that he had achieved something magnificent was in the statue that he said was the husk of the Ten-tailed beast of legend."

"A mere fairy tale," Tsunade countered, although she knew the truth of the matter, but her statement caused Furofuki's ire to increase, "What's the matter the nine confirmed ones not enough for you. You have to make up..."

Tsunade trailed off as Furofuki backhanded her stating, "Your ignorance just proves your stupidity. The Ten-tails was said to be the originator of all the tail beasts. Its chakra was separated by the Sage of the Six Paths, and its body locked away within the moon. Somehow Madara was able to summon it back using the abilities he gained from my experiments, which he continued in the subsequent years by using the husk to produce a flowering tree which contained a non-sentient clone of your grandfather. That tree is what created the Zetsu, which is what led to my second great breakthrough successfully melding human with plant DNA in order..."

Tsunade scoffed stating, "You just told me that Madara beat you to that."

"No," Furofuki stated with a scowl, "Madara believes that he did. But I have another theory. Those Zetsu were already a part of the husk. You see, the DNA of the husk actually was more plant than animal. Madara's experiments just had awoken something that was already there. Perhaps these Zetsu are nothing but twisted victims of the Ten-Tails rampages, corpses looked away inside it given a semblance of life and intelligence through the Wood release locked in your grandfather's cells."

Tsunade frowned as her theories about the origins of the clone army Tobi had been creating were dashed. "So you melded plant DNA and human. It might have been a little trickier than combining my grandfather and Madara's, but they are basically the same trick."

"Perhaps if you hadn't interrupted me you would realize that was only the first step. The truth is, we are on the verge of seeing the completion of my greatest achievement."

"Really, you're claiming it isn't you."

"Not yet," Furofuki said with a smirk. "You see Tsunade, there is another legend tied to the history of the Ten-Tails. A history, that will see me ascend to godhood."

"Oh please," Tsunade said in a voice tinged with disbelief, "You honestly expect me to believe that."

Furofuki perhaps sensed Tsunade was trying to get her to reveal her ultimate goal so said cryptically, "You know what they say. Seeing is believing."

Both women's gazes were pulled towards the sound of fighting beginning to spread throughout the village. Furofuki frowned as she said, "Hmm, that's earlier than I suspected. They couldn't have evacuated all the civilians already. Perhaps they have some inclination as to what is to come." She directed her attention to the flower buds that had been growing from the bottom of the branches. One of the buds began to open revealing a perfect clone of her new form. The clone opened its eyes and moaned softly as it pulled itself off the phallus like stem that rested inside its pussy and had nurtured the clone through its growth like an umbilical cord. Furofuki recalled her own time inside a similar bud as it had transformed her. She smiled as the new being dropped down to land before her asking, "What is your command?"

Directing her gaze out on the village Furofuki gestured towards the village simply instructing the clone, "Go have fun."

The clone nodded as more began to appear causing Furofuki to smile as the tree continued to drain the surrounding land of the residual chakra Hashirama had left behind when he created the forest that surrounded the village. The buds maturing was a sign that the tree that she had created from the cutting she had taken from the husk of the ten-tails was reaching the final stages where it would bear a signal fruit. A fruit which would allow her to become a goddess that would rule over the world with Tsunade's precious jinchuriki at her side, and the knowledge there was nothing she could do to stop it.


Tier stood behind her sister Kiyomi as they gazed at the tree that had sprouted out from the Hokage Mansion. Tier echoed Kiyomi's thoughts after sending a sidelong glance to Nel as she said, "Do you feel the same sense of fear that seems to have gripped our sibling?"

Kiyomi looked over to see their diminutive sibling shivering as she was crouched under an end table. She was facing away from the window and was holding the plaster skull that Naruto had given her to her head as if it was a talisman to protect her. "I think her current mental state is letting her feel what we all are more freely. I would describe what I'm feeling as both a sense of familiarity and a sense that it is in all our interest to make sure that tree is destroyed."

Kukaku spoke up doing her best to cover her concerns by asking, "Then what are we sitting around here for? Are you waiting for your precious master's permission?"

Kiyomi turned away from the window to ask, "Is that concern in your voice Kukaku? If so, then by all means head out. I'm sure the Leaf would appreciate the assistance."

"You didn't answer my question?" Kukaku stated.

"Perhaps because I didn't like the way you phrased it," Kiyomi said tiring of her siblings mocking of her relationship with Naruto to give credence to her sleeping around. "I have to remain here despite wanting to step in so as to protect my identity while Mito has retired to the Den. There is nothing stopping you from offering your aid. Sadly, the more agreeable members of our family are out on missions at the moment."

Kukaku glared at her stating, "You're calling me unagreeable just because I haven't given myself to the same whelp that you have."

"No, I'm calling you a bitch because you continue to try and use it as some sort of justification for your own actions. If you want to be a slut and spread your legs for whoever pays you a compliment then be my guest. Although from what I hear you've been favoring one in particular."

"What's the matter," Kukaku countered, "The idea that there might be someone better than that brat really eating at you? Maybe if you didn't settle for the first man to give you a compliment sister dearest you'd know what real fucking is about."

Kiyomi sensed Tier moving to intervene between the two, but hearing how Kukaku described her relationship served to calm the red headed Bijuu's anger. She gave her sister a smirk as she said, "Oh believe me I do. However, what I have with Naruto goes far beyond that. It's a shame your pride has only allowed you to glimpse the most primitive of the feelings that were contained in the memories that I shared with you."

Kiyomi sensed her lover approaching but as he was doing so through conventional means said, "But it seems as if now isn't the time to discuss it further. It seems my lover has a request to make after all."

She moved from the window and made her way to the main entrance of the mansion. When she approached the stairs, she saw her lover wasn't alone as he was a part of a team that was comprised of himself as well as several Jounin and Chunin. Somewhat surprised she asked, "To what do I owe the unexpected visitors. I know I turned down the request to evacuate, but surely you have more pressing matters than forcing me to leave for the civilian shelters."

She noticed a few of those present shared confused looks as if they were surprised at how calm she was in the face of the current crisis. She supposed she should have put some hints of concern in her voice, but Toka stepped forward stating, "Lady Kiyomi. We do request that you make your way to the civilian shelters. A team of genin is with us to insure your safety during the trip as we wish to borrow your bodyguards."

"May I inquire as to why?"

"I'm sorry we can't stay long to explain as Naruto is currently serving as a beacon to the Aburame. But a quick explanation is that we are going to try to pull enough of them away to make an attack on that tree and free the Hokage. We are going to push into the Aburame district to attack the Hive Ground in order to find a way to free them from the woman behind this crisis. In order to do that, my plan requires us to exploit a natural desire in the Aburame's insects that cause them to attack those with massive chakra reserves first. A team of your bodyguards, Fu, and Naruto should serve nicely to attract their attention so other units can attack from the flanks."

"You want to use us as bait," Kukaku said dismissively, "Count me out. This is the Leaf's problem, I'm not being paid to help you fix it."

"Nel's helping," the childlike Bijuu said quickly pushing her way past her stubborn sister. She quickly ran up to Naruto before climbing up his red cloak to position herself on his back to cling onto his right shoulder.

Naruto smiled gratefully, but worried for the Bijuu's safety said, "Actually Nel..."

"Nel's helping," she replied defiantly, "Nel's super duper strong just you watch."

Tier began walking down the steps as she affixed the mempo, to her lower face. It had been a gift from Nel although she had learned that Naruto had been the one that actually paid for it. Not that he had ever admitted as such. Approaching the group, she said, "You may count on my aid as well. It seems that despite Kukaku's earlier accentuation that we shouldn't just be sitting on our hands, that she was merely being boastful. She can also be rather stubborn so we shouldn't waste any more time trying to convince her."

"Oh go to hell Tier," Kukaku said, "Do you honestly think I'll fall for such blatant reverse psychology."

"Of course not," Tier replied in her usual calm stoic tone as she approached the door. "Unless my plan is to keep you from joining us and sharing in the credit there is to be had for helping."

"Bitch," the four tails said under her breath as leapt to the ground floor stating louder, "Fuck that, I was the one that said we should do something. I just think we should be getting paid is all."

Tier let a small smile grace her lips although unseen due to her high collar and shark like mempo. "All too easy," she thought amused. She let the feeling fade to be replaced by a sense of excitement for the coming battle, which was born partially due to her genuinely wanting to help the village. But she admitted that the majority of it was also due to by whose side she would enter it next too. Favoring Naruto with an appraising glance, she couldn't help but notice that Nel's nerves had been calmed by the blond man's presence. She wondered why that was, but figured it might be tied to the way she had grown to anticipate spending time with the man several of her sister's shared. She wondered if as Kukaku suspected a part of the reason Kiyomi kept those not bond to Naruto around was because of the confidence she had that given time the young man's earnest nature would cause them to surrender to the desire to be with him. If so, she guessed it was little different then the trick she had just used on her stubborn sister. Particularly as knowing that might be the case, did nothing to Tier's growing desire to perhaps be the next Bijuu to become one with him as only a man and woman could.


Shizune was leading a squad of medics comprised from those that could be spared from attending the triage center that she and Sakura had established at the start of the crisis. She had insisted on her current mission after word of what they had termed as Duplicates as they were made in the image of the woman currently holding Tsunade hostage had joined in the battle against the Shinobi attempting to rescue her. Rather than be dismayed by the arrival of the multiple copies, Shizune had been struck by a sense of inspiration brought about by her new found appreciation for her particular talents. Kakashi had not been particularly thrilled at the idea of sending her or her team into the active combat zone, but she had convinced him that if successful it could drastically cut the enemies numbers.

She focused on the present when Neji, the lone shinobi not a medic and who was running point in their formation, held up his hand. Almost instantly most of the squad came to a stop behind her and crouched down in the shadows. A moment later several Aburame came running down the street towards where the Konoha forces were mounting their assault to retake the district. She heard one of the medics behind her gasp due to his being unused to being so close to the front lines as a result of Tsunade's rules in regards to medics, but fortunately the small sound was covered by the sound of several exploding tags going off nearby. She knew most of her squad thought she was being too reckless, but Shizune had silenced the complaints by pointing out that the problems facing them wouldn't be solved using force. It was a medical one and as such Konoha's medics needed to step in and solve it. Still, her plan was risky as it relied on the belief that a small squad of medics could slip into the hospital unnoticed as it was likely abandoned due to it holding little strategic value in the current struggle.

Neji motioned for them to begin moving again leading the squad down an alley that would take them to the back entrance of the hospital where the entrance for the morgue was and where the undertakers would collect the dead. Neji reached the end of the alley, and with his Byakugan active began scanning the building. Without looking back to Shizune, he stated, "Your hunch appears to be correct. The building is abandoned."

"Good," Shizune replied feeling tension beginning to build inside her as she knew the easy part for her was over. "Neji, guide them to the labs."

"Where are you going?" the bespectacled Sukui asked in a harsh whisper. "You dragged us out here to the frontlines and then abandon us."

Shizune frowned at the woman's words as although a competent medic, her attitude about taking risks was making the dark-haired woman believe that Tsunade's belief in the need to protect medics at all costs was beginning to make the medical personnel think they were too valuable to be placed in dangerous situations. She planned to talk with her teacher about perhaps developing a regime to create a new class of combat medics. Medics more in line with Rin, Sakura, and she hopped to count herself among them. Those that would be able to help save more lives by stabilizing patients before they were sent behind the lines to the medical units that followed in the rear. She gave the woman a pointed look stating, "If we are going to help the Aburame, then we are going to need to get our hands on some samples. I'll be handling that."

"By yourself," the medic that had gasped stated, "Are you insane?"

"I'll be fine," Shizune said confidently, "Neji will insure that you are not disturbed. Just be ready to begin when I return."

Shizune nodded to Neji, who broke from cover to lead the rest of the squad into the hospital. Left alone she said, "Alright Shizune, you talked a big game it's time to see if you can deliver."

She moved cautiously through the area hoping to pickoff a lone target. She approached the intersection where the Aburame had appeared from before. The sounds of battle weren't as loud as before sounding further away. She was concerned that Konoha's need to hold back was causing them to lose ground, but she focused on the task at hand as she turned towards where the Aburame squad had come from. Shizune moved several blocks without encountering anyone which made her nervous as she was getting rather close to the Hokage mansion. She knew there were quite a few Aburame there as she could see them standing along the rooftop around the base of the tree. Shizune suspected they were acting not just as guards, but human shields as well preventing Konoha from targeting the tree with long distance jutsu. She had hoped to come across a few stragglers or groups searching for scouts. But the area she was searching was eerily quiet.

That quietness was suddenly broken as she heard the sound of hundreds if not thousands of tiny wings beginning to beat. She looked around her and swore as she saw the Aburame beetles pouring out of the buildings above her. She turned to retreat the way she came, but a pair of Aburame dropped down from the buildings behind her to cut off her retreat. She expected it to be the same story at the opposite end of the street. In essence she felt like an animal that was about to be trapped in a net. The Aburame were serving as the hunters while the insects about to swarm down on her were the net.

Shizune didn't panic though as in a smooth motion she pulled the sleeve of her uniform up to expose the spring-loaded needle launcher that she wore on her wrist. Pulling the strings attached to the end of the canisters, she fired the needles at one of the Aburame barring her path. The Aburame was caught by surprise and although he managed to block two of the needles the other two buried themselves in his chest. She didn't know if they hit with another force to get through the man's heavy coat, but she continued her charge nonetheless. The paralytic drug she had coated the needles with seemed to have made it into his bloodstream as he swiped at her sluggishly with a kunai. Shizune easily blocked the blow with one hand, while she pulled one of her needles from the Aburame's jacket with the other. She then spun her opponent jamming it into his upper arm so that more of the poison would find its way into his system.

She pushed him away as his partner charged her, pointed his hands at her. From his sleeves more of the parasitic bugs began to appear, but they lost their focus as Shizune spit a pair of miniature needles at the Aburame. The needles struck the man in the throat, sending the same poison that she had just pumped his partner with into his system.

However, while the insects that he had been about to send her way might no longer be targeting her due to their host no longer being able to direct them. That didn't stop the ones that had been tracking her from the start. They swarmed over her having used the time her two opponents have given them to catch up. Shizune felt a wave of revulsion as the insects landed on her to begin draining her chakra, but remaining calm she took a deep breath and exhaled a small cloud of poison. It emerged as a noxious green gas that was a powerful insecticide.

The insects began to fall away, which she could tell surprised the two remaining Aburame due to their mouths dropping open. She used the moment to toss a pair of senbon into them, which hit each man in the shoulder. They dropped to the ground causing the remaining insects not caught by her poison to return to their hosts in an effort to nullify the effects paralyzing them.

She quickly moved to the men that she had just handled as the two closest to her might have been caught in her insecticide thus harming the hives inside them. She knew if not treated they could die, but having noticed that some of the insects had returned to them was confident that they would recover. But, in order to understand what was afflicting the Aburame, she would need to study how the hive was behaving inside their hosts so didn't want to waste time scanning insects dying of poison. Holding her hands out over one of the Aburame, she frowned as inside she didn't detect any anomalies in how the hives normally behaved. She feared that such a result meant that the hives had already been completely corrupted. She switched her scan to search for other possibilities and quickly found it as she scanned the Aburame's brain. There she found much to her surprise a secondary hive. However, the insects that made up this hive were not like the others that the Aburame bred. Her scan revealed them crawling over the Aburame's brain matter and she detected them releasing chemicals which she figured served the dual purpose of both controlling the Host and instructing the Hive.

Shizune knew she needed a sample so creating a small tendril of chakra sent it up one of the man's nostrils. When she extracted it, she had pulled free dozens of the new parasitic insects which she quickly trapped inside a specimen jar. She was just about to tuck it away when a voice said, "My, what do we have here?"

Shizune spun to see Furofuki studying her with a pleased smile. "Bravo, Shizune."

"Furofuki," Shizune replied cautiously sending a confused look back to the tree.

The woman smirked as upon noticing where the woman was staring explained, "Oh, I'm still there with your master. But an interesting ability of my duplicates is that I can apparently speak and look through each of them. I must say, I'm impressed that you did so well on your own. I always figured you to be the lesser of Tsunade's apprentices. A shame really as your uncle was such an impressive shinobi."

Shizune narrowed her eyes at the insult which would have likely bothered her even as soon as a few days prior to the encounter. But filled with the confidence her lover had given her she retorted, "Well between you and Tsunade it was always clear which of you was the lesser. Both in your chosen professions and in my uncle's eyes."

Her insult hit the mark as several tentacles appeared from between the nude duplicates legs as she spit out, "You ungrateful little bitch. I was going to spare you the indignity of my taking you and turning you into a puppet. But now you've sealed your fate."

Shizune put her specimen jar in her pouch and raised her hands to defend herself countering, "So long as you threaten those that I love then there was never a moment when we weren't enemies. I must thank you though."

"Why is that?"

"You saved me the trouble of having to hunt down one of your clones," Shizune said charging forward.

The Duplicate being controlled by Furofuki sent one of its tentacles at the charging medic. She quickly regretted it as Shizune channeling her chakra to her hands created visible chakra blades. It effortlessly sliced through the plant like tendril, but even as the duplicate cried out in pain it raised its arm causing several vines to grow from the ground. They began to wrap around Shizune's leg, but she sliced through them easily. Yet, the distraction allowed the Duplicate the time to quickly close with her. She gripped Shizune by the throat, even as her remaining tentacles wrapped themselves around the dark-haired woman's wrists.

Furofuki sneered at the woman as the one that Shizune had first cut healed. She brought the tentacle before Shizune's face stating, "Open up and say Ahhh. Trust me when I say you will likely even enjoy what is to come if you do."

To Furofuki's painful surprise Shizune did more than that as she bit down on the plant-like appendage. The Duplicate screamed as the medic's teeth cut through the end which she spit out with a triumphant smirk. Furofuki was about to simply kill Shizune and be done with it, but then she felt a horrendous pain spreading down from where Shizune had bitten her. Staring at the woman with concern as she noticed the tentacle withering she asked, "What have you done?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Shizune said as the tentacles holding her began to whiter allowing her to pull free as the duplicate collapsed and began to dry up. She squirmed slightly as her pussy began to grow wet from the aphrodisiac that she had swallowed. Although, she felt it was manageable if only because of the serum that she had derived from the substance that she had collected in the wake of Kurenai's attack. But, she knew it would probably serve as a distraction until it had run its course or she could find Naruto to satisfy her needs. Hoping for the second solution which meant the current situation needed to be dealt with, she gathered her samples from the duplicate that she had killed. As she did so she began to form a theory that as Furofuki likely viewed herself as some sort of perfect being it meant that she had incorporated her cells into both the spores and insects currently controlling members of Konoha. If so, she smiled as in her hubris she had given them the keys to her defeat, so putting away her samples Shizune headed off to begin forging them.


Furofuki sat up from her throne as the Duplicate that she had been controlling died. She felt some concern that Shizune had already prepared a poison that seemed tailored made for her. Cursing mentally, she directed several of the Aburame and women guarding the base of the tree to find the medic and kill her.

She frowned as Tsunade picking up on her distress asked, "Things not going exactly to plan?"

Furofuki turned and glared at the trapped Hokage stating, "There has been a setback or two. But, nothing I cannot handle. I just had a run in with dear Shizune. Sadly, she's no longer among the living. I had hoped to add her to my collection if only for Dan's sake."

To her surprise Tsunade smirked as she said with confidence, "Lying is beneath you if things are as in control as you claim. But I'm willing to bet that Shizune is why you're so concerned things are about to fall apart."

"Think what you will," Furofuki said turning away and wondering why Tsunade was so confident in Shizune's survival. "But, one thing that is going right is your precious Naruto is playing right into my hands."

Tsunade's smirk grew bigger as she again displayed her confidence, "Well then, I look forward to when he slips through them."
