
Era of Unity | Season One

The 8 Seneses (Gods) created the world to change the given destiny of existence. The year is 838, and the black angel Cassian Blackheart is ascending as the new Marshal and Supreme General. Reluctantly, however, he has no choice but to accept the position. Everything will change with his arrival, and he will begin to uncover secrets that will bring him to his knees, and that will change him. The only angel to be blessed by the Black Sphere, he becomes the target of gossip at a young age, and the target of two other ruling houses, the Stonehearts, and the Whitehearts. With his unique powers, his spherical energy and power are at a high level, but it will not be enough to deal with future threats, and Cassian must confront his past and move forward. In 805, House Blackheart, House Stoneheart, and House Whiteheart united under one kingdom, becoming political pillars and the Monarchist Throne, which was taken over by House Holyheart by the still then-young Marcus I Holyheart.¨ Thus a new age, a new Era was born. The Era of Unity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord : https://discord.gg/FX6V5ryW Twitter : https://twitter.com/TexlRadek

AllFatherOmnis · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The Black Angel

"Blackness is everywhere. But what lies in the depths is a mystery to the gods and even to me."

- Vaacus (God of Darkness and Blackness)


-Year 838, 6 Month, Era of Unity-

---[Black Pass, 60 meters in front of the walls]---

(12 Minutes later)

After a quick meeting and motivational speech, Cassian is finally with the army at Black Pass.

Cassian, however, notices a closed black gate that no one is guarding and no one responding to the arrival of the army.

Cassian suspected that his enemies had taken over the city and were luring him into a trap.

Make camp and secure every major route out of the pass, and stay away from the walls for now."

"By order, Marshal"

A large part of the army will break away to spread out over the area.

Cassian who reaches the gate immediately notices a huge pool of blood draining from the gate.

"At least they haven't come out"

He says coldly, then immediately turns, walks a few meters away from the gate, stretches out his arms, and sketches blindly around the Black Pass.

"Muri Nagrorum"

At these words, the ground begins to shake, and Cassian hears nervous screams and voices in the city.

Cassian's soldiers were also surprised and wondered what it was

Suddenly, around the terrain of the Black Pass, black but translucent walls shoot up from the ground, reaching up to the heavens of Era.

Soldiers who will immediately rush to Cassian

"High Marshal, what are your next orders?"

"Nagrum Fulgur"

Says Cassian, who then waves his hands

"I think you'll find that," says the smiling Cassian

Who walks away and suddenly there are 4 powerful and quite loud bangs.

Soldiers immediately turn around and see the destruction of the 4 Main Gates of the City.

Debris fell all over the place, even hitting a few of Cassian's soldiers.


Cassian screams out loud, and the soldiers can't believe the power of the "Monster".

The soldiers proceed to where the gates stood, out of which emerges a bloodied rebel army.

"Nager Hastae" Cassian utters, extends his hand, and from it shoots the Long Black Spear, which is aimed at the advancing Rebel army.

"Boom!" He made a sound similar to an explosion, and the next moment, the spear exploded on impact, destroying the lines of the enemy army.

Cassian immediately pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

"He turns around and is about to sit down on a chair when a soldier runs up behind him carrying the reports.

"Your Highness Marshal, reports are coming in from Mirues, Purple City, and the Black Council that Operation Liquidation has been launched." A sweaty, nervous soldier says, and Cassian smiles

"Fucking fanatics."

He looks at the soldier

"Don't bring me any more news until the revolution is over."

"Yes Sir" And then the soldier quickly runs away again

Cassian turns to the city before he sits down

"Are you panicking already, Azazoth?" He finishes with a completely serious face, and then there are strong tremors from the city.

The tremors don't surprise Cassian, but he sees the positions of the attacking sphere users on the walls bothering his soldiers.

Cassian quickly analyzes and then looks at the 4 main points of the castle, then tells

"Medium Crepitus"

At the four points he conjures, a medium explosion will occur, which, while not destroying them completely, but will disrupt the attacking crew.

However, when Cassian finally wants to sit down, there is an even more intense tremor that makes him slightly nervous.

"I didn't put that much energy into Crepitus."

Cassian thinks and then looks out over the city and sees a large, fast line coming out of the city towards the heavens.

"If not Crepitus, maybe Aza..."


Suddenly a bloodied Azazoth appeared in front of him holding a head that he throws in front of Cassian.

Cassian watches the head of one of the commanders

"zoth" He finishes the sentence he couldn't finish

"Black Angel. I've been looking for you." Azazoth says with the face of a fool and blood all over his body.

"That's interesting. I wasn't exactly looking for you, but since you're here." Cassian smiles sarcastically, and he sees slight anger in Azazoth

"The King and the Prime Minister will either kneel or die. And there's nothing you can do about it." Says the ever-approaching Azazoth.

"Is that the way you made Dracula leave you alone?" Cassian asked with a serious face

"Dracula ?" Azazoth laughs

"The coward was only frightened by the power that my Lord wields." And Azazoth starts laughing

This sentence catches Cassian off guard, and then he quickly recovers

"Dracula and fear?" asks a completely surprised Cassian

"Who's your master?" Cassian asks very seriously, curious for an answer.

But Azazoth starts laughing even more hysterically, until looking at Cassian he slowly stops laughing and sets a very murderous and scary look

"Now I have to kill you."

Azazoth leaps at Cassian with tremendous speed and the Spherical Sword for an arm, but Cassian has enough time to react.

However, Azazoth quickly bounces off the air and goes after Cassian again, who no longer has time to react, so he sets his hand

He's letting himself get stabbed in the arm. Azazoth smiles but sees a perfectly calm Cassian, who is not bothered.

"Umbra Mittentes"

Cassian immediately moves into the shadows, and immediately appears behind Azazoth who doesn't have time to react.

"Nagrum Fulgur"

Cassian quickly extends his hand to the back of Azazoth, who is hit by Black Lightning and deflects Azazoth.

"Umbra Mittentes"

Cassian has moved into the shadows again and immediately appears at the scene of the encounter with Azazoth

"Nagrum Fulgur"

Of course, this time a little further away, but he successfully hits Azazoth again with Black Lightning, which flies to the other side again.

Azazoth screams in pain, but he is already very angry.

"Sanguis Traps" shouts the flying Azazoth

The bloody spears swarm from the ground beneath Cassian. However, Cassian manages to react and jumps very high.

Cassian then holds out his arms as if welcoming all of Era from his perspective.

"Angeli.. alas."

A sentence that resonates throughout the area. The whole town. A sentence that wasn't loud, but was strong enough to penetrate a large swath of the country.

It wasn't even loudly unpleasant, but it was like a caress to the ear. A very pleasant sentence.

The sentence that released Cassian's 12 Black Wings appeared on his back.

Cassian then emitted a powerful black glow.

A black glow illuminates the entire landscape and city, especially Azazoth, who falls to the ground and immediately notices Cassian. Azazoth, slightly blinded by the black glow, slowly gets up but then falls back to his knees in amazement.

"In the name of the God of Vaacus."

BOOM! The noise rings through the surroundings, but the explosion cannot be seen

"In the name of the Holy King"

BOOM! Another explosion

"In the name of protecting the Holy Continent"

BOOM! A third explosion that shook the earth this time

"I judge you for the sins that have led you from your appointed path."

BOOM! The fourth and final explosion will shake the earth.

Azazoth notices four black burning objects heading towards him from the skies.

"And I condemn you... to eternal sleep across existences!"

Cassian, who is finishing his judgment, and then four Black Burning Meteorites fly past him.

Azazoth gazes with astonishment, wonder, and fear at the power

Of the Black Angel.

To be Continued...