
Era of True Immortals

Tian Shen who had live a life of misery due an illness that left unable to do what a normal child should experience, However, even with his fate was cruel had kept living to the fullest until finding himself in a new world where only seen in the work of fiction. Now he desire to live to the fullest that soar through the sky and grasped the boundless stars!

ChesterCure · Huyền huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Life for A Life

The vast universe containing boundless stars and infinite worlds that has even more life like a grain of sand in the endless deserts. Even if one life fades or a million lives, the world shall move without rest. It was law of the world where nothing can shake it. A young boy sat in his bed whose face was pale as though all of his blood had been drained and frail body that akin to an elderly man yet his gaze that stared intently in the night sky gave profound meaning. As if his mere gaze understood the universe and could control the vast boundless world.

The young boy was Tian Shen, a normal boy who had been born in fairly loving parent had wonderful beginning, however, fate was cruel and the boy had developed an incurable deceased that left him feeling unrestrained starvation even how much he tried his body continuously try to devour the nutrients within his body.

His loving parents tried their best to help Tian Shen and supported him over the passing years, no matter how much they tried his fate was inevitable to be miserable. Though, it was a cruel fate, Tian Shen never wavered and continued to live his life to the fullest. He loved his parents who had recently told him that his mother was pregnant and would soon be giving birth to another child.

He recalled how it was pleasant to hear that his parents won't be alone when his gone. Even if he was young it did not mean that he was ignorant of his situation and accepted his inevitable death, however it did not mean he died in vain.

Tian Shen hadn't been able to go on school and only studied within the confinement of his hospital room where he spend countless hours to studying then use his vast knowledge to create company where the money would go forth to people who's was similar or worse than his. He never consider himself as genius but only spend his time to ensure that his life won't only be about drowning himself in despair but did his best to do what he can.

He made sure his family would be able to live comfortably at the amount of money he had accumulated when his life faded. Tian Shen smiled at the moon who was his only company on the blissful night whose light gave comfortable sensation. In every moment, he was thankful for being the given the chance to live even if it was cruel. Tian Shen knew he was nothing but small grain in endless deserts and his death is just single ripple that won't last but blink of an eye.

"How are you doing son?"

The young boy whose daze was disrupted of the voice of an older man and turned to see his above average wearing a normal shirt and pant. He held an air of man whose good nature and reliable father who stared at his son with pitiful gaze. The older man was Tian Shen's father, Tian Ming who had held a book within his hand.

"Here son I got the books you wanted. Your mother wanted to be here but she in her late stage of pregnant and can't risk overexerting herself."

"No need to worry father. I think it's best to look after her since my younger sibling would soon be born and give you the chance to experience that I haven't been able to do."

He smiled weakly that cause his father to distort in pain, sadden by Tian Shen situation but held it knowing his own son won't like him to be depressed and only smiled bitterly. Tian Ming question how fate could Do such thing in an innocent and wonderful child who gave his all to be good.

Tian Ming was proud that his son was able to remained firm and stead fast, never bothered by how his body and did everything to live in the moment. He wondered if his life was like Tian Shen would he able to remain smiling and never sadden by his fate?

He would have curse the heaven and asked why his fate was akin to a hell. However, his son was wise never blame anyone nor anything. Tian Shen was kind boy who live to helped others and never thought of his life as something to drown in despair.

The young boy was able to reach heights where normal children would have dreamed off yet he never thought it was special. He was rich beyond comprehension yet those richest never corrupted the boy knowing it would never cure him. Tian Shen knew that when he dies those boundless richest would never will follow him in the afterlife therefore wish to use it to those who are in need.

If he asked what Tian Shen desire in life then his answer would be simple, to live freely and have normal life with his family that had smile like any family. For money never be able to give a true happiness.

"Anyway, Thank you, father for this."

Tian Shen stared intently at the book he held within his shaking pale and frail hands. He smiled seeing the book which was a story about martial art and cultivation where one would feel insignificant at the vastness of their world.

Though, Tian Shen had created a massive company where it had provided people with opportunities and brought richest to him. In the end, he was still young boy who been fascinated in fantasy story where he could feel free and see the world in the perspective of the main character.

He had read many novel, manga, manhua and even watch anime both in japanese and chinese story. Tian Shen prefer Xianxia stories where one could go become beyond the sky and be free unrestrained even in fate. Every time he read those stories the pain of his illness eased and can see the clear picture of how the main character fought the nature of the world.

By reading this stories, he was able to understood that the outside world was cruel and unforgiving. Tian Shen matured due to seeing countless stories about the innocents and ignorant of the main character brought disaster to him and the people he loved. He wondered if his moral would change when he was in those world where the strong means right.

Tian Shen thought he would probably create a haven where those who are weak and mortal shall be sheltered within his authority if he had the power to do so. His philosophy was akin to Confucianism where 'Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you'.

He never experienced where his life and the people he loved are threatened but knew even if he died won't hesitate to fight them and protect his family. Tian Shen would remain humble and kind but cruel and vicious for people who threaten those he loved. Though, this only applied if he truly face with this kind of adversary.

Tian Ming intently gaze at his son who's eyes shimmer in excite staring at the book he gave. This made him smiled that his son was able to find comfort in simple reading and still act like a child despite his maturity. It was then his phone rang and made Tian Shen hear perked up sensing a pending danger.

"What!? Wait, are you alright!? Yeah I'm here with Shen'er. Okay I'm going to be there!"

Tian shen saw his father had mixture of fear and excitement that instantly knew what the call was about that cause him to smile warmly.


"I know father it's about mother having labor? It's alright I'll be fine and won't be going anywhere."

He reassured his father who expression soften and gave a nodded as Tian ming was about to lived Tian Shen spoke.

"Before you go father if my young sibling is born a girl then call her Tian Qingyue and if a boy then Tian Zheng."

"Alright son I'll promise to name your younger sibling the names you gave."

Tian Shen felt a blissed hearing his father as he saw him left his room. He laid on his bed once again gaze on the boundless sky and infinite star while wondering if theirs world beyond his own. His wish to be free and saw the worlds even that journey would one day be meaningless still desire to see the vast world.

He open the book he was given reading the content intently engrossed from the words that gave a vivid image as though he was within the content of this literature. It was story about mortal who seek the true immortally even though such a thing never proven to exist. The character perseverance was like any other continuously walking in empty road unsure where it truly lead.

It was his wish to be a person who would be able to explore the boundless sky and be akin to a god. He would be able to have the power to change the laws of fate and even defy heaven but alas it was only possible for fiction. Tian Shen chuckled recalling the times he tried to cultivate out of enjoyment and boredom.

He even thought of many cultivation methods within his head and even cultivation system because he enjoyed the feeling. Though, Tian Shen was even able to create a Xianxia novel but it wasn't as successful due how it wasn't the readers taste. Nevertheless, he desires to leave freely unbound by fate nor illness and remain who he is even how much adversary come his way.

"If I get to this kind of world then I'll probably have protagonist plot armor."

Tian shen dryly laughed at the thought where every protagonist have the heaven's luck and plot convenience being able to fight someone with their plot armor. Though, he understood some logic in them where either the main character had reincarnated and has memory of supreme expert or have heavenly treasure.

It was typical to find in this stories but it was better than power of friendship where it was illogical. Those people in xianxia who had undying will able to fight stronger people because of their Intent. Nonetheless, this stories had face slapping and young master which made him laugh.

Tian shen laughed that those elderly men think wisdom as power which is foolish knowledge. True wisdom attain in one's experience and not by power.

After a while, Tian Shen finished reading and once the book slammed shut. A sudden pained course through his body that was extremely excruciating and cough out blood as Tian Shen stared at his blooded hand with a blurry vision.

'Am I going to die? I knew this would happened but at least my parent won't be alone and if my life is an exchange for my future younger sibling then be it.'

Tian Shen laid in his only the soft pillow feeling the agonizing pain akin to being consumed by wild beast yet his eyes did not contain the slightest pain and only smiled breathing restlessly. He gaze once again in the moon who seem shimmer more brightly than before.

'How beautiful….'

It was this day that Tian Shen had taken his last breath smiling till the end with no regrets knowing he had live enough that their nothing left for him except his family pain of losing a son.