

In a devine empire a prince was born. His life was perfect as being the only prince of the empire raised with golden spoon but it all changed when he became 7 years old as he was cursed with a rune and saw the cruelty of the beautiful world. Come , let's join the journey of Julian crawford who will explore the world , conquer lands , wage wars , take revenge.......just for peace Author - dark story , heavy fights, peak plot, No ntr or any r 18 stuff btw Enjoy

_maxi_milian_ · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs


(huuuuuuu)Riser sighed

"let's say they achieved their objectives.....how much time do you think they will take before they start the war?"

"least ten years , we will try our best to find out who those shadow figures are"

Riser looked at Julian who was still playing with the unicorn doll

"so that's why lord alexis allowed me to train him despite being so young"

"yes , lord alexis wants the EINDZEL to manifest as fast as it can......he may be the wielder of the Holy Sword Excalibur "

Riser smirked a little then ask "what made you think that he is the wielder of the Holy Sword Excalibur, till this date there has been no one that is able to activate the Holy Sword"

Roger said with an cold face "you will know when his runes manifest"

"ok , since you believe that he will be able to activate the Holy Sword I'll try my best to help him manifest his runes as fast as he can,

then I'll be leaving "

"umm train him well"

"ohh by the way , can i get a contracted beast?"

"umm go wait near the entrance, I'll prepare a beast for you"

Riser then looked at Julian and said "come we have to go....and yeah you can't bring that unicorn doll"

hearing that he can't bring the doll julian pouted "you can keep it inside your inscription you know?"

"i can't and if you keep being stubborn I am taking you back to the palace"

"behhhhh you meanie"

"come let's go " riser looked at Roger then nodded his head , Roger lifted his right then the black runes on his neck began to produce smokes , his right hand was covered in black runes then the same two perimeter wide portal formed infront of him

"can't you make it a little bigger , why i have to bow down every time I use your portal?"

complained Riser

"this is the biggest portal i can make "

"don't lie i have seen you forming portals bigger than this "

"it must be you hallucinating"

"humph" riser jumped and entered the portal alongside with julian , julian looked back at Roger then said

"bye bye uncle retard , see you soon"

Roger eyes flinched hearing julian call him retard

"huhh bye bye".

"whoaaa where is this place"

"it's the entrance of the royal death assasins"

"how is this an entrance of their headquarters when there's not even a door?"

After julian and Riser entered the portal they were transported on a giant platform which spread for hundreds of metres

"of course , in order to enter you have to use altars"

" but why we can't see a single house or trees here?"

"it's because this platform is made at the top of a mountain that is 9000 ft tall" " whoaa are you serious?"


(screechhhhh) while they were talking a giant white bird screeched at them

"looks like the ride has arrived" then both riser and julian looked upward , they could see a giant white bird flying down to the platform.

The bird was 100 metre in size , it has a face of a pelican and a body of an eagle while it's giant wings were covered with white feathers.

after some seconds the bird landed in front of them , the bird was 20 metres tall and was looking down at Riser.

Riser then looked at Julian and said "let's go"

"umm" replied julian excitedly then riser looked at the bird and said "bring down your head" as if understanding the bird put his head on the ground infront of riser , then riser took julian in his arms and jumped on the birds giant head then ordered "fly towards zouykya"

(screechhhhh) the bird then screeched and flew towards south at an astonishing speed

On top of the birds head julian and riser were resting, a transperant shield surrounded the whole bird so no pressure can pass through the shield and harm julian and riser.

Julian who was looking at the clouds suddenly turned his head toward riser and asked " hey riser can i ask you a question?"

Riser who was meditating opened his eyes

"what is it?"

"why my sisters can meet my dad but I can't?" hearing this riser's face darken and sadden a little

"you will know once you grow up , your grandpa don't let you meet him for your own good"

"but granpa lets my sisters meet him, but not me how will he harm me?"

"you will know once you grow up"

"behhhh everytime I ask something the only thing I hear is you will know once you grow up , I'm bored listening to these same words again and again... then have you ever met him?" asked julian with shining eyes

"umm once" riser answered with a cold voice

"then then how was he does he look like granpda or me?"

when Julian asked him , a certain thought came to his mind , in that thought he was standing in front of a man although the man was standing far from him he could still sense a dreadful aura coming from him , the man was covered in shadow as it was night and only his body structure was visible, he has two horns curved upwards , dark grey hair and red eyes which glowed in the dark , blood dripping from his hands and dead bodies surrounding him , riser felt chilled running on his body thinking about the man.

"ey.....heyyy riser i asked you something why are you spacing out?"

"huhh...oh". "so does he look like me?"

"i don't know I was unable to see his face at that time as it was night"

"booooo that's boring you know i atleast want to know how my father looks"

Riser spoke "kid it's best if you focus your thoughts on training instead of thinking these useless thoughts"

"ok ok"

after hours of flying a small city appeared before them, "let's take rest in this city since It's night" said riser to julian who was laying on his back on top of the birds head

"ayyyy , I'm hungry too i want to eat something"

"stand up and wear this robe"

riser then passed a black robe to julian , julian catched it and ask "why do we have to wear a robe now?"

"it's to hide our identity"

"now why do we have to hide our identity?"

"why don't you just shut up and wear it?"

"hahhhh" julian sighed and weared the black robe.

after some time they flew down to the outskirts of the city, "you can go and rest well and meet us here at this same place again tomorrow morning"

riser said to the bird after landing on the ground (screechhhh) the bird screeched and flew up and disappeared in the clouds in no time

"say riser , will the bird really come to meet us tomorrow here again? what if he runs?"

"that's a trained bird you know? they are raised for transportation purposes since young and they have the same inteligence as we do so don't worry about it running"

"yikess i hope he runs away"

"huh" riser smirked and spoke in a teasing tone "afraid of flying high?"

"no it's just to boresom to fly , i can't do nothing except looking at the clouds...at first I was excited seeing the clouds everywhere but after seeing it for the whole day it's boring me"

"okay enough talk let's go"


soon they headed towards the city which was little far away from them.

"say riser why don't we just use a teleportation altar to go to the wilderness?"

"we can't , the wilderness is the most dangerous place in the whole Athanor , so their are no teleportation altars there"

"huhhh it's really tiring hah....but you mostly spent your time in the wilderness right? are the beast there strong? are you the strongest in there?"

"yes , the beast there are really strong some are even stronger than me and I am sure that at the centre of the wilderness their exist beings who are stronger than your

grandfather "

"whattt? are you serious isn't granpa the strongest being in the whole Athanor?"

"hahahaha you know nothing about this world there exist people who are way stronger than your grandpa , what makes your granpda an emperor is his insane wisdom".

They kept talking and in no time a giant Wall appeared before them , the wall was five metres tall and spread as far as the eye could see and a giant four metres door was also attached to the wall where several human guards were stationed.

Riser who was also wearing a black robe appeared in front of the door and looked down at the human guards , "who are you show your identity" a guard who was holding a spear asked riser ,

without saying anything riser took out a golden emblem from his inscription rune and showed to the guards....

" a....a..a royal guard emblem!!" the guards who were not giving them a second glance stood up immediately seeing the emblem and bowed down

"we welcome you sir...uhh..uhhh"

"you don't need to know my name"

then he entered the city through the door without looking back at the human guards alongside with julian.

(mutter,mutter) julian and riser were walking on a road looking for a hotel to stay ,

"whoaa why are there so many people outside when it's night?" asked julian while riser replied "it's like this in all small cities , these people all belong to second or third class family...they work on day and enjoy the night unlike nardiana where only the people of upper echelons can afford to stay"

"whoaa then isn't living in these small cities more fun?"

hearing this riser's mood sadden a little looking at julian "we can't live here and enjoy a normal life , we are bound by responsibilities that we can't escape and have to fulfill it until we die...." he looked up at the dark sky and said in a lonely voice "we are cursed to not have a normal and a happy life"

since riser's face was covered in robe he could not see his lonely face "riser , what's with this lonely speech?"

riser then looked at Julian and smiled a little

"from the day after tomorrow we will start our training so you better enjoy your time now'

"huhu do you think that i am afraid of some training? just so let you know i am the prince of Athanor"

"haha enjoy your time cause you will cry later during the training "