

In a devine empire a prince was born. His life was perfect as being the only prince of the empire raised with golden spoon but it all changed when he became 7 years old as he was cursed with a rune and saw the cruelty of the beautiful world. Come , let's join the journey of Julian crawford who will explore the world , conquer lands , wage wars , take revenge.......just for peace Author - dark story , heavy fights, peak plot, No ntr or any r 18 stuff btw Enjoy

_maxi_milian_ · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs

royal death assasins

"whaaaa?". "come on let's go we stayed here for too long". "ok ok "

Then they both left , At the giant hall of the palace two people could be seen arguing

"no, he is still too young for this". " your highness i don't mean to disrespect you but if you keep spoiling him he will eventually turn into one of those spoiled brats of the nobles who only think of themselves, as the prince of Athanor you know how many responsibilities he shoulders, ". " at some point he will come to know how cruel the world is and by that time if he is not prepared the peace we have been guarding for so many years will all go to vain"

"but...". "don't worry princess Cecelia i will take full responsibility of him and always protect him"

"huuuuuuu" Cecelia sighed "then I will leave him to you but make sure you don't hurt him while training"

"rest assure ". "julian , listen to what riser says and be obedient and keep sending letters ok?". "don't worry mom i will and where are others? "

"they just left Athanor to meet your father, they will probably be back after one week,. but don't worry I'll inform them that you left for training and make sure you sent letters to your sisters individually or else they will be very sad "

" umm don't worry mom I'll keep in touch with you guys"

Cecelia then looked at riser and asked " how many months will you be training him ?"

"don't know...least 12 months but we will be back before he turns 8, after all he will have to attend the academy too"

"umm it's already noon why don't you go after having lunch?"

"ok then I will be waiting near the altar , after you two are done with the lunch , we both will be leaving"

"ok, come Julian let's have a lunch "

Then julian had lunch with his mother and grandpa, the whole time during the lunch Cecelia lectured him with many things and finally the time arrived for his leaving.....

"Riser I'll leave my son to you so please take care of him". "hahaha don't worry I will take really good care of him" replied Riser.

Inside the palace , there was a teleportation altar which was solely for the royal family,

A teleportation altar basically transport people from one place to another, it is a very important asset in Athanor as it saves both time and energy but in order to activate a teleportation altar one needs a high density of mana.

Cecelia looked at Julian who was near the altar then she hugged him tightly and said emotionally. "make sure you don't get hurt during training ok mom will be waiting for you". "umm don't worry mom i will behave well during the training and i will not cause any trouble for riser too"

"good then go". julian then looked at alexis who was standing behind Cecelia "grandpa bye"

"ummm go and train well"

The altar was 1 metre in height and one had to climb up a little to reach the centre of the altar.

julian and Riser were staring down at Cecelia

(huuuuuu) julian took a deep breath and looked at Cecelia who was also looking at him with a sad face "bye bye mom I'll back after sometime , and also don't worry about me I'll keep sending letters ok ". "umm bye bye" said Cecelia weakly

Riser than touch the platform of the altar and began to transfer mana , the altar glowed with light then many runes began to appear on the alter.....then julian and riser both vanished.....

"don't be sad Cecelia it's good for him that he's training from such a young age, he needs to learn how the world works , just like how riser said that if he kept staying inside the wall, he will never know the sufferings outside of the wall"

" i know that but.....what if he turns like him?"

"don't worry he won't ". "um"

"ughhh , my head spins as always, i hate these teleportation altars"

"it's cause you are too weak"

"come on I'm five years you know? how can I be strong as you when I'm this young?"

"save the talking for later" they were now standing on a altar , but this altar was a little different from the ones julian and Kaiser used. It was smaller in size and has no jewels or luxury like the one Julian used and they were now surrounded by a bunch of mysterious peoples but they all have one thing in common.....that was they all wear black robes

" welcome to the underground, sir riser"

" thank you for having me " A robed man who was just in front of riser welcomed.

" what brings you here to our headquarter?"

"I'm here to have some words with your leader please lead me to him". "very well come follow me"

then the robed man led riser and julian to a narrow dark path , julian who was also following the robed man asked riser,

"you sure are respectful to these shady guys riser!! why is that?"

"it's because we are one of the strongest organization in the whole Athanor "the robed man replied

"whoaaa does it mean that you can beat the assasins of my holy palace too?"

"haha just so let you know the assasins of your holy palace and the assasins here all belong to the same organization".

"whatt! is it true riser?" julian asked riser who was beside him

"yes , they belong to the same organization"

"whoaaa but the robed man said that they were one of the strongest organization, does that mean that there are more organizations who are as strong as they are or stronger than them?"

"yes , there are organizations that are stronger then the royal dead assasins but don't worry they all are under your crawford royal family"

"can you tell me about those organizations riser?"

"no, you are too young for knowing all these things , once you reach a certain age I'll tell you"

"behhh what does age has to do with informations?"

"you will know once you grow up" Riser said with a stern face , seeing how riser was making a stern face julian didn't ask any questions and by the time they finished talking a small mysterious portal had already appeared before them,

"i have already informed him about you wanting to have a chat , this is as far as i can accompany you now please enter the portal"

"umm thanks for leading us " said riser then he looked at Julian and said " come with me"

Then they both walked toward the portal , the portal had a perimeter of 2 metre so riser had to bow down a little to enter and like that both julian and riser entered the portal.....

" welcome Riser it's been a long time haaa"

"indeed it's been a long time"

"and young prince Julian too i welcome you"

"whoaa uncle retard".

when Julian and riser entered the portal they were transported inside a dark tiny room and infornt of them was a middle age man who was sitting on a wooden chair. The man has short black hair and a short black beard , he just looked like a normal human except he was 201cm tall and a black rune could be seen on his neck which identified that he was an asura.

after hearing julian calling him uncle retard his eyes flinched. " julian didn't i tell you last time to call me uncle Roger"

"ehhh but grandpa calls you retard"

"do you even know what retard means?"asked riser "...no"

"then don't say it, call him uncle Roger that's his real name" "ehhh then why granpa calls him retard?"

" you don't need to know just call him uncle Roger ". "ok ok ".

" good now let's come to the point , sit down"

Roger offered them a seat , after Riser sat down on the sofa he asked

"you have so much assets and treasures why not change your headquarter into some palace"

"we assasins don't live for comfort and fame .... we only live for our objectives so say what you want to ask"

hearing Roger's answer Riser made a stern face and asked

"Is there any movement from them? "

"yes , they have been active continuously"

(gritttt)hearing Roger's reply riser gritted his teeth "are they really breaking the treaty"

Roger looked at the side where julian was , playing with a little unicorn doll

" don't know..... but by how the things are going.....it seems like"

Riser clenched his fist " i doubt lord alexis and others from the higher echelons dont know about it"

"yes , they all know about it"

"what are their response to it?"

"they are just preparing for the worst , if things go too far then we will just destroy them"

"you said that they are continuously active , by that you also mean that they are getting supported from somewhere ,.... do you know

from where they are getting the support?"

"that's the thing , we know nothing about the ones who are playing the strings from the shadows"

Riser asked "why not just destroy them before things go too far , aren't we making things difficult for ourselves?"

"we can't do that...if we did , we would be the one breaking the treaty , we are known as the empire of peace, never in the history had we attacked any other nation or empire "

Riser asked again " but you said that they are active continuously, what if they completed their preparation and waged a war against us?"

" we would still win easily ...it's just we have to sacrifice some of our men's "

" i also know that , I'm talking about the ones that are playing the strings from the shadows"

Roger looked upward " don't know ..... I'll let the uppers decide what to do ,

we are no one to make the decisions, we exist so we can protect our people....that's our objectives."