

In a devine empire a prince was born. His life was perfect as being the only prince of the empire raised with golden spoon but it all changed when he became 7 years old as he was cursed with a rune and saw the cruelty of the beautiful world. Come , let's join the journey of Julian crawford who will explore the world , conquer lands , wage wars , take revenge.......just for peace Author - dark story , heavy fights, peak plot, No ntr or any r 18 stuff btw Enjoy

_maxi_milian_ · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs

Power system

(clap clap clap clap) Cecelia and the two sisters clapped from the side

" You two should end the fight , now that it came to a draw "

" Humph i admit that it's a draw now but don't think that next time it will be like this again" complained Sara

"Ok sis next time I will win again so be prepared" teased julian. " Youuuu" Sara pouted her cheeks.

" Hahaha you two childrens stop it come lets have lunch mom will make chicken soup for you all"

" Ayyy " then they all left the garden heading straight to the palace , as the year passed they also started to grow Lucy was eleven this year , she has silver white hair which was tied in a bun with a long Chinese flower hair pin and a long earring on her left ear while Lin was seven and half this year and has a long dark black hair which comes down to her back .

At the garden where julian and Sara were fighting two silhouette formed one was an old man with white hair and white beard which comes down to his chest and another one was covered in black rope just like an assasin

The shady looking silhouette asked the white haired man " lord alexis why is that you are so obsessed with the safety of the sisters but you also let them meet that demon"

".....It's because even if that demon is a scum his love for his daughters exceeds his love for the world and that love give them an unbuyable protection... As for why I'm so obsessed with the protection of them....

It's because they are also blessed with a supreme rune...you know what that means."

"Su.. supreme rune? They all?..are you kidding me my lord?" Asked the shady looking man

" I know it sounds hilarious but it's true i also didn't take the matter seriously and thought it was an epic rune but as they began to grow the runes started to appear frequently and by the time I realised it already manifested... "

" That is why I'm so obsessed with their protection , I'm just scared that they will go through the same hell that once cecelia did..... I hope you will keep this matter a secret even from your family"

" Don't worry my lord you know me well , even if I have to sacrifice myself for them I won't hesitate"

" Hahaha I know that .... After all you are my most trusted ally"

In a big room , around a giant dining table julian and his sisters were sitting " isn't grandpa going to have lunch? Where is he?" Asked Lucy , Sara replied "probably reading those old boring books again "

"Hahaha who said i was reading a book?" Alexis appeared just behind the chair Sara was sitting.

Sara jumped in surprise " grandpa didn't i told you not to appear mysteriously like that it always scares me"

"Hoho if you got scared just from this then how will become a swordsman". Sara got angry listening to his taunt , she got up from the chair then she grapped alexis's beard "grandpa you are talking too much "

" Ahh ahh I'm sorry my dear Sara ahhh i swear I won't tease again". "humph you better remember or else I will cut your beard" "ok ok grandpa was just joking"

" Huuuuu you two... stop quarreling , sit down the food is ready the maids will be serving it soon" said Cecelia who was coming from a door connected with the room probably kitchen , and after some time the food was served and they all began to talk happy and eat .

While eating , a certain infinite sign on julian's left hand began to glow lightly that was when he suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling as if it was telling him something...." Julian are you okay" asked Lin who was sitting near him noticing his uncomfortable look. "huhhh, ahh it's ok it's nothing". Lin thought something was fishy but she didn't take it seriously...

After eating julian went to sleep with his mother in her room, after waking up he spend the night playing with his sisters and listening to stories told by his mother as usual

" Then our heroes chase them away from our planet and closed the portal from where the came from"

" Were the gods that strong mom? That even a mythical being have it hard to defeat them?"

" Yup they were very strong " after talking with his mom for sometime he soon fall to sleep, Although he was five he still liked to sleep with his mother unlike his sisters who slept alone.

When he woke up next day , same as usual after having breakfast he ran away from his home cause if he did not he would be forced to study and study is the thing julian hate the most, but also just like yesterday Atlas caught him and send him back to the palace , but he was not that sad cause his study time has been over and now was the time to train , at an battle arena around the size 80 metre julian was facing a huge guy, he has a height of 3 metre with a bulked body and short black hair , he looked just like a human except his size and body structure, he was from a dharvix race .

Julian ran straight toward him with a wooden sword in his hand , he activated EINDZEL and the rune mark on his left hand which formed a sign of infinite horizontally , his right hand glowed golden while his left glowed purple then his whole body was covered with golden and purple runes. His pupils were replaced with the same six winged mark on his right hand while his iris turned into dark purple flames,

" Take this riser " the wooden sword burned with purple flame and charged straight at riser ,

Seeing the wooden sword burning with purple fire charging straight at him riser just casually swung his right hand straight at it but just as his hand was about to meet with the sword , both the sword and julian vanished

" Hohh so you finally mastered how to use space time travel but it's useless in front of me" he suddenly turned his face backward and met with Julian's panicked face , julian was about to use space time travel again but he suddenly felt an incredible force on his stomach , he looked down and saw that it was riser's punch which caused pain in his stomach 'so fast'..... ( flewww , boom) he flew backwards like an arrow and crashed on a pillar of the arena

His body slowly slided down from the pillar (thump) , he kneeled on the ground with one leg while riser came infront of him and looked down at him "we had enough practice for today now time for some theory lesson "

"Atleast give me some rest even if I have EINDZEL for healing myself it takes a lot of time to heal you know?"

" Then force your rune to exceed its limits only then will it grow"

" We Asuras are not like your dharvix race you know ? Who just get stronger by working hard"

" Anyway I don't care stand up and drink some water then I will explain you how our power system works"

"Ayy ayy" replied julian

" So answer me , do you know why we are able to think many things during a battle and it seems like the time is going slowly but it isn't like let's say that there is a sentence that you are thinking and it took you five seconds to think but during a battle that same sentence would only take one second for you to think "

" There's no way I'll know that aren't you the teacher here so why are you asking me? "

Riser's eye flinched. "kid be serious"

"It's because when we are in a battle our brain is forced to work several times faster than it usually works cause if it didn't we would either be killed or suffer injury , it's a nature of living beings . When cornered even a snake will bite back at an eagle. Is that cleared?"

Said alexis who appeared out of thin air near julian "grandpa! What are you doing here?"

"Just here to check up on you , listen to me properly, in a battle the brain has the most important role,

It decides when to attack,where to defend, when to retreat, when to charge , the brain decides and the body acts so it's very important for the brain to work fast when in fight, it's not only during fight when anything where the life comes at line the Brian works at fastest."

"Do you understand?" "Yup"

" Now granpa will teach you how we grow in strength so listen properly "

" Different continents have different kinds of cultivation , as for us from Athanor we grow stronger by executing the same thing again and again, every living beings are born with a core so do we Asuras.

The core works like a storage , it stores all the mana we absorb from the earth and when we want to use it we just pour it out from our core and in order to grow strong we have to keep expanding our core so it can hold more mana inside it and allow us to use several skills and boost our strength while fighting, the core is basically the hilt of a sword which supports the blade while our fighting skills , battle experience, our passives ability are the blade of the sword which cut the enemy, so don't focus much on the core , the core will grow automatically as long as you level up your battle experience, it's just like a tight shoe , when you wear a tight shoe , at first it will be tight on your feet but as you keep wearing it it will loosen automatically and eventually fit your leg."

" Do you understand?"

"Ok granpa i understand about our core and strength but how does a passive skills works?"

" A passive skill is something that only a few people possess , it's basically their speciatly just like riser's movement despite being a dharvix he has an insane speed.