

In a devine empire a prince was born. His life was perfect as being the only prince of the empire raised with golden spoon but it all changed when he became 7 years old as he was cursed with a rune and saw the cruelty of the beautiful world. Come , let's join the journey of Julian crawford who will explore the world , conquer lands , wage wars , take revenge.......just for peace Author - dark story , heavy fights, peak plot, No ntr or any r 18 stuff btw Enjoy

_maxi_milian_ · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs


People who possess passive skills usually have an upper hands in a fight cause unlike your skills and battle moves it doesn't require mana , just like how you are born with an eye and doesn't need to use mana to see , a passive skill is something that is born with you and it doesn't require mana ."

"Then grandpa what is my passive skill?"

" You are too young and haven't experienced real battles so it is not awakened yet but I'm sure that you possess one cause you are an Asura of an upper echelon after all ahahaha"

" but grandpa what about our runes , how people know what kind of rune we posses and what are its uses even before we manifested it?"

"It just had been passed down through generations, no one knows for how long our race has lived but every record has been written properly and passed down to later generations , as you know every Asura are born with a rune, every rune that has been appeared in the past , it's ability and anything related to it has been recorded"

" But how come you just know the name of my rune but don't know it's ability? And the rune on my left hand? You don't even know it's name"

"I'm also loss at this!! Huhhh, our race has lived so long that the books of history contains all the information about the whole runes that are manifested in this generation but yours is the most unique case, the fact that the name of your rune is written and drawn but it has no information, and about the other rune even I don't know anything about it, but don't try to use it as much as you can "

" Why , this rune is way more useful than the EINDZEL"

" HAHA kid don't underestimate the EINDZEL. It's just that you are not able to weild it cause you are too weak , once you grow then you will discover it's true power, as for why i don't want you to use that other rune...it's because it gives me the aura of destruction, we are the descendants of the god of creation that's why our whole royal family have a golden rune, golden represents creation , peace , light, righteous, while purple represents destruction, ruins , deaths, sorrow. Destruction is the opposite of creation and we represent peace and creation, that's why we should stay away from destruction as far as we can"

" Umm i understand, but grandpa can i fight a real battle?"

" Noo, you are too young for that"

" Come on lord alexis let him fight since he want to , as the prince of Athanor he should be strong enough to lead the empire to peace" said riser who was near alexis

" No he's too young". " Come on i will be with him so you can be at ease". "but....". "come on lord alexis are you doubting my strength?". "pleaseee grandpaaa". Julian stared at alexis with an innocent face and twinkling eyes "auggggg alright alright stop staring me with those innocent eyes it makes me feel guilty"

*Yayyy ".....,.... "then I will leave him to you ". " You can be at ease lord alexis ". "hmmm then go i also have works to do"

"Umm then let's go riser". "ok ok but before going let's visit the holy vault to choose a weapon since you can't kill a monster with a wooden sword can you". " We..wea..weapon? Really really can i get a real weapon ? ". "Um since you will be participating in real battles i gave you permission to get a weapon". "thanks a lotttt granpa i really loves you uuuuu". Julian ran to his granpa and hugged him tightly while alexis laughed a little. " ok ok go and choose your weapon i have to go somewhere too" "umm"

After bidding bye to his granpa julian followed riser who walked towards a certain room, after some time they reached in front of a huge door made of jewels,ruby , emeralds and diamonds of various sizes were decorated on the door , just as they reached in front of the door a shadow suddenly emerged from the ground in front of them , the shadow was covered in black robe .....he said in a cold voice " the prince of holy palace and the beast of the wilderness what brings you here"

"Hohhh so you know me". " There's no one in the upper echelons that don't know you" , "humph , I'm here with the young prince to take a suitable weapon for him". " He's just five and you want to take him to zouykya already?". "He's a prince after all , I don't want to follow a prince who just think about himself and don't even know how to fight" ......julian looked at riser with strange eyes "you are insulting me you know riser?". " You need to get hurt in order to grow". "What are you talking about?" Asked julian ,

"Nothing". "Now let us enter the holy vault or are you gonna keep us waiting here?" "very well please enter " after saying this the shadowy figure vanished to the ground just like he appeared. (Creakkkkk)

The door creaked as it slowly opened automatically. "whoaaaaa is thiss...real so many types of weapons?".

"Umm it's the same as ever". "Did u came here in the past riser?".

" Yess i took my sea of halberd from here , ehhh". Riser looked proud when he was talking about his weapon but when he looked down he saw that julian has vanished already "hey wait for me"

" Whoaaa is this a sword or just a giant lump of metal?" Beyond the door was a giant room which has the size of 60 metre sq . At the the room many types of weapon were stocked , swords , halberd, trident, claws,etc and at the walls of the room many long range weapon were held like bows and arrows,mana disruption bomb, kunai etc.

In front of Julian was a giant sword, length of 2 metres and breadth 40 cm.

"Of course it's a sword isn't is obvious" " but isn't is to big of a sword?"

"It's made for giant beings as us dharvix". "But who made such a giant sword?"

" Dunno , it's a sword of ancient period ". "behhh, but why is there so less weapons? Doesn't a normal weapon vault has atleast one thousand weapons? ". Hearing this riser's eyes flinched

"Kid those are normal weapons but the one in here are all devine weapons, even the worst quality of weapon here is ranked celestial ". "Whoaaa does that mean the weapon I'm taking will also be of a celestial rank?". "of course , all the weapons here are made of devine materials made by legends, the weapons are passed down from one generation to another so it doesn't get lost. Many of them are also bought from those dwarfs, now we have talked enough why don't you choose your weapon "

"hmmmm I'm thinking what kind of weapon should I take? , A sword will be too long and I don't like claws and long range weapon too"

"Why don't you take a short sword...it will be easy to handle too and you already had enough practice with wooden swords so it will be the most suitable weapon for you"

" now that you mention a short sword fits me perfect, lemme see some swords first"

julian and riser crossed path with many short sword but not one catch his eye and when he finally decided to give up , a certain short sword caught his eye "whoa finally something that catch my eyes" Julian ran straight toward a sword , it was white in colour and at the sides of the blade , small red jewels of 2 millimetres were attached, it's hilt was black in colour and has the length and breadth of 8cm and 3.5 cm respectively.

It's white blade was 25 cm long with a breadth of 4.5 cm


"CALIBURN?". " it is the swords name , in the past it was used by a famous assasin, the blade also have a unique passive ability, when equipped it will boost your movement."

"Does weapon also have a passive ability too?". "They have and those that have are considered celestial or above ranked"

"Then which rank does the CALIBURN belong to?".

"Supreme". "Whoaaa i sure have a good luck huhu " "take the sword , and we will inform your mother and sisters about you going to train in the wilderness". " Ok "

Julian touched the hilt of the sword which was laying on a sword holder, just as his hand touch the hilt ,cold energy infiltrated his body "woooo what is this energy " "it's the mana which resides in the sword". "but the weapons are non living object so how come mana reside inside them?"

"it's the specialty of a high ranked weapons , unlike how you can wield a normal weapon just by sheer strength , a high ranked weapon requires mana to be used at its full or it will be just a normal useless weapon. Now pour your mana in the sword "

"But I can't use mana properly". "it's ok even a little mana will work". "if you say so....."

Just as riser said Julian poured his mana a little in the sword and just as the sword received mana it began to glow red , the red little jewels on the side of the blade began to shine, then they released straight red light lines connecting all the Little jewels forming a rune. "Whoaaa...ehhhh.....what happened?"

"It's cause you can't channel your mana properly that's why it's can't be activated continuously"....