

In a devine empire a prince was born. His life was perfect as being the only prince of the empire raised with golden spoon but it all changed when he became 7 years old as he was cursed with a rune and saw the cruelty of the beautiful world. Come , let's join the journey of Julian crawford who will explore the world , conquer lands , wage wars , take revenge.......just for peace Author - dark story , heavy fights, peak plot, No ntr or any r 18 stuff btw Enjoy

_maxi_milian_ · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs

Different races

The empire where julian is born is called 'Athanor' it is the strongest of seventeen empires which exists on the planet

It is so strong that the whole continent where Athanor is located is named after it (LAND OF ATHANOR) .

There is no other empire except Athanor on land of Athanor. The empire consist of many races as dharvix , neons , Anglas , lafrixs , humans , and Asuras are also one of the race of Athanor,and they are also the strongest race in Athanor. Every races have their own abilities and specialty like Anglas are born with wings which gave them insane agility , lafrixs are born with the power to control nature better than any other race and is considered the closest to nature even leaving the elfs behind while dharvix races are born with insanely strong body that they don't even need mana when fighting someone of their league and like all the races Asura are born with runes which give them different abilities , some's runes give them insane reflex while some's boost their body and like that every runes have different ability but every Asura is born with only one rune while Julian was born with two which no one knows why. And like land of Athanor there are six more continents on the planet where Athanor is located some of them are called THE RUINS OF DARK where demons , orgs , incubus , vampires , etc resides , FYSI TENOR where elfs , fairies , unicorns and other pure races live , LINNAEUS which is a human continent and like them the other continents consist of their own type of races

When Julian was born he was blessed with two runes one on the back of his palm on his right hand which form a sign of six wings being the size of 2 cm sq, three wings on each side being golden in colour and the rune mark is called EINDZEL while on the left hand on the back of his palm forms a symbol of infinite being dark purple in colour taking breadth of 2 cm and length of 1 cm as the symbol is formed horizontally and surprisingly no one knows what it's called and no one knows it's ability except one which is space time travelling which Julian used earlier to escape from the butler and he also don't know how to use it properly so his family are always worried whenever he activates the rune mark

Currently he was transported inside a room of a house and in front of him was a woman who was dressed in a bra and a panty... Obviously she was changing..... "aaahhhhhhhhh" looking at julian who suddenly appeared in front of her she shouted and and throwed a glass which was near her at julian and before the glass could hit him he disappeared mysterious just like he appeared and the next location he transported was a mysterious valley.

" Hufff what was the deal with that aunty i just saw her changing and she got scared like anything hufff the world really is strange " said Julian while shaking his head like an adult "then again what should I do now that i have transported myself in an unknown place again ?Ummmm well i should just ask some random people what is this place". At a certain valley in front of a small drain a human man was pissing

"Lalalala laaaa" don't know from where but a kid mysteriously appeared at his left side and said " uncle your peepee sure is big do you massage your peepee like others too to get it bigger?" Ask the kid innocently

"Ahhhhhhh who are you.. i mean where did you come from noo that's not what I want to ask what do you mean by massaging my peepee where did you see someone massaging their peepee?" "I have seen a lot of guards at the palace massaging their peepee at the bathrooms and their peepee becoming really bigger " said Julian again with innocent face " then the man who was peeing closed his pants and looked at Julian and said " kid you should not be watching people massaging their peepee it's really a bad habit but how come they never saw you watching them?"

"Because the bathroom don't have terrace and i would always peek at them from the tree near bathroom and i would always tell the name of people who massaged their peepee to grandpa and for some reason he would really get angry at them and would punish them huhuu it's really fun to watch them getting their naked ass beaten by a thin stick "

Chill runned through the man's spine listening to Julian's word "aren't you just a mischievous kid"

"Oh by the way uncle what is this place?" 'looking at this kid he's probably some young master of a big family the dress he is wearing defenitely cost more than 100 gold coins and the cross earring on his left ear is definitely worth many gold coins that I can't even imagine' and as he was thinking suddenly he felt a powerful pressure on his body that he never felt before....

" don't think of doing anything you lesser" he heard a cold voice from behind, as he turned his head slowly he saw that the one who was warning him was someone of neon race. He had long white hair which was tied back and four eyes which were the same as a human's.

He panicked and replied "sir please don't mind me i was not even thinking of touching him if I wanted i would have touched him already but I didn't i was just curious about this young master's identity that's all"

"Humph even if you wanted to kill him i doubt you would be even able to touch him now get loss "

When the man heard to get loss without saying anything he ran with his full strength and dissapear in the valley in no time

"Atlas i just started to have fun don't tell me you want me to come back"

" Yes young master please come back with me or you will be making your mother worry please think about your mother"

" Can't you just tell her that you are with me " "no can"

"Boooo it really sucks huhh fine I'll come with you ". " Very well come hold my hand"

Then julian holded atlas's right hand then both of their body started to disappear slowly ,

Athanor was a very big empire and the capital of Athanor was called nardiana , it has a perimeter of 247 km and was also called the city of jewels as the resources of the whole continent mainly focus on nardiana,

Inside Athanor there are several kingdoms just like the branches of the tree , each kingdom has an average size of around 45,000,000 to 70,000,000 km some of them are even bigger while some are smaller so the.size of Athanor could be imagined. At the centre of nardiana was a palace around the size of 500 m sq

At the entrance of the palace several guards who are covered in red Armor could be seen , past them was road of 4m in breadth which lead straight to the shining palace , green garden surrounds the whole giant palace , several flowers and colourful trees could be seen at the garden , in a certain area of the garden two people's silhouette could be seen forming slowly and After some seconds they finally formed , it was julian and Atlas " young master i will be leaving you here " then without hearing anything from julian he disappeared just like he appeared... "Huuuuuu he really hate to even put his step in the palace"

" Well not like it matters to me " then he started to walk straight but after some time of walking he started to hear noices of giggling

When he ran toward the source of the voice he saw his three sisters playing while his mother was sitting on a couch at the side and stiching a whit scarf in her hand.

As Sara saw Julian she got excited "heyy julian your finally back come lets have a duel "as she said that Cecelia also turned her head and saw Julian, she ran to her and hugged him "didn't i tell you not to use your rune what if some bad guy were to hurt you ". "come on mom there's no way someone would hurt me, and I'm fine to so why are you stressing so much?"

" You know nothing about this world that is why i I'm worrying... this world is full of bad guys and you will one day see for yourself how cruel the world is when you grow up " julian listening to his mother scolding him just replied with an umm

Sara who was watching them from the side said " come on mom you are overreacting, leave him alone i want to have a duel with him"

"Looks like yesterday's loss hit you hard huh " cecelia said to Sara in a teasing tone "come one mom yesterday he just took me by surprise or else there's no way a kid would win against me humph"

" But do you have an extra sword sis?" Ask julian tilting his head to side a Little " of course I have I'm a swordsman after all" then mysterious letters on her middle finger of right hand began to glow green "then a wooden sword appeared in her hand .

" Whoaaa sis you got a dimension inscription?" " Mom i want one too".

" You are too small for a dimension inscription when you will be eight i will inscribe one for you."

"Behhhh it's too long " "oi julian come fight me you have got a sword now right "

" What's the hurry sis ". " Cause i want to take revenge for yesterday". "behhhh" julian stuck his tongue outside.

A dimension inscription is a very important asset in Athanor. Its uses is that it helps you store any non living object inside it . It's looks just like a tattoo and is usually inscribed in index or middle finger and when used the letters of the inscription will appear on the skin.

In a field filled with green grasses two people could be seen facing each other, one was girl who looked around nine years old , she has scarlet hair which was cut short around her neck like a Tom boy , she was wearing white shirt and black pants that looked tight but was incredibly flexible while one was boy who looked to be five years old , he has sky blue eyes , silver white hair and an cross earring which was dangling on his right ear , he was wearing a set of white colour and was in a fighting stance .

The reason for their duel was that Sara has a tomboy personality and she loves sword battle , she started learning sword when she was five and she is often teached by professional fighters who have experienced real battle likewise julian also started learning sword two months ago and yesterday out of curiosity she challenged him but surprisingly he defeated her , despite being just five and learning sword for just two months he defeated her and that dealth a really heavy blow to her pride.

As for julian , at the side his sisters Lucy and Lin and his mother was there cheering for them so he wanted to defeat her again and wanted to impressed his sisters, Although he was just five years old due to the genes of Asura his height already reached 95cm.

The wooden sword in his hand was straight aiming at Sara ...."hufffff" he huffed and charge forward to Sara and just as he reached in front of her she swung her sword horizontally from left to right aiming straight at Julian's head, when he saw the sword coming straight at his head he paused his movement and bowed bis body back and spun his body Anti clockwise in the air and as both of his empty left hand and right hand which was holding a sword touch the ground he lifted up his left leg and kicked Sara at her chest__she flew back around 5 metres then balanced herself again__by the time she regained her balance she saw Julian throwing his sword straight at her face__ she tilted her face to right to dodged the sword which was coming straight at her face like an arrow and when the sword missed her face she wanted to use that oppurtunity to attack but when she was going to charge forward she realised that julian vanished, then she immediately turned her face to right side to look back and found her back facing Julian's back just 1 metre away and his body was hovering in the air and although his left hand and sword he throwed was not visible in her eye from her angle she knewed that the sword was definitely in his left hand and he was going to swing anti clockwise aiming straight at her head, she knewed this this because this was how he defeated her yesterday.

Thus according to her calculation she also thrust the sword in her right hand upward at her full strength then as she expected julian swung his sword anti clockwise aiming straight at her head.....(thakkk) their swords met then both of their wooden sword's upper half broke and flew in the air as they couldn't bear the force....