
The Mysterious Crime

The next morning, Elvis and Raja departed early. With the help of their disguise clothes and appearance, they left the duchy without any hassle.

Just as they step out in the mansion, they immediately felt the gloomy ambience of the city. Some stalls was being organize by local commoners, ready to start the business. Some children running and stealing bread and other foods while innuendos from the adult one are mixed in the sight of the usual air.

Elvis frowned. He lives in this city for almost seven years yet he can't really get used to the feeling of walking in this endless despair. The knights of Obelima surrounded the whole place but no one pay attention to their easy offense. They will only atone them if the crimes are heavy like killings or murderings.

Elvis did not rise his head when he was near at the familiar knight. He was wearing a black cloak covering both his face and head. While on the other side, Raja keeps observing any hidden threats. His commoner clothes was similar to them making it not noticeable.

The houses and residence was filled with noises and little by little the sounds was lessen and the big houses appeared to kept smaller.

As they arrived at the stall where they should rent a carriage, Elvis instantly took a pendant at his bag and handed it to the old man. The old man's eyes went widened in shocked as he hurriedly ordered his people to get a carriage suitable for traveling.

This is the emblem of the Obelima. The old man knew that he cannot disobey the will of this owner. He did not bother to ask the background of this two young people and quickly prepared the materials for traveling.

A strong wooden carriage was rented by Elvis and Raja. It was just a simple and ordinary in the outside but it was big enough in the inside. This was fitted for travelers and to avoid the bandits.

"Where is this two young master headed?"the coachman asked in a low voice.

The coachman was still young but he was the most experience driver in their stall. When the old man knew that the Obelima is the backer of this two young man, he hastily summoned Eric and ordered to accompany them.

Eric glance at the two youth. The other one was hidden in the black cloak while his partner was wearing an ordinary clothes. They are in disguise, he thought. And the old man said that he cannot defy any of their commands.

Elvis pursed his lips, "To the Forest of Alyana."

Eric was stunned. He swiftly shifted his gaze to the black cloak man, "May I hear it again young master?"

"Forest of Alyana."

"No!"Eric shouted but right away corrected his gestures, faintly apologizing: "I'm sorry young masters but we can't go to that place right now. Did this masters not heard about the current crime?"

Raja was confused, "What crime?"

"Several people went missing in just a week. Both commoners and nobles. They all said that all the missing person went to the bridge of Gaza. And no one get across in that bridge alive. They all disappear without a single trace."

Elvis pursed his lips. The bridge of Gaza as the longest bridge across the misty forest and the only way to get to his hometown. But now, this mysterious crime become a burden.

Eric was nervous for a sudden moment. Although he was a skilled warrior, he was indeed young and still scared of danger. Especially, when the risk is too high.

"Is there another road to take?"Raja asked expectedly.

Eric lifted his head and thinking of any other road, he exclaim happily when he remember a certain road: "There is! There is!..."his smile faded, "But we cannot get to that road unless we have an item or a map. That pavement is too narrow and small. With just one mistake, it will make us lost."

"What is the item that we needed?"

"Uhm..it's a map or maybe a magnifying orb. But it's hard to get it nowadays—"

Eric paused when Elvis handed him a white ball. It was a crystal similar to a diamond but when it was activated, the vision of the user will soon be enhance. And every things that other cannot see will be perceive. Even a tiny details can discern.

Eric hold the orbs lightly, gently and nervously: "Where do you get this?"he asked dumfounded.

Elvis smiled, "My boss give it to me."

Both Raja and Eric went silent. The other was shocked because of this treasure while the other one was astonished because of the ability to predict of his master.

Elvis grinned but his heart was beating miserably. What a scary power. Even the tiniest complications can still be foresee.


Glacia glance at the two princes, sitting opposite to her. Her mannerism was both angelic and poisonous. Just like a predator, waiting for her prey.

Eversince the two princes arrived, all the male pets that she have was now a meaningless existence towards her. Those trash can't compare to the aura of this royalties. She know to herself, that she had a psychotic mind. She loves handsome man and become a dominant in their relationship.

And right know, her eyes was stocked on the second prince. She licked her lips unconsciously, while her thoughts wandering around.

The huge dining room was crowded by the Obelimas and the two princes. The soldiers was getting accustomize by the knights of the Obelima, leaving only them.

The duke was sitting in the center and to his left side was the Crown Prince followed by the Second Prince. And his relatives was all in the right side.

That's the definite role in the kingdom. No one is qualified enough to sit beside the royalties without a proper invitation. Except if the highnesses ask it, of course.

"I hope his highnesses enjoy the stay in my Duchy."the Duke, commented

Joaquin almost let out a mocking laugh, "It was a great place Duke. I will tell his majesty about this and of course, the banquet that you prepared was great honor to the soldiers. Duke sure is kind."

Damien knitted his eyebrow. All the praises of this young prince was acknowledge in the wrong situation. He was praising but he was also mocking him. Kind? The Duke? That's slandering their norms!

But The Duke cannot took an action right now. When the De Asel was place in a heavy crime, he will be the one laughing in the end.

Iavis observe the reactions of the Duke. Although, the anger he hide was hidden well and it did not show in his face, he knew too well that the Duke was murdering them in their mind. And his brother was sure cocky and naughty. He accidentally stared at the usual calm red haired youth.

His countenance discreet him from the rest. And just as he alone, was enough for the nobility to applaud his demeanor. He was like a deity and they are only ants on his eyes. In one single thought, Iavis feel that this youth has the same aura of the gods in the books.

He sneered. Gods? Him? Maybe the god of the evil. He laughed at his thought.

"Father, your highnesses. The banquet wil be on the end of the week. We invited all the neighboring nobles to witness the braveness of the soldiers."Glacia's sweet voice filled the entire dining hall.

Joaquin suddenly stopped his movements and watch the young lady in interest, "I see. Very sure, the Duke is still inconsiderate."

Leon almost stand up and beat the hell of this stupid prince. Since he was young he idolized his father for being madman and ruthless. And now, this prince has just insulted his father?! Who can still sit beside that kind of person! He smiled without humor. Heh, he can't wait to skin this two princes alive.

"There is no need for praises..."Damien laughed, and glance at his daughter: "I heard that the Crown Prince still did not have a companion? You are not young, why not try to find someone already?"

Glacia frowned. She knew that her father was going to sell her to this over confident Crown Prince. But she still prefer the Second Prince, who was gentle. Not this idiot one!

Joaquin narrowed his eyes, anger flashed but immediately dissipated: "The Duke is right and I am eyeing some suitable candidate for now."

"Who might it be?"

Joaquin rapidly glance at the silent red haired youth. An idea and amazement filled his mind. Heh, both beauty and getting the downfall of this duchy? Hitting two birds with one stone.

He looked at the Duke in full of determination, "Why don't me and the fifth young master get engage?"

Goldie: Brother that's my wife!

Red: Who said I'm your wife?

Goldie: Me! I already defy the gods!

Red: "...."

BunnyDubucreators' thoughts