
Sylvester Obelima

After the shocking news, all Obelima's children felt conflicted. Now that their fifth brother wake up, the selection of heirs will now start. Some will be eliminated, some will get vanish and some will get a privilege to be the next Duke of the house.

Out of twelve, six will only remain at the main house to compete for the position of successor. The other six will be automatically dispatched from house and will straight away send off to the countryside, where the duke's concubine reside. Some were lucky enough to be married from other nobles. But they are just only tools for the Duke to expand his connection. The top six will be his real descendants. That's why the Duke has not yet publicize his children.

It's normal for them to feel troubled.

Afterwards, Sylvester went to his room to observe all the things he failed to perceive yesterday. Using his powers was exhausting. He moves to the bathroom and face his reflection on the huge mirror.

His dress fall down at the floor, revealing a pale and snowy skin. But a few blue and red marks was noticeable in his skin. It looks painful, but he didn't feel even a slight pain.

"Hanabis..."he called in a low voice.

A shadow emerge from his back. His eyes glow red and the runic words in his iris circled in his pupil. His hair flutters as the cold winds cling into his skin and pores.

"Yes master?"a cold voice answered.

Sylvester looked at his reflection once more and sighed. "This body has no essence. It's not suitable for my powers."

"But master this body has no life when I made it as your vessel. You just took possession on it not long ago. It's normal that it will soon destroy by your power. After you assemble half of your power, this body and your soul will fuse. There is a place where full of evil aura and essence reside. I can gather them for you."

Sylvester close his eyes. "How many years this body can last?"

"Six years."

"Then gather all the essence in that place, come back after six years."

"But master! You will lose half of your power if I wonder around! Now, you don't even had half of your powers! This body can last only three years!"

"Hanabis..." Sylvester sneered. "You are my half soul, you know that I have ways to maintain this body. It will be painful, but I don't feel pain. After that six years, it is enough to awaken Yuno."

Hanabis has no face, but you can tell that he feel worried about his master. He sighed. "Understood master."

"How many years has passed?"he turned around from the mirror and walk directly to the bathtub. There is already warm water on it.

"Two hundred years has passed master."the shadow followed him.

Sylvester slit his fingers and blood flowed from the wound falling immediately at the water. The water suddenly turned black and sticky. The dark aura was raging on it.

Sylvester climbed on the bathtub as his skin made a contact with the water it immediately penetrates his skin. He felt discomfort from the pain, just like a hundred ants biting and crawling on every edge of his pores. He lay his back at the edge of the bathtub. Slowly the blue and red marks disappear from his snow-white skin.

"So what happened after I vanish?"he asked in a low voice.

A dark shadow rested on his shoulder, sharing the agony his master has. "After master vanish, I sealed your soul unto mine as I wander around to find a vessel suitable for master."his cold voice switch to sad one. "Master has become a mortal now, all the evilness spread in the world, it was uncontrollable because no one was guiding them. Master, I think this is their karma for vanishing you."

"Hanabis…" Sylvester sighed. "I am the god responsible for evils. I need to get back to heaven to fulfill my duty."

"But master! They vanish you—"

"I was vanished because I made a mistake. Now I was wondering around for almost hundred of years. It's time for me to go back."

Slowly all the dark particles on water entered his body. He lowly groaned. This is a dangerous technique. He can't believe he was using this till now.

The dark shadow move from his shoulder. "Master, the god thinks that you are still doing some evil things. They said that you spread the evil in this world. They are wrong master! You are suffering, yet they don't understand your intentions. Master no need to mind them."

"Hanabis, I am fine."he rose from the bathtub. The water returns normal. He stepped up from the carpet. Some left overwaters flowed on his snow-white body. Making an enchanting appearance.

The dark shadow glared at the seven marks that was forming into his master's body. "M-Master...the mark."

Sylvester didn't answer him and walks directly to the huge mirror. His skin returns to normal but now, it even made him transparent from the glowing skin. But seven marks appeared in his body. He examined them. Some has different forms, but they all form into a red lotus flower. One small mark from his neck, two from his left and right wrist. A large one from his back and a smaller one from his waist curve. The two remaining form on his left and right ankle. All seven lotus flower portray the seven deadly sins.

"Master the marks now appeared, but you don't have enough powers to disable the pain!"

"That's why I want you gather all those essences for six years."he answered in a calm voice.

His expression was always elegant without the hint of arrogance. If his body was not a ten-year-old, he can produce an extremely powerful aura.

"What's the situation now Hanabis?"he forgot to ask.

"Master, this world is different now. Other than gods, all mortal seems to have powers now. Elements and mana. Some even had soul weapon. Because the god can't interfere the life of mortals, they blessed them their powers to exterminate the demons that was becoming powerful bit by bit. They are afraid that the humans will extinct."

Sylvester curved his lips. No wonder he can feel some mana in the dining hall a while ago.

They had the powers of gods.

"This is the kingdom of Orlacian. A kingdom that has five great families that was dominating this place. The Obelima, Protalan, Trillion, Brasko and the royal family the De Asel. Each family has their own rules."

"You are observing this whole time Hanabis. Good work." Sylvester complimented with a slight smile.

Hanabis flustered, but it's not noticeable since he's a dark shadow. "And master, some humans evolve from different species. They are even elves, dwarfs and even beastman. And the human's lifespan extend to the certain degree."

Sylvester laughed sarcastically. "What is the god doing? They are really afraid that humans go extinct from their own fault. Really impressive."

He walked out from the bathroom and move to the closet to find clothes. He dressed himself comfortable. Furthermore, he saw some wrist guard and choker on his closet. He wore them to cover the marks from the outside area of his body. It will be suspicious if they saw it.

"Now Hanabis, go to the place you talk about."he utter in a soft voice.

A dark shadow turned into a black crow and went to Sylvester's fingers. He gave him some of his essence, and he straight away fly from the open window. Sylvester stared at the flying figure. Suddenly a knocked came from the door.

He close the window and turned around. He fixed himself and opened the door. Large hands immediately pull him into an embrace.

Savannah cried while hugging his youngest son. She felt worse knowing that she can't do anything to save her child. Her son just woke up, and he will instantly compete with his siblings!

Daniel stared at his mother and brother. A warm feeling touch his heart. He can just hope that the elimination will not start too soon.

"Son, my baby? Are you okay now? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Savannah asked in a worry voice.

Sylvester stared at the lady in front of her. For a thousand of years, he didn't like to get contact from others. The only one who got contact with him was Hanabis and his creator. Now that the other person was hugging him, he feels strange.

Savannah's red hair and green eyes collided with her son same hair. She touched his child's cheeks and sob once more.

Daniel walks in front of the two pairs. His brother's eyes swift from his mother to him. Daniel gave a warm smile and patted his head.

"Brother's going to teach you everything so that you will not get eliminated. Listen to brother."he said in a gentle voice.

Sylvester narrowed his eyes. The sealed emotion on his heart was now breaking from an unknown force. He looked at his mother once more. His red demonic eyes glowed and the sealed emotion calm down.

This is strange. This is really strange.

Sorry for some errors, again this is my first time writing huhu.

BunnyDubucreators' thoughts