
A Battle Of Attrition




By combining the power of Divine Element Embodiment and Purification, my body changed! I suddenly became a beautiful and majestic butterfly whose shell was made of silver, my wings were made of bright light, and I resembled a beautiful piece of jewelry given monster form. Using this Holy Form, I quickly conjured {Heaven's Gate Judgement} right on the Queen's face once more, without trying to be original with the Skills, I had no time to be!


An enormous Gate emerged, crossing through space and time and bringing forth the Light of Heaven itself upon this unholy bug woman!


"Again with that?! Uunngh…! UUUGYAAAAAGGGHHH…!"

The enormous ray of Heavenly Light bathed her body infected with evil cosmic energy and miasmic energy. My transformation into this form through Divine Element Embodiment also helped, enhancing the element I had transformed, doubling if not tripling its total damage dealt!