

"So the Grav-Stones are the basic gems, then they move up to Grav-Rocks, and Grav-Gems. These can all be used to create a pull point, but they are all basically useless without the Anti-Gravity-Diamond. That creates a zone that also allows you to place the Grav-Stones, but this is the reason why they are so rare. Once we open the stomach up, the stones will activate, and if there is no Anti-Gravity-Diamond with them, they will all sink into the ground," Sig explained, and I nodded.

"So it really doesn't matter until you find an AGD, right? But then how do we collect more after? I would want to install the AGD in the ship, and then we can have floating Hex-Combs or whatever else Gamble thinks up. The problem is, how do we get more?" I asked, but this time it was Gamble who answered.