
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

The New Warlord 2

After a few days, Phoenix and Aria landed on Asyio. Aria got off Phoenix's back and sighed. Phoenix looked at her and gently pushed her forward with her wing. Aria stumbled forwards and looked at Phoenix and smiled. They went into the ravine. Phoenix made a small fireball that was used to provide light for them.

"I still don't know why I was the only one sent on this mission." Aria said.

"Maybe no one else was qualified? You did grow up on Asyio. So maybe he did see you as the only one can get whatever he needs from here." Phoenix said.

"Yeah..but I just can't help but get an off feelings by this.." Aria said.

"I understand why..the north part of Genten is already at war with each other..It won't be long before the other kingdoms follow through..Ignis and Mizu are starting to get to that point in war. Plus people are fighting over resources and gold." Phoenix said.

"What about the Kingdom of Kusa? Are they battling?" Aria asked.

"Motonari has been pretty neutral and has no desire to invade kingdoms. The only time he battles is if someone invades his kingdom. He is one of the region's best strategists so him losing a battle is nearly impossible." Phoenix said.

"The neighboring kingdoms are powerful and each are able to control an element. But it's only a specific few who can actuallt control one or more elements right?" Aria asked.

"Yes, mainly Warlords control at least one element. Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, Air, Light, Dark, Ice. Take you for example. You can use the element of light to your advantage. Every element has a downfall or a weakness, but also a few extra benefits. The element of light is stronger in the daytime but weaker at night. Light can also be used to repel Dark element attacks. Same for Dark but the opposite." Phoenix said.

"I see, Lord Astros didn't really teach me that since no other elememt can massively hurt a Light User like a Dark User can." Aria said.

"It's important to know these things even if your element is stronger, there are still downfalls to every element and can be used to ones advantage." Phoenix said.

Aria nodded and they made it to Talamat. They stopped and Talamat let out a loud screech and spread her wings.

"Who dares step into my domain?! State yourself or burn by the power of my flames!" Talamat said.

"Calm down it's just us." Phoenix said.

"Oh, well I have to be prepared for everything now. People come for my feathers every other week. Do you know how long it takes just for them to grow back?! Every other year!" Talamat said. She started ranting and Aria softly laughed.

"Is she always this moody?" Aria asked.

"Only on Tuesdays.." Phoenix said.

"Anyway what do you need? The diamond mine is to your left and the Eternal Flame is to your right." Talamat said.

"Aria actually came here for 3 feat-"

"Denied." Talamat said before Phoenix could finish.

Aria looked confused at Phoenix and Talamat.

"What? It's for Lord Whatever his name is." Phoenix said.

"Chicken Brain active.." Aria laughed quietly.

"How about you give her some of your feathers." Talamat said.

"What? My feathers are no good if the people are still alive! You might as well use it to tickle people!" Phoenix said.

Aria was just sitting there with a clueless smile as she listened to her bird sisters squawk and bicker.

"Okay how about this. You give her some of your feathers and I give you some of mine." Phoenix said.

"Denied!" Talamat said.

"What's wrong with that offer?!" Phoenix asked.

"Our feathers aren't the same shade of red..idiot.." Talamat said and ruffled her wings.

"Oh come on..! We go through this every other year..!" Phoenix groaned.

Aria walked to the water and looked at all the Koi as she waited for a final answer.

"Okay how about this, we both give her 5 of our feathers." Phoenix offered.

"Four." Talamat said.

"Five." Phoenix said.

"Three take it or leave it." Talamat said.

"You really love to make things unnecessarily difficult huh..fine 3 feathers." Phoenix said.

They finally came to an agreement after spending 15 minutes bickering. They each plucked three feathers from their wings and gave them to Aria.

"Is that all you needed? Mine as well take some diamonds with you to sell for gold when a merchant is near or when you visit a shop." Talamat said.

"You sure?" Aria asked.

"You're our little sister technically so of course. Lucky that I care for you." Talamat said.

"Thank you." Aria smiled happily and went to the diamond mine.

Meanwhile in Genten, the Kingdom of Lem and Kingdom of Spectem were battling. A man blocked the dark magic attacks with his sword and smirked.

"Lord Omu, your skills are as impressive as ever..but my kingdom shall not fall to your hands..!" The woman said and the orb in her hand shined purple and she shot more dark energy balls at him.

"Lady Nō..Your skills with magic exceeds any other..but you are no match!" Omu said and slashed through the dark energy balls.

Lady Nō was backed into a corner and watched the statues move and three of them touched and made a wall of energy. It worked against her favor as now there was no escape.

"I shall propose a deal with you..Surrender to me and join my army..I shall share my gold and resources with your kingdom annually. You and your junior warlord, Okuni, will be spared. You have my word as a warrior and a warlord." Lord Omu said.

"Ugh..to be defeated like this...How could he have defeated me so easily..?!" Lady Nō fell to her knees and sighed.

"What will it be?" Lord Omu asked.

"You win Omu..I surrender..just don't hurt any of my people.." Lady Nō said.

"You have my word..Ranmaru, heal the mages then come back to Lem after you're finished." Lord Omu said.

"Yes my lord.." Ranmaru walked to the mages and healed them.

Lady Nō watched him and got on edge when he got to Okuni.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Lady Nō. You have the best mages in the entire region..but my lord is.." He paused and looked at her.

She was confused on why he stopped talking then watched him walk to her. He crouched down and began to heal her.

"It's best you don't know that for right now.." Ranmaru said.

"Ara~ Your dedication for Lord Omu is admirable." Lady Nō smiled.

"Well his sister ran away from Lem after realizing a war had started and he was going through a tough time..so I was there for him no matter what..I am his loyal servant. I will help him win this war no matter what." Ranmaru smiled.