
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

The Heat of Battle

A month later the kingdom of Auroria got prepared to invade Ignis. She found a few papers in her desk and looked at them. They were missing reports and old news.

"Missing...Nobunaga..Oichi...and Motochika.." Aria read on the paper. She looked confused as she didn't know who these three were. "Ever since Nobunaga's disappearance the Kingdom of Lem required an immediate replacement. The replacement is named Lord Omu and he is accompanied by Lady Uchi. Motochika has not returned from conquering the Shikoko Islands, but is reported alive. His replacement is a Warlord from an ancient clan who masters the way of the waves, Motoshiki."

"So..you found out the truth." Uchi walked in.

"You aren't the original owner of Lem." Aria looked at her.

"No..we are merely replacements until Nobunaga and Oichi comes back..no one knows when that is. I still don't know why everyone is so loyal to my brother...he only cares about power...People speculated that Nobunaga and Oichi were dead..but I know it isn't true." Uchi walked to her.

"Who is Nobunaga and Oichi?" Aria asked.

"Nobunaga is the very first to unite all of Genten, only doing it in a span of about 2 years..he, Oichi, and Ranmaru were unstoppable along with the help of Mitsuhide and Gracia." Uchi said.

"He was that powerful? Compared to Lord Omu, he sounds like a god.." Aria said.

"Mhm..his abiity was Nomad Ambition, the longer he was in battle the stronger he got. Oichi has an ability called, Sweet Song and she could heal anyone with a simple melody. And Ranmaru had an ability to heal..I forgot what it was called." Uchi said.

"Three titans and only one remained." Aria said.

"Yeah, but we should be going. We have a kingdom to conquer!" Uchi smiled.

"Right." Aria set the papers down and grabbed her weapons and walked out the office with Uchi.

They walked outside and saw Sefia and Joshua. It was just those four since most of the army was taken out. Aria gave a thumbs up and smiled. Sefia nodded and Joshua closed his eyes and smiled.

"Alright! Time to march to Ignis and capture the kingdom!" Aria said. "Onward!"

The four of them marched to Ignis. As they entered they felt a rush of heat hit their face. Aria smiled as she was used to fire. Sefia and Joshua were also used to it since they used to work in another region where venturing into volcanos and wildfire were common. Uchi was the only one not used to the heat.

"So hot.." Uchi fell on her knees then jumped back up and squeaked. She whined and the other three laughed a bit. "The ground is even hotter.."

"Welcome warriors of Auroria. I have awaited your arrival." Hideyoshi said.

"Today is the day your kingdom what becomes mine!" Aria said.

"You're in my domain now where the fire element is always present. You beating me is not gonna happen! Now let us set for the battlefield." He walked off.

The others followed him. As they got closer to the battlefield, the temperature rose more. Uchi started to get heavily fatigued. Aria held Uchi up.

"Here on this battlefield, boulders will fall in 5 random locations everytime the volcano erupts. Also lava is present so reaching me won't be so easy. Today is the day you parish Aria!" Hideyoshi glared and picked up his staff then mages appeared and swordsmen also arrived.

"Uchi..are you okay?" Aria asked.

"I'm so tired..my body can't withstand such heat.." Uchi said. "My body is reaching Overload.."

"Overload..?" Aria asked.

"When fire and thunder elements collide or fuse, it causes the overload effect..if it happens to a human, their energy will explode, causing them to pass out. Too much overload will cause death." Sefia said.

Aria looked at Sefia and back at Uchi. She didn't know Uchi was a thunder element. This was very dangerous for them because Overload has an AoE effect. Hideyoshi laughed and looked at them.

"Seems like your warrior is struggling before she gets to see the light of day." Hideyoshi said.

"Come on Uchi.." Aria helped her stand up. She took out a water bottle and tried to pour it on Uchi but the water evaporated.

"On this battlefield, even water can't withstand this heat!" Hideyoshi laughed.

"Aria, we have no choice but to swiftly defeat him.." Joshua said.

Aria looked around and saw a small pool of water to the right of her and closed her eyes and invisioned a strategy and smiled.

"Alright..Attack!" Aria commanded.

Sefia and Joshua dashed and went for the attack. Hideyoshi got in a stance and was surprised when Aria ran to the puddle of water. Aria tossed Uchi into the water and Uchi sighed in relief and smiled. Aria smiled and watched Uchi stand.

"You used the Sacred Spring Water hidden on this battleground.." Hideyoshi glared.

"Of course and now that Uchi has cooled down, she can battle!" Aria pointed.

Uchi summomed her chakrams and disconnected them and lightning surged around the discs and she threw the discs. Hideyoshi blocked them and dashed then jumped to Aria and Uchi. He swung down and Aria blocked the attack, but wasn't expecting a second hit and was blown away onto a rock pillar and grunted. Uchi pulled her chakrams back with a lightning string. Hideyoshi looked back and rolled out the way.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Hideyoshi said and dashed to Uchi.

Aria dashed and blocked the attack with her lance and twirled her lance around her body and going on the offensive. Uchi watched in awe. Hideyoshi blocked all of her attack and parried one of her strikes and swung his pole. Aria unsheathed her katana and blocked the attack. Hideyoshi glared and Aria smirked. She changed from single wield style to dual wield style.

"I've studied your moves, and now I'm ready for whatever you have to throw at me!" Hideyoshi bellowed and blocked Aria's attacks.

Aria kept attacking and noticed a difference in Hideyoshi, he wasn't getting fatigued. She slashed upwards and made Hideyoshi lose his balance then spun and kicked him back. She tossed up her katana and got in a stance and twisted her lance to where the blade was flat in her face then swung. She hit the handle on the katana with the blade of the lance.

"Sword Technique: Shining Bullet!" Aria bellowed.

"Not this time!" Hideyoshi said and dashed to Aria and dodged the sword. The sword got stuck against the magma wall.

"Dammit.." Aria said and blocked Hideyoshi's attack.

"What's the matter Aria? Didn't think this would play out the same huh? After losing to you the way I did, I thought to change my strategy and counter the way you fought. It took some time to find out how, but I figured it out..can't you see Aria? You can't beat me!" Hideyoshi chuckled.

"Gosh you have a big mouth. You don't think I've already figured out the secret? Your elemental abilities are highly increased here meaning you can't get tired easily since the heat here recharges you every once in a while..but you overlook one thing.." Aria smirked.

"What is that?" Hideyoshi asked.

"I can't defeat you but.." Aria pushed Hideyoshi away and kicked him back then backflipped.

"Ultimate Skill: Deception Bolt!" Uchi bellowed and the lightning energy surging from the chakram grew bigger and a large bolt of lightning blitz to Hideyoshi. The recoil blew Uchi back and she crashed into a rock wall.

Hideyoshi was surprised and a barrier appeared over him because of one of the mages. The bolt struck the barrier powerfully and managed to shatter the barrier, but the move ended when the bolt shattered the barrier.

"I gotta admit..you caught me by surprise..and I applaud you...but you're finished!" Hideyoshi stomped his foot down and bellowed and flames surrounded his weapon.

Aria landed and her Warrior Ability activated. Her green eyes glowed and she looked at Hideyoshi.

"Ultimate Skill: Inferno Calamity!" He threw his pole and it blitzed toward Aria.

Aria dodged and looked back and saw it fly towards Uchi. Joshua dashed to Uchi and bellowed and his silver aura surrounded his body.

"Ultimate Skill: Silver Slash!" Joshua said and slashed down and hit the pole. "Aria!! Do it!"

Aria nodded and looked at Hideyoshi and bellowed. Her lance responded and the blade emitted a bright gold aura and her eyes glowed brightly.

"Ultimate Skill: Light Judgement Slash!" Aria slashed down and a gold blade beam rushed to Hideyoshi.

"Lord Hideyoshi!" A mage called out.

Hideyoshi never saw this much power behind a skill before. The mage tried to summoned a barrier but Sefia defeated the mage before she got the chance. The blade beam hit Hideyoshi and a huge explosion was the outcome upon impact. The explosive caused a powerful repulsive force, blowing everyone away. The smoke cleared and a barrier shattered from around Hideyoshi, but he fell to his knees and passed out, defeated.

"No..My Lord.." Another mage said.

"Light Judgment Slash ignores...all form of defense no matter how powerful it is.." Joshua said.

Aria panted and heard the volcano erupt and saw flaming boulders fall onto the battleground. One boulder was headed straight to Hideyoshi. Aria used the rest of her energy to dash to Hideyoshi and slash upwards and breaking the boulder in two, saving Hideyoshi. He soon woke up and groaned then sat up.

"Hideyoshi." Aria said.

"Once again I lost...The castle is yours Aria. But this won't be the last time you see me." He got up and left.

His army followed but Hideyoshi stopped them.

"I must go alone, I must get stronger! Until we meet again." Hideyoshi went off somewhere.

Aria sat down and sighed. She watched the army disband and split up. She looked at the sky and smiled.

"Ignis is now ours.." Aria said. The others helped each other then walked to Aria.

"We now have two castles! Only 6 left until we have half the region under your command!" Sefia smiled.

"We will do our best to help you!" Uchi smiled.

Aria nodded and smiled. They successfully conquered Ignis and all went back to the main part of the kingdom to rest. A man chuckled and watched. He was impressed with them and walked off.