
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

The Final Battle 2

Aria dashed to Omu and noticed a blast coming from the portal and got hit. Omu snapped his fingers and energy blasts shot out the portals one by one. Aria got up quickly and dashed towards Omu. The core released another energy pulse and shook the tower. Aria stumbled and a blast was coming directly towards her and her wing blocked the blast. She continued towards Omu and bellowed and jumped up at him. Omu looked at her and widened his eyes a little and an elemental force sent her crashing down to the roof again.

"Face reality Aria..You simply can not defeat me. Even in your overdrive..your efforts are meaningless." Omu landed on the roof.

"I can not..accept this reality..knowing I will lose everyone I love..Ginchiyo...Muneshige...Joshua..Sefia...Avani....Uchi...Paulla..." Aria stood up and exhaled. "I can not simply just allow myself to cave into the pressure!"

The core released a powerful energy pulse and the stairs started to crumble. Aria looked at Omu and got in her stance. Lightning crashed and thunder boomed. Omu held his hand out and snapped his fingers. A portal opened and an energy ball shot out and hit Aria and carried her to the sky. He glared and his eyes glowed and raised his hand.

"You're a fool..Thinking you can stop me..? Only a complete idiot would even dream of challenging me..now you will suffer..no pay with your life." Omu said. "Ultimate Skill: Cosmic Shatter."

Omu balled his fist and the energy ball grew and exploded. He noticed Aria flying towards him at full speeds. She bellowed and went for a strike. Omu's eyes sparked and dodged her then kicked her away. Aria spun and landed on her feet then dashed to Omu again. Her eyes flashed white and she went for a strike then Omu dodged again. She blocked his kick and swept him off his feet and blasted him through the roof and jumped down after him. Omu landed on his feet on the bottom floor where the core lies.

"So this is where the core is.." Aria said and landed.

"It won't mean a thing.." Omu said then black lightning surged around his body and he dashed to Aria.

Aria dashed to Omu and they clashed. Omu summoned his sword and slashed. Aria caught the blade with both her hands. Omu grinned as the sword got closer to her neck. Aria struggled and grunted felt the tip of the blade touch her neck. Aria's flames disappeared and her light aura shined brightly, repelling the dark aura and making it easier to push back. Aria bellowed and her light energy blew Omu back then she summoned her lance and dashed to him.

"Foolish human, light doesn't work on me!" Omu said.

Aria glared then slashed and flames sparked for a split second and cut Omu's eye. Omu groaned loudly and held his eye. Aria pushed him against the core and the core released a powerful energy pulse and blew them both away. Aria hit her back against the wall and fell face first. Omu crashed into the pile of broken stairs. Aria slowly got up then Omu soon got up also.

"I'm..ending this.." Omu said then summoned his sword and black lightning surged powerfully around his body. "Fury Skill!"

Omu dashed to Aria and slashed three times and sent her in the air. He held her hand out and his dragon horns cracked and aura emitted from his eyes.

"Final Cosmic Impulse!" Omu bellowed and balled his fist.

A massive dark explosion happened as he balled his fist. He grinned then looked surprised. Aria yelled and her yells echoes then her flames exploded around her. The flame from her chest grew bigger. Her wings were flames and she reached the final stage of her overdrive.

"I can not be defeat by some worthless ant!" Omu bellowed.

"I am not an ant!" Aria bellowed loudly.

"Aria.." Ginchiyo said.

"I am-"

"Aria." Muneshige said.

"I am-"

"Aria.." Shingen closed his eyes.

"Aria." Kenshin said.

"Aria." Nō said.

"Aria." Sefia said.

"ARIA!" Uchi yelled and closed her eyes.

"I am Aria! The Hope of Genten! I am the Ardent Phoenix! I am the person who will rid you once and for all!" She summoned her katana and energy from all over Genten surged into her sword.

Omu got in a stance and his black lightning aura surged powerfully. The core glowed and released another energy pulse that made the roof crumble.

"Fury Arts!" Aria bellowed loudly. "Primordial Flame: Overdrive!"

Aria flew down to Omu and screeched like a Phoenix. Omu roared like a dragon and slashed. Aria parried Omu and blue flames surged from her eyes and she stabbed Omu right in his heart and all the dark aura vanished from the room. Aria glared at him and Omu slowly and weakly grabbed Aria's wrist. Aria pulled the sword from his chest and watched him fall back.

"You...may have..defeated me..but the core...will release an energy pulse so huge...it'll blow Genten right off the maps.." Omu coughed blood and looked at the roof.

"Not if I stop it.." Aria ran to the core.

The core had no direct power source which meant the only way to stop the core was to release her own energy into the core and repel the pulse. It would reduce the energy and only destroy Lem, and most likely kill Aria. Aria had no choice and placed her hands on the core and released her own energy into the core.

"What the hell is she doing?!" Ginchiyo asked.

"She's..trying to minimize the explosive pulse the core will release by releasing her own energy in the core..that will kill her!" Mitsuhide said.

Uchi set down Paulla and ran out the room and out the castle. Ranmaru ran after her.

"Wait! If you go you will die too if she fails!" Ranmaru yelled.

Uchi kept running and went to Lem. Tears rushing from her eyes. She was worried about losing Aria.

"I don't want to lose you Aria! Please! You promised! You promised you'd come back to us! To me!" Uchi cried and ran to the tower.

The core released a destructive energy pulse and the ground shook then cracked and the castle started to fall. Uchi fell to the ground. She got back up and ran to the tower. Aria yelled and kept releasing her energy into the core. The core released a repulsive force and blew Aria away. Aria crashed into a wall and the wall broke and crumbled down. Aria was pushing the extent of Iridescent Flame and placed her hands on the core again. She panted and started to release her aura into the core more.

"Aria please stay alive!" Uchi ran to the tower as fast as her legs could go.

The core released another destructive force of energy, destroying the villages and completely making them turn into dust. Uchi saw the outcome of the villages and her eyes widened. Her home was slowly being turned into dust..soon Aria would be taken away also. Aria fell to her knees and places her forehead against the core.

"My body...I'm so tired.." Aria said quietly with a faint smile on her face. "This is how I spend..my 19th birthday..with a core that'll kill me.."

Aria saw nothing but white and saw two people stand before her. She looked up and the people were smiling at her.

"You've grown up so much.." The woman walked to her and got on her knees and hugged Aria then tears streamed down her face.

"Our little girl..became a hero.." The man smiled and walked to Aria and rubbed her hair.

"Little girl..? You two are.." Aria paused and covered her mouth and her eyes watered.

"I'm sorry..we couldn't take care of you.." The woman cried softly. "I didn't want you to see us like this.."

"You died.." Aria had a lump in her throat and her heart grew heavy as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Your mother died..a few minutes after she had you..her last words were.."

"She's gonna grow up..to be the best maiden in all of Genten.." The woman smiled and looked at Aria.

"I couldn't take you in due to the fact I had a mission in Mistral...I died in battle after being betrayed by my own commander.." The man said and smiled a bit.

"Mama...Papa.." Aria cried.

"Now isn't the time for you to die..you still have time to save your home...just keep pushing!" The woman said.

"Tomorrow will be a better future for everyone!" The man smiled.

"Aria! We love you!" Her parents said then faded away and Aria snapped back into reality.

Aria stood up and her flame on her chest burned a little longer. She slammed her hands against the core. Uchi ran in the tower then saw Aria in the basement. Aria bellowed and her flame grew bit by bit. Uchi saw the pulsating energy revert back in the core. The core began to glow brightly.

"Mama! Papa! I will save my home!" Aria sobbed as she kept releasing energy in the core. "Our home!"

As Uchi heard that, her heart stopped for a second and covered her mouth. At that very instant, she figured out her parent were dead. Aria yelled and the core glowed red. Uchi jumped down and tackled Aria and a barrier appeared over them. The core exploded, releasing a massive energy blast and the energy destroyed everything in Lem. Everything was turning into dust. Uchi sniffled and held onto Aria as tears rolled down her cheek. She watched her brother's body slowly turn into dust then saw his soul. He looked at Uchi and smiled softly at her and mouthed, "Live happily.." to her. Uchi saw him fade away slowly.

As the energy blast ended, the barrier slowly crumbled and turned into dust. Aria was holding onto Uchi and Uchi looked at Aria. Aria opened her eyes and saw Uchi.

"Aria.." Uchi smiled happily.

"I'm alive..?" Aria asked.

"Yes..you are..alive.." Uchi sobbed loudly and hugged Aria tightly.

Aria looked shocked and teared up and held Uchi closely. Aria gasped for air and let out a loud yell of sorrow and sobbed. The two girls sat there on the ground and cried their hearts out. Uchi was grateful that Aria was still alive and Aria was still feeling deep sadness for knowing the truth about her parents, but also happy she was still alive. Aria buried her face in Uchi's chest. After 20 minutes, they stopped crying.

"Uchi.." Aria said.

"Yeah..?" She answered.

"I..love you.." Aria said.

"I know.." Uchi smiled and looked at Aria.

Aria looked up at Uchi. She sat up and held Uchi's hand then gently kissed her lips and closed her eyes. Uchi closed her eyes and kissed back.

4 Years Later....

"Hey stop running around the house!" Uchi put her hair in a ponytail. "Azami! Leave Paulla alone!"


"No buts young lady!" Uchi looked at her.

"I'd listen if I were you." Aria smiled and pat her head.

"Mama Aria, who's side are you on?!" Azami asked.

"I'm heading out to Aysio now." Aria walked to Uchi and kissed her lips.

"When will you return?" Paulla asked.

"In a few months." Aria smiled and ruffled her hair. "And you little trouble maker, you stay out of trouble."

"Yeah yeah." Azami smiled.

Aria walked out the door and hopped on her horse. She headed off the Aysio and saw Sefia and Kikuri on their date and waved. They waved back then her horse stopped as they saw Phoenix. Aria got off her horse and smiled.

"I'm ready." Aria hopped on Phoenix's back.

"Oof! You're not as small as you used to be!" Phoenix said.

"Oh boo hoo!" Aria laughed.

"You won't be laughing when you end up in the water!" Phoenix said.

Aria laughed and Phoenix flew up. They set off to Aysio from the skies. In a few weeks they made it to Talamat's cave. They both walked in and Aria stretched.

"Home sweet home!" Aria laughed then saw Talamat.

"Welcome home!" Talamat said, happy.

"It's good to be home.." Aria smiled.

"Tell us all about your adventures." Phoenix said excitedly.

"Well it starts like this..."

End of Epic Conquest Vol 1...

I'm pleased to announce the end of Volume 1 of Epic Conquest! If you enjoyed the book please give it a rate and your comments! If you didn't like it, I'd love to hear from you also! Thank you for reading Epic Conquest Vol 1!

YamixKawaii_Novelscreators' thoughts