
Ephemeral Rebirth in the Demon Academy

about a boy who Reincarnated in another world as a charming dude

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11 Chs


As the tension eased in the club room, Risa and Akeno shared a moment of understanding. The complexities of emotions, especially when intertwined with supernatural dynamics, were not easy to navigate. In the midst of it all, Takashi's charming presence seemed to linger, his impact on the Occult Research Club leaving an indelible mark.

While walking back home from the club room, Takashi found himself in the dimly lit streets of Tokyo. The night air was thick with the weight of the recent encounters, and he couldn't shake off the echoes of the emotions that had unfolded within the Occult Research Club.

In the shadows, a mysterious figure with black hair approached him. The girl, named Rayner, stepped into the dim light, her eyes reflecting a determination that sent shivers down Takashi's spine. Without hesitation, she spoke, "Please be my boyfriend. I have plans for you in the future."

Takashi, caught off guard by the unexpected proposition and the ominous undertone in her words, hesitated for a moment. The darkness made it difficult for him to discern her features clearly. Sensing an unsettling aura, he gathered his composure and firmly declined, "No, I can't. I'm not interested."

Swiftly, Takashi hurried away from the mysterious girl, his senses on high alert. Rayner, left stunned by his rejection, had never encountered someone so charming and resilient. The enigmatic encounter left an air of mystery in the night, as Takashi continued his journey home, the echoes of supernatural encounters and potential troubles lingering in the shadows.

Little did Takashi know that his path was becoming increasingly entangled with the intricate threads of the supernatural, where charm, emotions, and unforeseen challenges awaited at every turn. The dimly lit streets of Tokyo held secrets that would unfold as Takashi navigated the intricate web of his extraordinary existence in Kuoh Academy.