

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs


Matches went by pretty fast, all things considered. We managed to get to the finals, and we watched intently as the fight before us, determining who we would fight, was happening between Henry and another classmate of ours. I got snapped out of my thoughts to Mary whispering to me.

"You know, I've never really been a fan of all this fighting stuff." She said with some emotion, I wasn't sure what emotion though. "I am someone who prefers to organize and support."

Before I could ask what she meant, the fight was over.

"Henry's team wins!" Mr. Fang announces. "Before we get to their fight, let's give Henry's team time to rest to make it fair. So we will have one more fight between the third and fourth-place fighters!"

They then go up to fight, while Henry comes down.

"Ready to get the beat down you deserve?" Henry asked as he stopped in front of me.

"Beat down I deserve? Last I checked, I have only stopped you from doing too much wrong." I remarked crossing my arms.

"Don't get arrogant friend, life won't be too kind to people like you," Henry said as he pushed me out of his way. Before he walked away I noticed he gave Mary a smirk and glare.

Once I regained my thoughts, I looked over to Mary who had her head down.

"Hey, Mary-" I started as she flinched at me talking but before I could ask her, Mr. Fang spoke up.

"And that's that! Guess that wasn't much of a break now was it?" Mr Fang joked.

"Nah, it was perfect to get an easy win." Henry boasted as he and his goons gut on stage.

"I'm sorry..." I hear Mary whisper as she walks upstage.

'Sorry?' I ask myself. I will have to ask her about it after the fight. I then follow Scarlet and Mary up onto the platform. Once up there I stood in the middle, with Mary to my right, and Scarlet to my left. Henry is also in the middle facing me. He has quite an arrogant smirk. For some reason, he is really urking me... I then pulled out my Katana as he pulled out his bow ready to fight.

"Ready? Set. Go!" Mr. Fang announces.

I then charge at Henry, who jumps back and shoots an arrow at me. I dodge his arrows and try to hit him but he dodges my attack as well, jumping to the side. I turned towards him and thought I saw something bizarre in the corner of my eye. I used Hunter to tell where everyone was. The other two on Henry's team were both focusing on Scarlet. Mary was just standing there with her bow. 'What is she doing?' I wondered but couldn't check as I got pushed out of my thoughts by Henry shooting at me.

"Scarlet is out!" Mr. Fang yelled.

'What?!' I turn to see the other two coming towards me as well. I take a deep breath and manage to dodge their strikes but it takes all of my focus to dodge Henry and his goons. 'Guess that shows how much I need practice!' I thought to myself. Nonetheless, since it was them focusing solely on me, Mary could take the chance and hit them with her bow! I smiled remembering that but soon my smile faded as Henry had an even bigger smile on his face. I jump back and when I land, I feel something hit my foot. I tried to jump back but I couldn't move.

I look down to see ice covering my foot. 'That's Mary's!' I think as I refocus on Hunter. Mary had her bow and arrows pointed at...me?! I go to try and break free, I am able to break and jump backward but before I knew what was happening, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The pain makes me cough and I see blood come out as I do. I look down to see an arrow in my stomach. Henry landed his hit! I stumble a bit when I land on the floor. Instantly an arrow landed on my leg. Then two light blue arrows land next to my feet, keeping my pinned. I then look up in time to see Henry flying towards me with a swift kick into the chest, causing me to break through the ice and go flying.

I landed just before falling outside of the ring. I couldn't move much anymore, even with healing, with the arrows in me, I can't fully heal! 

"You didn't think I was going to let you go just yet did you?" I hear Henry's voice say as he approaches.

"I yield" I hear Mary say as she walks off the platform.

"I-" I tried to say I yielded as well but before I could, Henry hit me in the side, making me slide.

Henry laughed as he walked towards me. He stopped just in front of me, pulling back another arrow aimed at my head.

"Let me go!" I hear Scarlet yell. "The fights over!"

I look over to see Henry's goons and a couple of other classmates holding Scarlet back from getting to me.

"Enough!" Mr. Fang announces. "Henry, if you release that arrow, you will not only be expelled, you will also be in jail for the rest of your life." Mr. Fang had a threatening tone.

"Hmpf." Henry scoffed as he made his bow disappear. "I was merely kidding Mr. Fang. You should learn how to take a joke!"

Henry then starts to walk away. I noticed Scarlet and the other half of my class running to check on me but all I could focus on was Mary and Henry. I glared at them. 'Henry, Mary, you two just started a war!' I gritted my teeth. Before I knew it, everything went black.


I slowly wake up to people's voices. I open my eyes and groan as I slowly push myself up. Suddenly I am hugged tightly

"Ow!" I exclaim as the one who just hugged me back off.

"Sorry, Adrian!" It was Kara. "I heard what happened..."

"All things considered, you are apparently healing quite well." Scarlet chimed in.

"Healing 'quite well' is an understatement. Other than being sore, most of his actual injuries are gone!" Nurse Remi said as she came and started to examine me. "How do you do that?"

"Good genes I guess?" I laugh through the pain.

"Well, good thing you have those 'good genes'!" Nurse Remi remarked. "You might not be awake for another day or so otherwise." Nurse Remi then finishes her examination. "Alright everyone, he is good enough for more visitors."

I look at Scarlet and Kara confused as I hear the door open and a lot of voices. Many students from class came bursting in and some people I didn't recognize. They all crowd me speaking at once. I start to panic a little with how many people are here that I forget I am supposed to be saying something.

"Okay, okay everyone!" Scarlet interjects. "Give him some resemblance of space please."

Thankfully they do as she says and back up a bit. I take a deep breath and look over to Scarlet smile at her and nod to say thank you.

"Is everything alright guys?" I say turning back to the crowd.

"What Henry and Mary did was messed up..." One of the students spoke up. "So we wanted to make sure everything was alright with you."

I look at them for a moment. "I see, I am fine. You are all free to go." I say calmly.

"But-" One of them starts to protest.

"No buts," I say sternly. "Henry is after me, so the more others are around, the more he will target them too. So to make things safer for everyone, keep your distance."

Everyone went quiet after I said that. One by one they all started to leave. Until one person was left from the group. I look up at him and freeze...

"Hey. I saw you fight against the giant arrow skill and then this." The main character of the game says! "If you ever need someone to fight alongside you, I would be honored."

I stare at him shocked to see him. He is from the P classes...what is he doing here?!

"I see...thank you" I smile.

He then walks away and leaves the room. I look over to Scarlet and Kara.

"What class is he from?" I ask.

"I think he is in my class..." Kara spoke thoughtfully.

I looked out the door where he just left and thought for a moment. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to get him involved...originally I wanted nothing to do with him but it might improve my chances of survival if I make friends with him.

"What are you thinking about?" Scarlet asked me, leading me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, nothing important" I smiled.

Now that things have been set, a war has started between Henry and me, somehow Mary got caught up and she chose her sides. I then remember her saying she was sorry just before the fight...There might be a lot more happening, I will get to the bottom of all this.