

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Trial and Error

As I walk down the almost empty hallways, I think back on my conversation with Kara. So, she doesn't have a friend to go into the dagger dungeon with huh? I wish I could help, but that would result in me giving away that I have two soul weapons. I am not sure what would happen, but I wouldn't be left alone that's for sure. Maybe if I could hide my identity I could help her out. I shake my head, as I listen to my footsteps echo. For the time being, I need to figure out how to go down the dungeon faster. At this rate, I am never going to make it to floor 15 by the end of 3 days.

I sigh at my predicament, my chest still aching. Once I reach outside, I pause and take in the fresh air. It's pretty quiet, except for a few chatters here and there from students walking around. 'Geh!' I just realized, I wanted to invite Kara to the guild! That was my chance! I mentally slap myself for getting carried away in trying to be mystical. It's okay, I can try to find her later. Right now my time limit is on getting to floor 15 and getting that Samurai's apprentice sword. 

If only I had some form of healing. That way I could keep going in the dungeon! Wait, I have a system. 'System, can I get healing magic?'

"Yes, you can get healing magic." The system responds

I wait for a minute for the system to continue. after a while of waiting, nothing new comes up. Maybe, I need to be more specific with my questions. 'System, how do I get healing magic?'

"Healing magic can be obtained through various means. Most that have it are born with it, while others study years to obtain it. Though some use grimoires to gain it."

A grimoire, great! 'System, where can I get a grimoire?'

"Grimoires are rare books. They are hard to find, some search their entire lives just to get one. Most never get one." The system adds

Hmm...well that's out. I only have three days! So either I need to study or give up. Great.

"System has additions that can help in this endeavor. You need only one healing skill." The system chimes into my thoughts.

Wait, it can? Alright! Guess I am going to have to head to the library. I look around to get a sense of direction and then make my way over to the library. Once there I walked inside to see that the only person there was a student behind the library desk. She seems to be a noble of sorts, judging by the fact she has a white uniform. She looks up at me and her jaw drops.

"We-welcome! Can I help you find anything?" She said fumbling a bit with her words.

"Well, I am looking for a book on 'Healing magic'" I said caught off guard by her reaction.

"Ah, yes! Please follow me." She said as she walked out from behind the desk.

She speaks almost like a whisper voice but decent enough volume. Maybe that's because we are in a library? I follow her as she leads me to a section that has books on healing magic. She then spins around to face me, her long light blue hair swinging around.

"These are our books on healing magic!" She says.

I look over at the selection, there seems to be a decent amount. I look over to the library girl.

"This is great, thank you." I smile.

She then nods enthusiastically and walks back to her desk. I turn my attention back to the books. I pull out a couple of them and take them to a table. I grab a book from the top of my pile and start reading. The title was Healing Magic 101. After a while, I had gone through all of the books in my stack. Well, there was a good theory in there at least. Maybe if I tried to incorporate them together? I tried to use all the methods they were talking about. Not a whole lot really came of that other than looking dumb. I sigh.

It was getting late. Maybe I should take a break from the healing for a moment and it's not like I can do a whole lot in the dungeon right now with broken ribs. I sigh with frustration. Maybe I should look at the thing the system recommended. What was it again... Ah, it was evolution! I then get up and put back the books. As I do so, I notice one book kind of hidden away about healing. Curious I pick up that book and continue to the front desk.

"Excuse me," I said to the library girl who jumped as if I just suddenly appeared. "I was wondering if you have any books on 'Evolution'?"

"Huh? Well, we do have books on evolution theory. They are over there" She gives me a confused look and then points to an isle.

"Thank you." I smile

I went down the aisle and found one book on the evolution theory of magic. I take them both to my seat. I then began reading the evolution book. Some cool theory in there but I don't think there is anything I can really practice. I then go through the healing magic book. Top Healing Skills in the World. As I go through one caught my attention. Skill: Constant Healing Flow, it's a skill that allows you to constantly heal throughout your entire body, and if you are in some form of physical contact you can heal them as well. Now that sounds good, how do I get that? I laugh to myself as I get up to put away the books. As I get up I hear the System ping and speak.

"System information loaded. New abilities are available. Upgrade required. Upgrading now" The system says.

Almost immediately, I started to feel really faint. Without knowing what is going on, I see the floor rapidly coming closer to me, or am I getting closer to it? Before I knew it, everything went dark.

"System update complete. one innate ability acquired. one skill acquired. Evolution available" I hear the system speak, which wakes me up.

I slowly wake up and open my eyes to see that I am back in the nurse's office. I look around the room and see the nurse filling out paperwork. A face then suddenly appears in front of me again.

"Two for two huh Adrian?" Kara says beaming.

After recovering from the sudden jump scare, I looked at Kara and saw bandages wrapped around her head. "Rough night?" I ask jokingly

"Something like that," She laughs. "Seems you're in the same boat." she points to my head.

Confused I reach for my head and feel a bandage wrapped around my head. 

"You know, you two really have got to stop ending up in my office. This is the second time today and it is only the second day of school!" The nurse chimes in.

"Sorry Nurse Remi" Kara responds scratching the back of her head. 

"Well, you are all cleared Kara, you should head home and to bed." Nurse Remi responds.

Kara then nods and waves to me as she leaves the room.

"Ah, wait-!" Before I realized what happened she was already gone. There goes another opportunity to ask if she will join my guild. I sigh.

"Oh sorry, did you want her to keep you company?" Nurse Remi remarks teasingly.

"No, no, nothing like that" I laugh embarrassed. "I just had a question to ask her."

"I see, well you can ask her another time." Nurse Remi said as she came up to me to do any last checking. "It looks like you are already to go yourself. Go home and get some rest kid."

I sigh and nod as I get up and get ready to leave.

"Oh by the way, if you are looking for the best ways to catch Kara, try checking in here every once in a while or the dungeons" Nurse Remi adds.

I laugh and say thank you before leaving the nurse's office. I then head into my dorm and take a seat on my bed. I brace myself for slight pain in my chest but it seems to be gone. Confused I look at my chest and find that nothing hurts anymore! Confused I pat myself down. After a little while, I remembered the new innate ability and skill. I open my skills list.

"Skills -

Swiftness Level 5 [Max Level, Evolution available] [Evolutions 0/3]

Swordsman level 3 [Evolutions 0/1]

Dagger Master level 0 [Evolutions 0/1]

Detection level 3 [Evolutions 0/1]

Flash Strike Level 1 [Evolutions 0/1]

Slime Tentacles Level 0 [Evolutions 0/1]

Healing Constant [Weak] Level 0 [Evolutions 0/3]

Innate abilities:


I laugh to myself in amazement. "Now we are talking!"