

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

No Time Wasted

 I focus on the swiftness skill. I look down at my stomach which has gone down a tremendous amount—just a little bit left. I look outside and see that the sun isn't out just yet. With my ribs healed, I could go back in for the night. I sigh then get up and pack a lot of food before I start making my way out the door. I continue the quiet path as I make my way to the dungeons, a gentle breeze hitting my face. As I reach the dungeons I notice someone else walking to the sword dungeon. Surprised we both stop and stare at each other. After a bit of time passing, I came to a realization.

"Scarlet? What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"Wait, Adrian?" She looks taken aback. "I want to go dungeon hunting, what are you doing here?"

"Dungeon hunting. Are you starting with floor one?" I ask

Scarlet scratches the back of her head. "I am actually going to floor 2." She said a little sheepishly.

"Ah, you beat the floor one slime king boss too huh?" I smile as I start making my way in.

"Wait, 'too'? Did you beat that boss?!" She exclaims in surprise.

Instead of saying anything I just hold up the teleport crystal to get to floor 2. "Meet me there if you don't believe me."

I then use the crystal and teleport to floor 2. Upon looking around, I noticed there were more things like bones and skeletons around. 'That's weird, I thought most people are saved before dying down here.' I ponder to myself. I then hear the shining whoosh sound from a teleport crystal behind me. I turn around to see Scarlet appearing there. As she fully appears I notice a glint behind her. I quickly summon my Katana and use swiftness and swordsman.

"Watch out!" I said as I got behind her and cut an arrow from hitting her.

Upon realizing what just happened, Scarlet then pushes her back against mine. Knowing what her reasoning was, I kept my focus in front of me. Watching closely, I notice two glints. Dang, please don't keep increasing! I think as I cut two arrows coming straight for me. I feel Scarlet leave my back for a moment and then return. They must be shooting at her as well. I slightly look back at Scarlet who looks back at me as well. We nod and then dash in our respective directions. As I got closer to where the glint was, I saw a glint in every direction of my sight. I'm not going to be able to cut every one of those!

If I can't cut all of them, I need to dodge and cut those I can't dodge! I then pivot my foot and start focusing on dodging different arrows, those I can't I manage to cut using swiftness to quickly turn. Watching closely for any movement in the darkness, I see some of the skeletons that were on the floor and wall start moving. I quickly make my move, closing in on the skeletons close to me. I managed to jump over them and hit them from the back. As they die, a shard drops on the floor. I pick it up and continue going after each skeleton, trying to dodge arrows coming at me.

"Shard of [Legend] Swords Acquired!" The system announces to me.

As I manage to kill more, my stomach starts to growl and I notice that I am starting to slow down. Some arrows fly past me and cut me. Thankfully nothing full-on hit me. I swing my bag off of one arm and reach into it to grab some food. I munch on a few bits while dodging some arrows, but then I throw one of my snacks at a skeleton. The skeleton takes a step back, I guess I confused and startled it. I then take my opportunity and dash towards the skeleton. Using swiftness to catch up to my food, I catch it in my mouth as I cut down the skeleton.

I wipe my mouth from the crumbs and look around at the skeletons surrounding me. Well, that doesn't look good. As much as I want to use Slime Tentacles, I think it would be better used for the dagger. Meaning I shouldn't use it in front of Scarlet! I might have an idea actually! I then smile at one of the skeletons. Judging by it stepping back and looking almost afraid, my smile might be one of mischief. I crouch a little preparing to jump. I watch the other skeletons as they all pull back their bows and arrows.

Right at I see them let go of their arrows I jump in the arrow and look down as their arrows fly straight into the skeleton in front of them. 'Yes!' I exclaim in my head. Before I land, I feel a sharp pain go across my back. I look to my right and see one of the skeletons aim up! I watch as he gets hit by the skeleton in front of him.

Once I land I turn to my left and dash to the last skeleton standing, cutting them down before they could shoot another arrow. I look back and see that Scarlet seems to be doing pretty well herself. I look at my arm where one of the cuts was and see that it's already closed. This Constant Healing is pretty useful! However, if I get hit directly, I won't be so lucky.

We continue like this for a while, dodging arrows and supporting each other as we go about. Eventually, after a while, we reach the boss's room. No middle room this time huh? Dang, it would've been nice. I grumble to myself. I then take out some food and start eating.

"How do you eat so much, but you seem to only be thinning out?" Scarlet asked.

"High Metabolism?" I smile uncertainly.

Scarlet gives me a suspicious look, but before she can question it, I walk over to the door and open it.

"Coming?" I asked looking back at her before walking in.

I hear a slight grumble from her as she walks in after me. As soon as she fully enters, the doors close fully. This time the only light that shines is in the middle of the room where we are.

"Warning: Boss Skeleton Hunter has been awakened!" The system warns me.

"Get ready for the Skeleton Hunter Boss" I mention to Scarlet.

"Wait, how do you know its name?" She asks.

Guess the normal system doesn't do that? Interesting. "I heard it from others" I smile.

I then feel a sudden presence within my detection. I pushed Scarlet and used that momentum to dodge the other way as a figure flew past right where we were. 'That was close!' I think. I then hold up my sword as the figure suddenly appears in front of me hitting and clashing with my katana. I managed to force him away, but it made me slide a good distance. 'Dang it!' I think as I realize what they just did. The Skeleton just separated us and pushed me into the dark!

The Skeleton Hunter then keeps appearing suddenly in my detection range allowing me to avoid any lethal hits, but they keep getting nicks in with every hit. I can't keep this up forever! My eyes aren't going to help me in this situation. I then close my eyes so I can focus on detection. By doing that I can keep up a little better if I use swiftness, but I don't have any time to swing to hit him! 

We spent a while playing this game of cat and mouse in the dark, some of his attacks I can dodge fully, others I get nicked. As we keep going, our blades make sparks and loud noises.

"Adrian! Where are you?" Scarlet calls out.

I assume she is trying to follow my trail of sparks but they are probably too sporadic, not to mention she won't be able to do a whole lot if she can't see.

"Don't worry, just get ready. If it ever enters the light, I want you to be ready to strike!" I yell back to Scarlet.

I just need to figure out how I am going to be able to hit him! If I stay on the defensive, I will definitely lose! I can't even use the tentacles because I can move fast enough to use them and get ahold of him! If I could just move faster, then maybe I can get enough room to use all of that. Swiftness is also going to wear me down if I am not careful enough. I then realized that swiftness had a new ability! 'System, evolve the skill Swiftness!' I think to myself.

"Evolving skill Swiftness," The systems said like music to my ears. After a bit of time, the system speaks back up. "Skill Swiftness has evolved, it is now Skill Flash Step. Evolution 1/3 completed."

I smile. This might be my chance! Activate skill Flash Step!