
Entwined To Be With The Ruthless Billionaire

"Wait!” She nearly screamed. “Let me make a phone call. I’m allowed to make a phone call, aren’t I?” The officer’s smile widened, "And who, if I might ask, do you intend to call?” She asked, although she had a good guess who that person was. “My uncle. William Taylor.” Emma replied with a smirk. This was the first time she would ever boldly and somewhat proudly mentioned her wicked uncle’s name. The female officer’s face slowly opened wide in a smile. Then, she began to chuckle and every police officer in the station began to laugh as well. Within seconds, the whole station was reverberating in laughter. “Wh… what is… what is going on? What is so funny?” There could not have been a more confusing expression on Emma’s face. She felt stupid and left out at the same time. What was happening? “Oh baby girl.” One of the officers finally responded. “Just an hour before you woke up, your uncle William Taylor was here to file a theft and kidnap case against you. Apparently, you were being a spoiled, rebellious brat and were trying to prove a point. You stole a car, invited poor Caroline out, got drunk together and ran into the pole that turned the sole heir of a multi-billion company into mashed potatoes.” Emma’s mouth opened wide. She closed it and swallowed hard. She sighed as tears streamed down her face. In the wake of that tragedy, Emma Taylor's life takes a dark turn when her uncle's betrayal lands her in the clutches of billionaire Daniel Stone. With her father's company hanging by a thread, Emma becomes a pawn in Daniel's game of power and deception. Was this going to be the end of her?

ogunsuyigrace87 · Thành thị
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58 Chs

Female Ward?

"Is this how I would die?" Emma thought hazily. She could barely breathe. 

"Have I made myself clear now?" Daniel inquired. 

"Hunnnn ..." As a response, tears streamed down Emma's cheeks. 

"Good! I hope you will know your place henceforth!" Daniel smirked and loosened his grips on her neck, as something flicked in his eyes.

"Aha!" Emma slumped, helplessly. 

"Uhn!" Daniel groaned, as he walked out of the room. 

It took Emma some minutes to be able to breathe properly again. 

"Is this really the life I have to live now?" Emma wondered and burst into a full blown tears. 

"How did I even get here? I was just living my life and trying to make ends meet." She lamented. "And boom, I landed in the prison over what I know nothing about. As if that is not enough, I got transferred to where I am now being paired with a mad man who would be okay today only to lose his mind again tomorrow. What is really happening to me?" Emma lamented, bitterly. 

"Master? Why would he even think of himself as my master? Are we in the 80s?" She expressed, shockingly. 

"How do I get out of here, oh Lord? I am afraid I will end my life here and vanish from the surface of the earth like a smoke." She stated and sobbed harder. 

"Please, help me, Lord! You know I have nobody other than you to look up to. Get me out of here and I will forever be grateful to you, God! Please! Please!!" She prayed as she wept. 

"Is he back? I hope he isn't back to come and torment me again!" Emma thought fearfully as she heard the door creak. 

"Hey, you! What are you doing?" It was one of the prison's guards. A female, to be precise. She has not met a female guard since she was brought here.

"Don't you know it is time to have breakfast? Why are you still inside the room?" The guard asked her. 

"I don't have an appetite! I just want to be left alone." Emma informed her, firmly, with an attitude. 

"Do you think anybody cares about your appetite? Whether you eat or not is none of my fucking business, you brat!" The guard announced and scoffed at her. 

"Huh!" Emma grunted, nonchalantly. She looked away from her, hoping she would just go her way and leave her alone. 

"My concern here is to ensure you carry out the task assigned to you, without slacking off. Now, get your butt off the floor and follow me." The guard instructed her, with a scorn. 

"Where are we going to?" Emma dared to ask the irritated guard. 

"You will see when we get there. You don't get to ask questions here. Don't annoy me or else I won't hesitate to punish you." The guard informed her sternly and struck the wall beside Emma with the long whip she was holding. Emma quickly stood up, after seeing that. 

"All the guards here are always irritable! What is wrong with them?" Emma thought and heaved a sigh as she walked out of the room, with the guard following suit. 

"I wonder where I am going to, for work, today. I should have gone out for breakfast! That way, I will have something in me to handle whatever the day brings!" Emma muttered regrettably as the guard led her to who knows where. 

"Why is it so far from where we are coming from?" She wondered as they kept going. 


"Here is where you are working today. You will join them for sanitary and clean the entire environment." The guard informed her when they finally got to their destination. 

"There is a female section here which house the female inmates?" Emma's mouth was left hanging at the sight before her. 

"There really are female inmates here? So, why am I being with a male as a roommate? Was there a mix up or mistake? Even if there were such thing which shouldn't be, in the first place, shouldn't they have rectified the mistake since I got there?" Emma was lost in serious thought. 

"I know I have never been to any prison before but I am certain they don't pair inmates of opposite genders together for any reason! No matter what, so why am I in this situation?" Her mind was in disarray as she mulled over why such had to happened to her. 

"And why is the female cells really far from the male cells? There is more to this and it is driving me crazy! Who the hell is my crazy roommate to wield this much power in this kind of environment?" Emma questioned herself and was totally upset as she couldn't think of any answer. 

"Are you hungry? Why is your mouth left hanging for that long?" A shrill voice brought back Emma from the wonderland. She flinched back in fear. 

"What? Argh ..." Emma tried to spit out what the owner of the voice had put in her opened mouth. 

"How could you put a stone inside someone's mouth?" Emma wanted to yell angrily at the short woman before her but a glance at the woman's face made her cower. 

"I meant to say I am sorry ..." Emma couldn't help but mutter weakly as she was so frightened. The woman had a deep scar that ran from underneath her eye down to her neck. In addition to that, she was well-built like a man. 

"No, I heard what you said before that! Did you just yell at me?" The woman inquired and approached her menacingly. 

"No, I swear ... " Emma protested pleadingly and staggered backwards. 

"You still have the gut to lie to my face?" The short woman was furious and she slapped Emma's left cheek. Emma literally saw stars. 

"Please, I can't stay here. I won't survive an hour here! Please, just take..." Emma had rushed out breathlessly and turned to look at the guard who led her there, for help. 

"She is gone? She just left me in the lion's den and disappeared?" 

*Sinister laugh*

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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