
Entwined fate

"The art of smiling is not a rocket science; it's just a reflex action to what you feel. Try it's not that hard, Arnav." He smiled again at the memory; Seven years, was long enough to forget someone, not that the memory of the person haunted him or tortured him in anyway, he is just amused by himself to relive the memory ever so naturally every time he found himself helping someone. "Ram Singh" he greeted as he reached the parking place of the airport. "Hello sir how was your flight?" the driver spoke reaching out to his luggage. "It was good, I would have hailed a cab, you shouldn't have come" he said going around the SUV and settling himself behind the wheel. "Oh, I was strictly instructed not to allow you to drive at this time of the night sir---" he said hesitantly looking at Arnav settled behind the wheel already. "Then your Maam shouldn't have sent you Ram singh, the taxi would have served that purpose, don't you think? Now shut up and take the place beside me or you can choose to stay here for the rest of the night, and oh! I might just deduct your one day pay if you choose to stay by the way" he said and smirked. Ram Singh visibly cursed his boss under his breath. He slowed down his car as they neared the building with both of their gazes fixed to the white image above them and finally the car halted just below the building. Sensing the car stop, Ram Singh turned his head to look at his boss as a reflex action. "Sir, I was just kidding; you are not thinking to go up there, are you?" He asked swallowing hard as he could see Arnav just ignoring him and his glance fixed to that image. Arnav stepped out of his car all the way looking up at her and stood facing the ridiculously tall building, his face bent behind in an attempt to take a clear look at the white image. He tugged his hands in his pockets and continued to observe her. The white gown looked oversized for her petite body, it looked more like a hospital gown, her legs stood long and straight on the very thin wall; he noticed there wasn't a shiver nor a tremble in the way she stood there, her posture almost looked relaxed and his lips parted registering the view that spoke volumes to him, but somehow nothing made sense. He felt a sudden pull and he swallowed hard processing the unknown fear creeping up his nerves.His legs on their own accord made their way into the building completely ignoring the repeated calls from his driver. The doors of the elevator wide opened into the top most floor and then he walked around to find the stair case leading to the terrace. He wasn't rushing, he wasn't running nor was in a panic state, he was just walking as if in a trance" He could see her from behind, her petite body from within the loose gown showing curves blended in her form in perfect places, as the mid-night breeze blew her gown from the inner side.There was some kind of familiarity with her.Making sure, she acknowledged him so that he wouldn't startle her; ."May be you should jump and take a look to see what it feels like?" he said seeing her withdrawing her hands and tugging them in front of her. The rest of the stance in her body still seemed relaxed and as expected by him, she wasn't startled. "I'm not gonna jump stranger, you can go back to whatever you were doing before you decided to save me" she said "You are not gonna jump?" he definitely did guess that "Well, sorry to disappoint you Stranger, but I'm not jumping" she stated bringing her palms over her hands and rubbing against the cold breeze. "I'm glad, I wonder why stand like that if you have no intention to jump though" "Dangerous, isn't it?" "Standing at this height several meters above the ground, that little feeling you get when you stand here dominates every other misery of your life; Just when he reached the bottom of the steps his legs halted at the entrance as the white bundle rushed down in front of his eyes landing with a thud on the ground:he recognize her kushi

niv13508 · Tổng hợp
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40 Chs

chapter 26

He remembered how she made a promise not to intrude, the last time they met and true to her words, she maintained her stance. Not that he approached her, he did not and he knew he wouldn't either. The University was vast, with thousands of students being thrown into various activities on a daily basis and it was quite difficult to spot a known face unless you belong to the same class or you know the person. Although in their case, it was the later, Arnav did not want to acknowledge it, nor did she. And hence even though they did run into each other sometimes, they were nothing less than mere strangers"or so he wanted to assume.

He has his own reasons. The mere two times that he met her, she managed to extract uncommon reactions from him and that's did not seem healthy for him at all"he decided. But he did found himself throwing glances at her, every now and then in situations like this and more so, she would look back to meet his gaze too. More like their eyes were doing the conversation part while they both refused to do. He had a strange good feeling about such ventures and before he knew it, he was looking forward for the next such venture with her, where they would be busy in their own different worlds, yet attuned to each other's eyes.

Today though, it was different. He was not in any other world but is just being the distant observer of her world while she was being oblivious to him. He couldn't quite figure out what was he doing there in the first place. He observed her again and frowned at the choice of clothes she chose with so many guys around. Again how does that concern him, he have no clue about. Just when he was about to get up, pretending to be unaffected as usual, he saw her turn around to meet his gaze directly. He then saw her dust the back of her denims while casually running towards him.

"So Stranger, here to play?" she asked nonchalantly settling herself at the side of his legs.

"And you finally decided to talk---" he answered keeping his study gaze on her as she removed the band on her hair, letting the strands fall free and she turned around to look at him.

"It was what you wanted by the way and besides, I was getting annoyed with your staring--"

"Excuse me??" he asked incredulously.

"What?? Are you gonna deny that you have been staring at me all these days? Oh common Raizada, you know better than to lie to me--"

"And you were not?" he raised an eye-brow surprisingly enjoying the conversation.

"That's not the point here; the point is you were staring at me, why would I stare at you anyway? I'm not the one without friends around here---"

And that caught him off the guard. The nerve of this girl; "Yeah right, you have got great friends really, commendable job! So much for the trust lecture you give? Going out at late night with almost unknown friend to illegal parties, roaming and playing along with guys looking like like--" he paused waving his hand over her dress""Like this!"