
Entrapped In His Deadly Charms

~Excerpt~ "Excuse me, Mrs Blackwood." He said to me as we stepped out of the courtroom. My feet halted on the spot, my face reddening with so much rage I tried to conceal it to no avail. The sound of the word Mrs sounded sour in my ears, especially having him call me that. Not that I was not at the age I should have gotten married, but because I had betrayed my boyfriend by marrying another man. "I am your husband now, at least I deserve a kiss from my newly wedded wife. That is the norm after couples get married, right?" Now what was he saying? He must be totally insane! It felt as if my fist cracked because of how much it clenched. Wasn't it enough he made me betray my boyfriend? He is not even ashamed of his greediness. Not even a bit of it showed on his face! "I've given you what you want, Liam Blackwood; a signature of my marriage to you. Now if you know what's good for you, it's left for you to give me what I want as we agreed." "I never said I was not going to keep to our agreement. Agreement is an agreement!" He exclaimed, chuckling as if I had said something amusing. "However..." He said and paused in a way that made me feel my heart also paused and started beating again, racing with anticipation when he began stepping closer to me. I instinctively moved backward, trying to create some distance between us, but he kept advancing, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. He continued until I felt my back hit on his godforsaken car. I could feel his red blood eyes bore into mine and his hands trapping me against his car as if caging a cat that fought to escape. "It seems you have forgotten the meaning of marriage, my Little Bunny. Maybe I have to remind you." I could see that playful smile return on his lips, it irked me so much that the need to smash it off his face irked my hands. He then leaned in closer, his breath whispering against my ear. "Marriage means a legally recognized union between two individuals," His voice was barely audible, but his words resonated deeply into my ears as he began to explain what he knew as marriage. "characterized by emotional commitment, legal responsibility, and social recognition, often involving mutual respect, trust, and a...deep emotional connection." The way he stressed the last words made my heart skip remembering the state of the contract. Was the deep emotional connection going to happen between us? This was killing me already. The next I saw was his hands trailing down the angles of my neck, going towards my cheeks and... "Can't we...do this...some other time? I mean, we cannot just do it here...in front of people." I tried to speak some senses into him, feeling so embarrassed and flushed at the touch of his hands. I didn't know why it made my heart beat so fast again, like it did before. "Yes, we can my darling. We are a couple, after all, so it's nobody's business. No law is against husband and wife kissing in public. It's only a kiss, I didn't ask you for sex here." He returned his hand to my neck again. I couldn't get over the sensational touch that tingled in my stomach. We can't do this now for goodness sake! People are looking! "Now, make me feel the sweet touch of your lips, my Little Bunny." As he finished speaking, his lips brushed against my ears sending a thrill through my entire body. Next, he lowered his face until it was just an inch away from mine. ~~~ I joined the contest "Viral Book Call" with this novel. Please support me. Thank you so much.

PenDora56 · Thành thị
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18 Chs

A Turn For The Worse: He Became Different

"I have done everything I can for Christine, babe, you can't blame me if anything happens to her now. The company is going down every day, do you think this is easy for me?"

"I know perfectly well it's not easy for you, but please I need your help one more time. I can't bear to see her that way anymore."

"And you think it pleases me to see her that way?!" His voice was becoming harsh.

"Tha–that is not what I mean, babe."

"Then what do you mean?! I have always taken care of her sickness till now even though the company is on the verge of collapsing. It hurts me too to see that child die, but what can I do at the moment? Absolutely nothing. You should consider me too. Have pity even for this time...Everything I worked hard for is dying. I'm tired and I hope you understand that."

"Babe, I truly do understand you. Please I'm begging you... No one wished for this to happen. No one would want bad things to happen. Look at me..."

"Don't bring yourself into this!" His order cut me off in a way that sent a shock through my body. His face was darkening, in a way I'd never seen before.

"The last time she was in the hospital I tried to make things clear that nothing should ever make her go back there, at least for the time being."

"Ba–babe, please hear me out. I know..."

"Enough, Olivia!" His voice resonated in the office. "I have done my best to help that girl as I had promised. If anything happens to her now, I am not to be blamed for it, the stars will bear me witness. And I don't think I can continue keeping to that promise. I can't do it anymore, that's the truth. After all, she is not my daughter and I have to sacrifice so much for her! I can't bear this anymore!"

I was dying, I knew I was dying hearing these words come from his mouth.

"Olivia, I believe this is the time to let that child go." Was the next thing I heard from him on top of the shock he had already sent to my body.

I became dumbstruck. "What...are you... saying?"

"Olivia, listen to me. No matter how much we treat that child and spend our money, I don't think she would survive in her state now. So, please, I know it's hard for you to do as her mother, but start now to forget about her if you want our relationship to stay."

"Fe...Felix" Shock was an understatement with the words I just heard. What...what was happening? What was Felix really uttering? "You are asking...me to forget...my own daughter?" My body trembled.

"You must listen to me Olivia, else I might not be the Felix you know anymore. Do what I asked you to do so we can keep loving each other as we have always done."

No, this was not the Felix I know. He already was not the man I knew even before he said it. The Felix I know will not say this.

"Now leave Olivia. Gather yourself, and come back to me with a positive decision."

What positive decision? My head was shaking, never allowing my heart to believe what my ears heard. To leave my daughter to die? I began shuddering away from the man that stood before me. I wanted to run away, in fact, disappear, but my whole body was trembling and it felt like an eternity before I saw myself away from him.

I managed to see myself out of his office with the devastating words he left me with. Shaking my head I didn't want to believe it at all. I picked up my phone and called Gina.

"I can't drive, I need your help." I managed to say and slumped in the car chair. My body shook uncontrollably, my mind reeling from the devastating words still echoing in my head.

How could things about him change in one minute?

'Leave my daughter to die...' The phrase repeated like a cruel mantra, taunting me with its sheer brutality. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of despair, unable to escape the crushing weight of the decision that lay before me.

"I'm on my way," Gina's calm tone came as a stark contrast to the chaos raging inside me.

I waited, numb and helpless, as the minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. When Gina arrived, her concerned expression mirrored the horror I felt.

"What happened?" She asked and entered the driver's seat. I could only shake my head, the words too painful to speak aloud.

We drove back to the hospital in silence, the only sound of my ragged breathing, as I struggled to come to terms with the unthinkable choice that lay ahead.

After over 30 minutes of struggling to calm my head, I told Gina everything he said to me.

"No, no Olivia. You must forget about whatever he said to you. He must have said that due to anger and devastation. He never meant those words, he would do no such thing to you. Forget about it please." Gina hugged me tight. Gina's gentle assurance came as a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"You know what, Olive? I will think of something else to help you, my friend." Gina assured.

Gina always did her best to come up with solutions at difficult times and I hoped she would this time too.

Before we even talk about the money for the blood transfusion, where can we find a blood donor that would cure my daughter's condition? It was another going through hell.

We had only a week to find a donor, it usually took us three to five weeks to find a donor before. It was only possible to find one then because Felix would pay a huge amount of money for it. The doctor would put the information even in hospitals outside the country and that was how we could get a donor.

Now what are we to do?

"I will put this on the internet, Olive, everywhere on social media. I will also post in the rich companies, hopefully, we will find a donor. Some of the good Samaritans can also help pay the bills. I see a lot of people do it. That's how they could save lives." Gina suggested.