
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · Ti vi
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75 Chs

Chapter 34: Matchmaker

Lin Miaomiao was leaning on her table, lost in thought, when Deng Xiaoqi approached her. "Why do you look so down? The weekend is almost here," she said, placing her bag on her back.

Glancing up at Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao sighed. "It's because the final exams are coming up after this weekend."

Taking a seat on the desk behind Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi felt her friend lean against her legs. "Always exams, it's exhausting," Lin Miaomiao complained.

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but chuckle as she affectionately squeezed Lin Miaomiao's cheeks. "Why are you worrying? I always see you with Ye Bai in the library. I have a feeling this exam will be a breeze for you."

A small chuckle escaped Lin Miaomiao's lips as she realized Deng Xiaoqi's point. "You know what? You're right," she said, sitting up straighter. "I can't wait to shine when I don't have to study those science subjects anymore."

"Let's give it our all this time," Deng Xiaoqi cheered, offering Lin Miaomiao some much-needed encouragement.


Ye Ba was getting his key to the apartment when suddenly it opened. He was surprised to find that his mother was already there.

"Mom! You're home." Ye Bai hugged his mother. Wu Qian hugged her son tightly. "You got thinner, come in I cook for you."

Ye Bai happily enters their home. "Why you did not inform me that you came back? I can now use my phone inside the school premises." he directly goes to his room and drops his school items. He changes into more comfortable clothes.

When goes out of his room he finds many dishes on the table. "Wow, I miss your cooking mom."

"Go wash your hands first." Wu Qian said.

Ye Bai quickly washed his hands and came back to the dining table. Wu Qian started putting food on Ye Bai's plates. "I forgot that you can now already use your phone in your school, that's why I did not inform you."

"How's dad in the States?" he asked.

"Your dad only knows to work if I didn't come with him, maybe he will never come back to the house and stay in the office." Wu Qian expresses her experience in the States.

"Then how long you will stay here in China?" Ye Bai asked while he munching the delicious food on the table.

"Maybe I will stay for long, your father will also return here because he has a business to do but he will not stay for long." Wu Qian explains and he gets another bowl of soup for Ye Bai "Here, eat more"

"I will not be lonely here every weekend" Ye Bai joked.

"How's your study? You told me that Miaomiao is your classmate how is she?" Wu Qian asked questions.

"I'm still the top student in the school." Ye Bai brushed his hair. Wu Qian laughs at his antics. "Lin Miaomiao is still as lively as ever. I tutor her in her studies. If you want I'll take her here tomorrow." He suggests.

"Why not, I miss that little girl. Are you two dating?" Wu Qian curiously asked.

Ye Bai was startled "No, Mom we are just friends."

Wu Qian stared at his son for a long time. Ye Bai was uncomfortable with his mom staring.

Wu Qian smells something to his son but she changes the subject.

The two talk about the life of his parents in the States and he told his life living in the dormitory. He also told her about his friend in the school and Qian Sanyi who is from their neighborhood.


After eating Ye Bai washed up quickly. He checked his phone and found a notification.

Meowmeow: Xiaobai going to meet up in the same library?

Meowmeow: Are you already asleep? It's still early.

Meowmeow: Look this is my food [Food Photo]

Ye Bai smiled and replied.

Xiaobai: Let's study here in my house.

Lin Miaomiao who was watching drama on his phone saw that Ye Bai had a message. She opened it and felt a little shy.

After the night where she asked Xiaoqi about love. She started watching romance dramas. 'Are we going too fast? We are not dating but he wants me to take to his home.'

Meowmeow: Is it alright to go to your house?

Xiaobai: Of course, my mom just came back and she said she wants to see you.

When Lin Miaomiao read the message she felt a sigh of relief, realizing that Ye Bai's mom was there she was happy because she could taste again Auntie's cooking.

Meowmeow: Really? Let's go I miss Auntie cooking especially the desserts that she made.

Xiaobai: Okay I will tell her that you miss her desserts.

Lin Miaomiao was excited tomorrow she could eat deliciously. She hugged Lin Haohao and closed her eyes so that she had enough energy for tomorrow's tutoring.


Ye Bai woke up early, feeling the first rays of sunlight streaming through his window. After a quick wash and a few stretches to wake up his muscles, he encountered his mother, Wu Qian, emerging from her room. Surprised to see him up so early, she commented, "You're up early."

Ye Bai nodded and replied, "Yes, Mom, I'm going for a run," before stepping out into the fresh morning air.

After emerging from the apartment, Ye Bai took a deep breath and began stretching his body once again.

Once he finished his stretching routine, he started running towards the park where his oldies friends usually gathered.

"Ah, Ye Bai, you're here. Come over," called out Grandpa Jiang, waving him over. "How's your practice with the moves we taught you?" he inquired.

"I've been polishing them a bit, and I think I've got the hang of the motions, but the strength behind them is a little different." Ye Bai replied honestly.

Ye Bai hadn't stopped practicing since the elderly folks started teaching him various martial arts moves. Sometimes, he even visited Grandpa Jiang's house to learn swordsmanship.

"As long as you can execute the moves we taught you, you're doing well. Strength depends on your body, and I believe your physique is strong for your age," Grandpa Jiang reassured him.

Ye Bai nodded, appreciating the encouragement. He mentally checked his stats, assessing his progress.

[ Ye Bai ] Chapter 29

Age: 16/20

Physical: 81->85

Intelligence: 92

Charm: 81


Acting: 46/100 C -> 48

Singing: 60/100 B -> 62

Dancing: 31/100 C- -> 36

Musical Instrument:

Guitar: 75/100 A

Piano: 47/100 B+

Martial Arts: 16/100 D+

Sword Arts: 20/100 D+


[Enhanced Memory]


After diligently practicing with his elderly friends, Ye Bai noticed a significant improvement in his stats. Satisfied with his progress, he bid them farewell as he needed to pick up Lin Miaomiao from the bus station.

Grandpa Jiang, I'll be heading out now. I need to pick up a friend," Ye Bai announced with a smile, grateful for the guidance the elderly man had taught him.

Grandpa Jiang's eyes twinkled mischievously as he teased, "Is it a special someone you're picking up, Ye Bai? Perhaps I should introduce you to my granddaughter."

Ye Bai chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "She's just a classmate, and I'm tutoring her for our final exams this week."

"Ah, well, good luck on your exams, young man," Grandpa Jiang and his friends wished him the best.


After his shower, Ye Bai stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his hair. Satisfied with his appearance, he made his way downstairs, where the delicious aroma of his mother's cooking filled the air.

"Mom, I'm heading out to pick up Miaomiao," Ye Bai called out.

Wu Qian, busy at the stove, turned to him with a smile. "Don't you want to have breakfast first?"

Ye Bai's looked at the dishes on the table his eyes lit up at the sight of meat buns on the table. "I'll just grab this one to eat on the way," he replied eagerly, snatching a bun before heading out the door.

As Lin Miaomiao prepared to leave, she quickly styled her hair, securing it with a clip, and slipped into a cozy red jumper layered over a white shirt.

"Mom, Dad, I'm heading out!" she called out, her excitement evident in her voice.

"Take care, Miaomiao," her mother began, but before she could finish, Miaomiao had already dashed out the door

Wang Shengnan glanced at Lin Dawei. "Miaomiao seems to be in a hurry."

Lin Dawei just shook his head. "You trust Ye Bai' he thought to himself.


As Lin Miaomiao stepped off the bus, her eyes immediately caught sight of Ye Bai waving at her from a distance. A smile spread across her face as she returned the wave.

How was your journey? Was the bus crowded?" Ye Bai inquired, falling into step beside Lin Miaomiao as they walked.

"It was fine," Lin Miaomiao responded with a smile. "I managed a comfortable seat, and since it's the weekend, it wasn't too crowded."


When Wu Qian saw Lin Miaomiao, her eyes lit up, and she approached her, enveloping her in a warm hug. "Wow, Miaomiao, you've gotten bigger!"

Lin Miaomiao hugged Auntie Wu Qian back warmly. "Auntie Wu, I've missed you."

"Come here, look at these dishes I prepared for you," Wu Qian exclaimed, leading Lin Miaomiao to the dining table. "Have a seat, and here's a hot towel for your hands."

Lin Miaomiao excitedly wiped her hands with the towel, a wide grin spreading across her face as she surveyed the dishes in front of her. Ye Bai also joined them at the table, aware of how much Wu Qian cherished Lin Miaomiao as if she were her own daughter. His mother really wanted a daughter, but she conceived Ye Bai a boy. So when Miaomiao became his friend Wu Qian spoiled this lucky girl like her own.

As Lin Miaomiao joyfully dug into her meal, Ye Bai couldn't help but smile, observing her enjoyment. Meanwhile, Wu Qian, who was serving Lin Miaomiao, noticed Ye Bai's soft smile directed towards her friend, sparking a sudden idea in her mind.

After the meal, Ye Bai and Lin Miaomiao began to help clean the dishes, but Wu Qian intervened, insisting Lin Miaomiao join her on the sofa instead.

Observing from the kitchen, Ye Bai diligently washed the dishes as Wu Qian turned to Lin Miaomiao with a curious expression. "What do you think of Ye Bai?" she inquired gently.

Lin Miaomiao smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting admiration. "He's great," she replied casually. "Number one in our school, kind, and approachable to his classmates."

Wu Qian nodded, studying Lin Miaomiao's reaction closely. She liked this girl and she treated Miaomiao as her daughter. She doesn't want to meddle in her son's affair but she couldn't help but wonder if Miaomiao harbored any feelings for Ye Bai. "As a girl what do you think in Ye Bai."

Lin Miaomiao felt herself blushing involuntarily at the question. Seeing her reaction, Wu Qian's smile softened even further. She likes how Miaomiao reacted and as a mother, she already knows the answer. "You don't need to answer Miaomiao." her voice is much more affectionate than before.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at her shyly, feeling the warmth of Auntie Wu's caring presence.

As Ye Bai finished washing the dishes and joined them on the sofa, Lin Miaomiao remained quiet, lost in her thoughts. Ye Bai noticed her silence and jokingly asked his mother "Mom, did you bully Miaomiao?"

"Auntie Wu didn't bully me, I was just thinking about something," Lin Miaomiao assured them.

Wu Qian pretended to be hurt by Ye Bai's accusation, but her smile revealed her affection for both of them. "Alright, I won't tease Miaomiao anymore," she said playfully.

"Mom, Lin Miaomiao and I will study in my room now. Just open the door if you need us," Ye Bai declared, leading Lin Miaomiao to his room.


Someone messaged me that I should put some titles on every chapter, not just numbers. But I don't know how to name them. If you have a suggestion for a title in every chapter, it's good and connected to it. I'll comply with it.

NeeekoShincreators' thoughts