
Chapter 125 ( Everyone's Hidden Secret )

"That's very natural! Because a man can never love one woman in his whole life. See Mrs. Belvina? Wasn't it that her husband was caught having an affair and in the end, Mrs. Belvina sued her husband for divorce?"

"Yes. And there was also a husband who told me that he did not like his wife's cruel behavior. Just beautiful on the outside but not on the inside. And there are many women out there who are only good about their appearance but don't know how to satisfy their husbands."

Focusing on Mrs. Rosemary's deep words.

It turned out that she also had the same traits as Maydeilla.

Monna still had a smile.

"Is it true? Is this your personal experience, Mrs. Rosemary? Or... You just bring out your husband's worries?"

Rosemary looks nervous.

Being a little pale and unhappy.

"What do you mean, Mrs. Cattarina?"

Sipping her drink, Monna acted flat.