
Enter the world of mythology.

Dawn. The light of dawn is slow to come, and the lingering glow of the setting sun has already faded into darkness. In the city shrouded in thin mist, there are hidden churches in the shadows, veins clinging to the crevices of walls, the sound of gnawing in the sewers, murmuring shadows... Lantern-bearers stroll ahead.

sckyh · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter Ten Dragon Blood

"Magic is the truth of the world. The more magic one masters, the clearer their understanding of truth becomes. However, with this clarity also comes the awareness of taboos and the unknown..."

"If a mage lacks strong self-control and succumbs to curiosity about the mysteries and forbidden, their thoughts and willpower may become distorted by terror..."

"Even if one can restrain their desires, they cannot avoid the risk of madness."

"In such circumstances, faith undoubtedly strengthens our will, protecting our minds from the assault of terror..."

Veronica, driving the car, warned Wayne not to get too complacent; his journey into magic had just begun, and there were many precautions he needed to learn.

Perhaps Wayne gaining magic had changed their dynamics; Veronica's attitude towards him was slightly friendlier.

Not by much, just a little.

The reason? That diary. The college girl had learned her lesson, and every time she thought about it, she couldn't help but grit her teeth.

The blue sedan cruised along the road at an average speed of fifty kilometers per hour. In this age without navigation, being a novice driver was undoubtedly painful.

Veronica could drive, but she had never been on this road before. She groped forward based on road signs and maps, sometimes taking wrong turns and delaying them considerably.

The car turned as slow as a tortoise, and the lightning-fast ambush plan ended in failure before it even began. Tonight, they would have to stay overnight in Calphurno Town.

Approaching the town, the car parked by the roadside. They replenished their energy with some food, adjusting their state to prepare for possible attacks from the Death Walkers.

Wayne took out the heart-shaped bento box prepared by William and sat by the roadside, noisily eating. He had eaten plenty of compressed biscuits in the car, made from cooked oats, flour, jam, and artificial butter. The taste was awful, and the more he ate, the thirstier he felt. In comparison, the potatoes weren't that bad.

Veronica leaned against the car, elegantly eating her sandwich in small bites. Even without a table, she observed the table manners diligently.

In stark contrast was William, who boasted a large bag of chocolates. He flirted with Veronica while eating, believing chocolates and a pretty girl were a dream combo!

Veronica was infuriated but restrained her desire for chocolate to maintain her figure and avoid excessive sugar intake.

"Veronica, chocolates are much tastier than sandwiches!"

William grinned at Veronica with chocolate all over his teeth, his breath sweet.

Getting annoyed, Veronica smiled faintly, put down her sandwich, and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

Frowning, William turned and ran when Veronica chased him, but she swiftly tripped him with a flying kick. Then, she used an ankle lock to make him cry out in pain.

William, at two meters tall and muscular like a bear, was a big guy, while Veronica was petite, only one meter seven, with fair skin and a beautiful face, weighing less than half of William.

Every time William provoked her, Veronica would use violence to suppress him, proving she was indeed a weak woman.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Veronica, please let go, my leg is going to break!"

"Next time, will you dare?"

"Yes, I will dare."



Wayne finished the heart-shaped bento box, continued eating the compressed biscuits with canned food, and watched William's antics with amusement. He commented, "Veronica is really powerful. Is this also magic?"

"No, Veronica's magic has been sealed by a curse and cannot perform powerful magic. She can only rely on some simple magical props. The reason she can suppress William is her physical fitness." Monica came to Wayne's side, licking her paw and washing her face.

Monica avoided the gaze of the others and ate alone in the car, not allowing anyone to see. Wayne suspected she had secretly hidden some dried fish.

"Physical fitness?!"

Wayne was surprised. "Are you sure it's not a magical effect? How did she train? Looking at her arms and legs, she doesn't seem to have any muscles?"

"She has dragon blood."

"Dragon... blood?"

Wayne swallowed the compressed biscuit in his mouth with difficulty, his mind conjuring the image of a fire-breathing dragon. Holding his breath, he said, "There are dragons in this world?"

"It's not."

"If there are no dragons, where does dragon blood come from?"

"Inherited from her mother."

"Her mother is a dragon?" Wayne was shocked, realizing his father-in-law was a dragon rider.



Wayne: ( ̄皿 ̄)

Listening to your enlightening words is like listening to nothing at all! You're being quite something!

Rolling his eyes, Wayne sarcastically said, "The last time I heard such constructive comments was... never. Do you know that scientific research shows that every minute wasted is equivalent to wasting sixty seconds?"

They rested for an hour in place, and the blue sedan set off again. According to the map, they were thirty kilometers away from Calphurno Town.

The trees on both sides of the road gradually became denser. It was late winter, and early spring had not yet arrived. Apart from evergreen trees unaffected by the season, the desolate forest had little greenery. Thick fallen leaves buried half of the tree trunks, and the air emitted a natural decay smell.

This time, it was Wayne driving.

Veronica sat in the back, cradling Monica, who was arranged with a new identity. She and William were siblings, and Monica still played the role of an innocent pet cat. Wayne was the driver, passing through Calphurno Town to rest for the night and leaving after refueling in the morning.

In Veronica's plan, they could catch Blood Mack tonight, lift the curse in the early morning, and leave as soon as it was light.

Any plan is perfect before implementation. Wayne wasn't optimistic about it, such as Veronica's previous lightning ambush plan, which failed due to her unfamiliarity with the roads.

As a newcomer, Wayne had no say. Seeing William and Monica both approving the plan, he wisely didn't say much.


Bright light flashed, followed by a loud roar, and dark thunderclouds descended from the sky. The entire land was shrouded in darkness.

"Startled me! Why did lightning strike suddenly?"

Wayne squinted his eyes. During the moment of the lightning burst, his world suddenly flickered. Thankfully, he adhered to civilized driving rules, keeping both hands on the steering wheel, stabilizing the car and avoiding crashing into a tree.


A gray-white and semi-transparent hand clawed onto the hood, leaving behind a glaring black-red blood stain...

It seemed like a ghost was climbing onto the car and trying to grab the steering wheel!

Wayne's pupils shrank, cursing the car dealership owner in his heart. He was promised there was no soul attachment to this car, all because of the damned ghost!