
Entanglement with the CEO

His eyes meeting hers took her world away his lips on her skin made her see stars while his hands in her panties forced them to spin. Laurel couldn't comprehend all the things this man was doing to her but one thing she knew for sure was that she didn't want him to stop.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Laurel woke up to the sound of her alarm beeping, she forgot to turn it off yesterday, since she no longer had to wake up early for work. 

She reached her hand out to turn off her alarm, now the whole place was quiet again, she could hear the sound of birds chirping and the light was beginning to seep through the curtains disturbing Laurel from her sleep.

Laurel finally got up from her bed and stretched a little, she looked around and picked up her cellphone. She noticed the countless voice messages she had received but she didn't plan on returning the calls, not now. 

"What to do?" Abigail asked her self as she moved to her small couch and took a sit, she reached her hand to her bag and then brought out the slip. It would be fun to take a break in Paris, just to unwind a little bit, new environment, new people. The thought of it had some how relaxed her, yes she would enjoy it very much. 

Laurel stayed in that position for a while as her fingers grazed the slip, she did that for half a minute before finally getting up. She head for are closet and brought out one of her luggage. And so she started packing, she only picked the necessary things as she already planned to go shopping in Paris. 

After packing up a few things Laurel closed the luggage and then she entered the bathroom to take her bath. She would leave today and maybe stay for a week or two before coming back, a little vacation was exactly what she needed right now.


"What do you want now?" Oliver complained as he looked at the caller ID, he contemplated wether or not to pick the call but when he could no longer bear the sound, he had to pick up.

"What is it?" Oliver asked as he got up from his bed and stretched a little. 

"Just got a call from Dad" Tommy said followed by a yawn "Just like you I was also fast asleep before someone woke me up"Tommy complained . "Okay get ready you have a lunch date" Tommy said as he yawned again.

"What?" Oliver asked surprised, he thought he had heard it wrong but he was sure Tommy had said date. "With who?" Oliver asked .

"I don't know, I got a call from Dad this morning saying I should inform you, you have a lunch date with Samantha... Samantha Williams" Tommy said like he was trying to recall the name. "Yeah Samantha, I'm sure you know her" He added.

"Damn" Oliver said as he cursed under his breath "I'm not going" Oliver added as his tone turned cold. 

"You don't really have a choice bro, dad said you have to be there, he also mentioned so many other things but I can't remember because I was half asleep at the time" Tommy said .

"I can't go on a date with Samantha" Oliver said as he recalled the last date he had with Samantha. "The girl is crazy" He added as he slumped on his couch and rubbed his brows. 

"I know right but hey, it's not my problem, I've passed the information so it doesn't really concern me anymore. It's weekend and I'm suppose to be resting. Have a nice date" Tommy said before ending the call.

"Fuck" Oliver cursed as he tossed his phone on the couch while he sighed, he remembered what happened the last time, Samantha was a spoilt child, the kind that he couldn't stand. The last time he was barely able to escape, not that he couldn't get away but he was just trying to be polite. 

"Arggghhhhh" Oliver was getting annoyed already, just picturing himself spending the afternoon with Samantha was enough to get him riled up. No one is to blame but Tommy, if Tommy had ignored the call then all this would have been avoided.

He sighed again as he got up from the couch, he had his hands on his waist as he moved to and fro in the room, he was trying to think of any possible way to avoid this lunch date but he couldn't come with anything good. Especially now that his father was involved, he had to comply, wether or not he wanted to. Of course it was all business, Oliver knew that his father had been trying to merge both Merlin Globals and William enterprises together, not that it was a bad idea, it was good for business. But Oliver didn't like Samantha, infact he had no plans of getting married, over the past year the pressure had been too much on him. His father had been putting him on countless dates with different women but all had one thing in common, they were from families with good businesses. 

Oliver had no plans for marriage yet, but even if he did, he wouldn't want it to be because of family business, No, he was going to do it the proper way. For today he would just have to bear Samantha's presence for a few hours. He would try his best to be cold to her and not involve himself in any conversation, he would let her do all the talking while he sits and listen, perhaps that would turn her off, he hoped. 

' What am I even thinking?' He asked himself in his thoughts, of course Samantha wouldn't mind doing the talking, she would even take the opportunity to tell him thing's about herself. Oliver knew that there was no escaping this, he would just have to face it, after all it was only one lunch date, he'll just have to endure. 

Not wanting to think anymore, he grabbed his car keys as he prepared to go back to his condo, he still had some work to finish there before he goes for his lunch date.