
Ensnared In A Vampire's Embrace

{WARNING MATURED CONTENT. R18+} "You're following me again," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions. From the depths of the shadows, a mysterious figure emerged, his long coat billowing dramatically. His eyes, crimson as blood, seemed to penetrate her soul. He advanced slowly, his voice a seductive murmur in the frigid air. "You really do spoil the fun. How do you always sense my presence?" he purred, his breath visible in the cold atmosphere. Isolde, her fists clenched and lips quivering, confronted him, her anger palpable. "How many times have I told you to stay away from me?" she demanded. The mysterious figure drew closer, his gloved fingers encircling her waist, his touch as cold as the winter night. With a graceful tilt of her chin using his slender fingers, he whispered, "I've told you before, I can never leave your side, for we are bound together for eternity." ••• I hope you all will enjoy this one. Discord: Kuchi_G #4215 You can contact me if you have any questions about the story. Happy reading ಠ‿ಠ.

Kuchi_G_ · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Bloodbound Desires.

Under a tree, a young girl sat alone, her face buried in her knees, seeking refuge from the harsh sun's unrelenting brightness.

'Why is it suddenly so bright?' she pondered as she slowly raised her head, observing the children before her engaged in their boisterous game of laughter and play. It appeared to be an ordinary scene. She let out a sigh, sitting upright with poise. Her skin absorbed the warmth of the air, and her long, straight, raven-black hair fluttered gently in the breeze. Casting her eyes toward the heavens, she sighed in quiet relief. Her violet irises betrayed feelings of longing and sorrow, as though life itself had left her desolate, yet her serene visage remained unfazed.

Lowering her gaze to her bare feet, she sighed once more, this time more audibly, before closing her eyes and reclining against the tree. Her legs were gracefully crossed beneath her. The wind caressed her hair once more, causing a few rebellious strands to graze her eyes, but someone had already come to her aid, gently tucking them behind her ear before her own fingers could intervene. She reopened her eyes, meeting the gaze of a boy her own age.

' Kael? ' She thought as her eyes widened in shock. 

Kael possessed a mop of curly, dark brown hair, ruffled by the wind. His green eyes bore into her very soul, causing her heart to skip a beat. Strangely, she felt a blush rise in her cheeks as he offered a soft smile and asked, "Are you alright?"

His arms were brimming with candy, and her violet eyes shimmered with delight as he handed her a piece of sweet confection, his face adorned with an endearing, goofy smile. Blushing, she returned his gentle smile and softly uttered, "Thank you."

 He turned back to the game he had been playing with the other children but continued to steal glances her way, gracing her with a smile every now and then.

For the longest time, she had believed that nobody wanted her company or to engage in playful activities with her. But here was another soul who cared for her, someone who genuinely desired her presence. Yet, even as her heart warmed to this newfound connection, she couldn't ignore the lingering sorrow that this person would someday be absent from her life. Biting her lip and closing her eyes, tears streamed down her cheeks as he gradually faded into the crowd of children. Their voices grew fainter, and their laughter turned into distant echoes until she found herself alone once more. She buried her face between her knees, her sobs echoing through the empty space.

"Kael and my parents are gone, leaving me alone in this unjust world," she whispered through her tears.

Soon, the darkness of slumber enveloped her surroundings until she awoke once more. She opened her eyes, her gaze fixating on the dark wooden ceiling. She shifted in her bed, realizing her return to her familiar resting place.

"It was just another nightmare," she mumbled to herself, her hands shielding her face from the lingering shadows of her dreams.

"Why do those memories still haunt me?" she asked herself, her fingers clutching the sheets that covered her body. She gradually shifted her gaze from the ceiling to the window above her bed. Raindrops pelted the glass, creating mesmerizing ripples on its surface, trailing down the windowpane and forming tiny puddles on the hardwood floor below, each drop echoing in the stillness.

A faint smile tugged at her lips as she noticed how the weather mirrored the loneliness she had grown accustomed to. Over time, she had found herself smiling more often, and her heart felt lighter, as though it had begun to embrace the inevitability of eternal solitude.

She tore her gaze away from the window and muttered, "I'm thirsty."

Rubbing her eyes and pushing herself upright from her bed, she took a deep breath and swung her feet onto the cold hardwood floor of her room. Wrapping her thin blanket tightly around her body, she reached for the lantern and her cup on her bedside table. She then walked out of her room and ventured down the dimly lit, narrow corridor of the orphanage, heading towards the kitchen. The night air's coolness made goosebumps rise on her skin, and she shivered, clinging even tighter to her blanket for warmth.

She stepped into the kitchen, dimly lit by softly glowing candles that cast eerie shadows across the darkened room. A single lantern, suspended from the ceiling, bathed the area in a faint glow, revealing the white marble countertops and walls.

Setting her lantern on the countertop, she moved toward the sink, her steps echoing softly. With a turn of the tap, water began to flow into her cup, rippling and bubbling as it filled her glass. She closed the tap, took a sip, and grimaced at the less-than-ideal temperature, but she knew she needed it. After another sip, she felt a bit better, as though she had managed to quench her thirst.

Finishing her drink, she reached for her lantern, ready to leave the kitchen. Just then, a muffled thud reverberated through the empty halls, freezing her in place. Her gaze darted around, confusion clouding her thoughts. There weren't usually many sounds here, perhaps just the occasional animal scurrying about? She dismissed the idea, determined to continue onward.

She cautiously resumed her journey through the hallways, the echoing thud reaching her ears one last time. It sounded as if it were coming from outside, possibly the courtyard. She attempted to ignore it and move forward, though the notion of someone falling outside at this hour seemed improbable.

It must have been her imagination. She continued down the hallway, but the thud echoed again, this time louder and more pronounced. She glanced back, increasing her pace as she approached the large double doors leading out to the courtyard. As soon as her feet touched the ground outside, she came to an abrupt stop. 

Before her lay a young boy of age sixteen, unconscious and breathing rapidly, blood staining his chest and seeping into the grass and dirt beneath him. Shock and terror gripped her, causing her hands to shake uncontrollably. She inadvertently dropped her lantern, extinguishing its small flame and plunging the courtyard into darkness. The raindrops fell harder, soaking everything, and the echoes of thunder and flashes of lightning intensified the eerie atmosphere. 

In the midst of the darkening night and the raging storm, she managed to discern the boy's features. He had hair as black as midnight and skin as pale as porcelain. In that suspended moment, it felt as though the world had come to a standstill. She stood there, immobile, afraid to breathe or even blink, her heartbeat synchronized with his as each tick of the clock seemed to stretch on endlessly.

'Who is this boy? I've never seen him here before. Should I call for help?' Her voice echoed within her mind as the silence enveloped her, drowning out the sounds of the storm that faded into the background, leaving her body tense with uncertainty.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and lifted his head slowly before allowing it to hang back down. A groan of pain escaped him as he attempted to move his left arm. He winced, raising his right hand slowly and clutching his injured shoulder. With great effort, he pushed himself upright. She observed the boy's struggle to stand without any support, as though the earlier pain had little effect on him. He groaned while still holding his shoulder, his gaze fixating on her.

"Someone hurt like that shouldn't be standing, right?" She mumbled, locking eyes with his crimson orbs that shone like rubies in the lightning's glow. Her heart skipped a beat. 'That could only mean one thing—he's a vampire,' she thought, slowly taking a step backward.

His brow furrowed with discomfort as he gradually straightened his legs, maintaining intense determination in his gaze. 'Control yourself, Azrael; you can't be hungry now. This isn't the right time, but...' he admonished himself, ignoring the pain in his shoulder.

After a moment, he disappeared and reappeared behind her just as she was about to flee. With his right hand, he gently gripped her chin, tilting her head upward so that she met his crimson red irises directly.

"What are you doing?" she screamed, struggling against his grasp. "Get your hands off me!!" She spat out, her voice trembling with fear. He simply chuckled, bringing his face closer to her neck, and his left hand tightened its grip around her throat. She gasped and choked, desperately trying to break free, feeling his warm breath on her neck.

"I'm doing my best to control my hunger. As you can see, I've lost quite a bit of blood. But then again, I'm curious about how a human would taste," his dark voice resonated in her ear. His hot breath sent shivers down her spine as he licked her neck with the tip of his sharp tongue.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" she cried out in pure panic as her heart raced.

The boy smirked at her reply, locking eyes with her defiant, angry, and fearful gaze, all swirling within her beautiful violet eyes. He tightened his grip around her neck, his retracted claws digging into her delicate flesh, drawing blood. She flinched at the sudden pain as the scent of her blood intoxicated him.

'Her blood smells so delicious,' his eyes glowed bright crimson red, his smirk grew into a mischievous grin, and his eyes pierced through her soul. He slowly opened his mouth, his fangs bared in anticipation. She gulped, closed her eyes, and braced herself for what was to come.

As expected, he bit her, his fangs sinking into her delicate neck like the embrace of shadows seeking refuge in her life force. The sensation was a sinister symphony played out within her, a chilling blend of agony and perverse pleasure, the pain echoing through her body in eerie waves of torment. It was agony beyond her wildest nightmares, yet strangely enthralling. 

In that fateful moment, As her blood filled the vampire's craving, she felt herself on the brink of existence. Her thoughts raced, questioning her fate: 'Will I meet my demise like this? A sacrificial offering to the night, mirroring the fate of Kael and my parents?' Her heart pounded like a thunderous drumbeat in her chest.

Tears welled up in her eyes, not only from pain but from an inexplicable rush of emotions. Her face flushed with a surreal heat as an otherworldly connection formed between her and the enigmatic creature who held her in this nocturnal dance of life and death.

Y'all will enjoy this one!! I promise!

Kuchi_G_creators' thoughts