
Enkidu's Second Journey

Enki, a man who died, remembers his second life after being offered a job and a second chance to make a journey through the multiverse.

Dawei · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Chapter 7

"Who are you?"

Enkidu smiled "I'm Enkidu." Beatrice looked at Enkidu as she grabbed his hand Enkidu looked at this in amusement as Beatrice was sent flying as sparks of green lightning crackled near his hand.

"Oh my, were you trying to forcibly extract my mana?" Beatrice was shocked, the moment she tried to take his mana forcibly the mana raged and rejected her by sending a pulse of crackling raging mana.

"What was that?"

Rem was slightly on guard after what happened until Enkidu started chuckling "That would be because of my magic resistance." Beatrice frowned "Magic resistance?" Enkidu nodded "From where I'm from my magic resistance is A rank, the highest normal rank. It means most spells won't work on me."

Beatrice took it in but had a hard time believing him. Enkidu asked again "You want mana right? Here." Enkidu held his hand out as Beatrice looked at it with caution "Don't worry as long as I allow it, nothing will happen."

Beatrice took a bit in as her eyes widened, his mana was like an ocean and was more potent than even Roswaal's. Beatrice only took a bit yet she could probably last a whole week without another recharge.

Enkidu chuckled as Beatrice reminded him of a certain gold haired and red eyed king. Honestly if the two faced off in a battle of pride they would probably be in a standstill until the first dies.

Enkidu smiled and waved before he left. Enkidu sighed as Rem showed him his room as he fell down onto his bed as his green hair covered his face. Rem simply bowed before leaving.

Enkidu slumbered while dreaming about his time in Uruk, however it was not a good dream either.

"Why are you crying? Could it be that, only now, you are regretting having taken my side?"

Enkidu still had tears streaming while he smiled.

"No. Who would understand you after I die? Who else would march forward by your side? My friend... when I think that you will live on all alone henceforth, I can't help but shed tears..."

Enkidu remembered Gilgamesh's face of realisation. Gilgamesh responded as he realised the way Enkidu lived was far more precious than all the treasures he's ever collected.

"You fool who stretches your hand towards realms not of men... There is only one person in heaven or earth who's worthy of appreciating your destruction, and that is none other than I, Gilgamesh. Sink into my embrace, oh you glorious and illusionary man. That is my decision."

Enkidu awoke with a gasp only to feel tears streaming out of his eyes. He realised that the two maids were looking at him.

"Enkidu-sama you're already awake."

"Enkidu-sama your woke up early."

Both maids decided to to pry into why he was crying as they saw him awake with a gasp and tears streaming his face.

Enkidu nodded as he simply nodded "Thank you for at least checking in on me."

The two maids left as they pondered on the question, who really was Enkidu?

Emilia was out talking to the lesser spirits as Enkidu joined her. Enkid watched as a swarm of lesser spirits flocked him as they orbited him. Emilia looked at Enkidu in surprise "The lesser spirits really like you!"

Puck suddenly appeared "Hi Lia!" Emilia responded cheerfully "Hi Puck!" Puck stared at Enkidu as he looked at the spirits with the same calm serenity as before. His very presence was similar to the nature around them.

Puck remembered that boy, Subaru's legend about the person in front of him. Puck floated up to Enkidu as he hoped to slightly pry into his identity.

"Are you really clay shaped by the gods?" Enkidu's face slightly tightened as Puck saw that it was a touchy subject.

"Yes" A whisper came out. "I was made to restrain Gilgamesh who was 2/3rd's god. A demi- god, however after fighting with him we became friends while acknowledging each other."

Puck knew he was prying but he wanted to know at least what type of person his daughter looked up to.

"What happened after?"

"I looked after Uruk with Gil until one day Ishtar descended and proposed marriage to Gil. Naturally Gil refused as he heard stories about Ishtar being with multiple men. Ishtar was enraged and got her father to unleash Gugalanna on Uruk causing a famine and destruction for seven years as me and Gil fought the bull and dismembered it."

Puck was enthralled in the story until what happened next.

"Ishtar unable to accept her loss decided to appeal and put us to death for slaying a divine beast with a human body. Her request was granted and I was put to death as I slowly crumbled back into clay."

Puck was silent as Emilia listened from near as well. Puck could see why he hated the bowel hunter that acted like the goddess.

"As I slowly crumbled to dust I told him that he need not be sad as he would collect many treasures better than me, a weapon of the gods."

As I slowly faded out you know what he said?

Puck shook his head as he noticed tears slightly welling up in Enkidu's eyes.

"You do have worth. You alone have this worth. I hereby declare: In all this world, only one shall be my friend. Thus---not for all eternity shall his worth ever change."

"With that I faded back into clay until now as I'm not allowed to say about anything that happened prior to now."

Enkidu wiped his tears as he stood up before leaving back to the mansion.

Puck took it all in, his legend, his hardships and his eventual death. Emilia stayed silent while processing the information given.

Enkidu ate silently that night while Puck was in the library sharing what he found out with Beatrice.

"He's quite a soul isn't he?"

Beatrice thought to herself "He fought against a divine beast of god that was terrorising innocents and he defeated it with his friend yet he was put to death."

Puck nodded as she summarised it in the most basic form.

Enkidu looked at the ceiling as he thought.

"It's quite a nice feeling to share with others."