
Enkidu's Second Journey

Enki, a man who died, remembers his second life after being offered a job and a second chance to make a journey through the multiverse.

Dawei · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Chapter 30

Blood splattered over his face as he watched a child ripped up in front of him while the Lahmu cackled.

Thoughts ran through his mind, "This is all my fault. I should have never let Ana kill Gorgon. I should've just restrained her or find an alternate way." "This child died cause of my decision and actions." Another mother and child were killed as he simply felt powerless. These thoughts rampaged in his mind while the echoing of the Lahmu's laugh clouded his mind.

His servants were the first to notice the change. This was different from that time he was mad. This was completely on a different level. Dark miasma could be seen surrounding him as he glared at the Lahmu. His green hair became dull as his sparkling green eyes lost all brightness as they gained a small yellow hue.

He looked at the easily the world around him could be restrained as he chuckled before fully losing it. He didn't see lines like the mystic eyes of death perception. Nor could he distort things like the mystic eyes of death perception.


He laughed as he apologised to Gil internally. He sent his chains into the conceptual realm of reality itself. They pulled on the strings that were reality with his chains as they grasped onto a certain part. He saw the world being made up of strings, strings that could be restrained using his chains.

The lahmu watched as their fellow members started exploding into bloody pulp. The leading lahmu turned around only to see itself being restrained by chains. Enkidu needed to know what he could do. A chain tugged at the string belonging to the lahmu as the lahmu became disfigured.

His servants could only watch on as the lahmu had its arm enlarged before having its mouth ripped off without Enkidu even touching it. Another tug as a chain tugged at the time of the dead lahmu as the chain pulled the string backwards. Romani and Da Vinci were looking at this in shock.

The more the string was pulled back, the more the lahmu formed back as if the dead lahmu's time was being forced backwards. The lahmu was quaking in fear as the time that was pulled backwards was his physical time not his mental time.

Enkidu's chain in the other conceptual realm pulled the string forward as everyone watched the lahmu shrivel up and die. The other lahmu's watched and quickly fled as they ran away. Enkidu laughed as his chains relinquished their hold on reality.

Kiyohime quickly caught her beloved as his hair returned to its bright green. His eyes lost the yellow hue as the could no longer see the conceptual realm of reality.

Gilgamesh watched as his friend had collapsed after doing something so preposterous such as manipulating time.

The remaining citizens were given the choices as they either evacuate or fight for Uruk. Enkidu woke up with lifeless eyes when he realise Siduri was not with Gil.

He had to be left alone as he stared into the open sky. It was so peaceful yet he could still see the death and destruction everywhere. He opened his eyes as the small yellow hue came back as strings made up everywhere.

The sight faded as Kiyohime latched onto him from behind. Sherlock simply grimaced while wondering about their next step.

Enkidu's tears shed as he stared at the death and destruction of the city as well as Siduri's disappearance. She had always been at Gil's side and advised them. She was also considered a "friend".

Gil sat down beside him and gazed at Kiyohime who stuck her tongue at him causing him to twitch in annoyance. "They're going to Eridu. You should go as well." Enkidu nodded as he steeled his resolve.

Enkidu flew at top speeds over to Eridu as the rest followed on the flying lizards. What greeted him caused him to squirm in disgust to his very core.

The lahmu were forcing people to fight as the winner would get the false hope of survival. It disgusted him. The lahmu were shocked when they saw him as they screamed "Original! Original!" The lahmu all gathered together while Ishtar blew them up in disgust and anger.

Chains rattled and pierced as many lahmus as they could. One particular Lahmu caught his eye as his rage boiled and threatened to spill. It was waving it's hand? similar to Siduri. He quickly charged towards the lahmu as his eyes gained a small yellow hue.

He attempted to tug the string of the lahmu's time but it was too late. He could only tug at the lahmu's time not the person before. The moment Siduri became this lahmu she gained a different time. It's like Siduir's time as a human was the negative number line but once she became positive, no matter how much Enkidu pulled at the line he could never go past 0. If he did then he would erase the lahmu Siduri.

He looked at the lahmu as it looked at him before he hugged it. A small voice came from the lahmu as it spoke "Thank you, it was you who gave the king a reason for being. Even after you died and I know you didn't come from this time. Still you gave the king hope and happiness once again. Thank yo-"

Enkidu was too distracted as he watched a lahmu spear hand pierce through his stomach. Luckily Siduri took the most force as her body slowly faded away to reveal the other lahmu.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

A remaining hand of the lahmu Siduri touched his face as it let out one last farewell.

"Goodbye, Oh beautiful one of green."

The mouth faded as a chain pierced the lahmu holding him in its claws. He dropped down as he expended a good chunk of mana to heal himself from the ground.

"The moment I see that feika he's dead."

"What are you doing?"

He swung his head to glare at the mirror image of himself as the green and yellow hue in his eyes intensified as the wind blew his hair to the side to reveal the two murderous eyes set on their target.