
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


[main character: Shion]

Finally, we were able to meet everyone above us. I was nervous, but at the same time, very happy for Lilly.

We became great friends; official friends. We had to go with Kay for Single-Style where other Kishi attended classes.

I've heard that Lance has more apprentices than Kay. Maybe people prefer two swords instead of one?

LILLY: Hey Shion! Good morning!

- Good morning Lilly!

LILLY: Are you ready to make new friends?

- Well, yes...

LILLY: Yes...?

- I mean, maybe not everybody is as nice as you.

LILLY: Don't worry. We will take our time to meet them properly...

(10 minutes later in the training field)

KAY: LISTEN EVERYONE! Today we will train here. Now, let me introduce you the new students attending Single-Style lessons: Shion Aoyama and Lilly García.

LILLY: I thought there would be more people.

- I think that is enough for me...

KAY: Form a line and present yourselves.

They are obeying as expected.

ANGELO: Hey kid!

- Angelo! I didn't see you...

ANGELO: Well, we've already met. And also, don't be so nervous, everybody here are great people with a good sense of justice.

- Okay...

LILLY: Bye Angelo. (smiles)

KAY: Come on sweetie you are next.

???: Hi...

LILLY: Hello nice to meet you. What's your name?

???: My name... is...

He surely is taking his time...

NIER: (eyes closed) You can call me Nier!

- Alright Nier, nice to meet you.

NIER: (walks away)

I guess he is just shy. He was so nervous that made me calm down.

KAY: Next one please.

HUGO: Hugo for you.

- Oh, alright Hugo, nice to meet you.

We have the same height! But, is he younger than me?

KAY: Next!

???: What did the other one tell you?

- Ugh?

???: What did he said his name was?

What is going on?

- Hugo, he said.

???: I see...

- Ehm... nice to meet you...?

LILLY: (whispers in my ear) What the hell?

NOAH: My name is Noah. And my only objective in life right now is...

She is getting closer.

NOAH: is to kill that so-called Hugo. But it's a secret okay?

What the fuck!?

NOAH: BYE! I hope you have fun practicing with us!

KAY: Continue.

LILLY: Did I heard right?

- I guess we did...

LILLY: Even though this last two look as young as us, they seem way more scary.

I completely agree with her.

???: Hello Lilly! I was looking forward on meeting you!

LILLY: Oh! Thank you. What's your name?

SELLIA: My name is Sellia.

Is she ignoring me?

SELLIA: I really, really, really wanted to meet you! A power that allows you to regenerate?! That's fantastic! You know what that means?

LILLY: What...?

I have a bad feeling about this.

SELLIA: That we are going to be able to fight without limitations! A non-stop duel with all our power, am I right?

Okay I see.

LILLY: Yeah...

SELLIA: Fantastic! I'm waiting for our battle with excitement!

LILLY: help

I can perfectly read Lilly's expression right now.

KAY: And last but not least.

That person is covered with clothing and I can't see it's face.

???: I see that you are fine, Shion.

Her voice...

- Do I know you?

LILLY: Do you know her?

???: We were in the river together. Do you remember? I went to take a swim a bit early that day. I am sorry you had to see me like that...


- Ehm... the river...

???: I mean, it was my responsibility after all. I am sorry for being so mean, but I just wanted to protect you from myself that's all.

LILLY: That's ALL? What exactly happened Shion!?

- Oh! You! I remember now! I collapsed right?

LILLY: Collapsed?!

???: Yes... I'm sorry.

- Thank you so much!

???: For what? It was my fault that you fainted!

- Yes but, you carried me all the way to my room, right?

???: (bow's head quietly)

- See? And now that you are dressed this way I can guess it has to do with your power.

???: Maria.

- What?

MARIA: My name is Maria. Nice to meet you...

- Nice to meet you too.

So it was her... I am glad I was able to meet her at last. She might not have a direct control over his own power. Well, seeing her dressed up like that makes me think of Yui the times we have to go outside during the day.

LILLY: (intense look)

- Is everything alright Lilly?

LILLY: Yes. I see this is the girl that you tried to make friends with and collapsed, but it was only an accident with her power.

She seems relieved.

KAY: Okay everyone. The training for today will be a bit special. We will skip physical and go straight to the action. Let's make groups in pairs first. And by the way; Shion, Lilly, you two can't go together.

- Really?

LILLY: Makes sense.

NOAH: Hugo! Let me be your partner!


NOAH: Yes! Thank you!

I hope she was kidding about killing him.

- I... Angelo!

ANGELO: You want to go with me?

- Yes!

Since that first mission I wanted to know more about him. His power does not give him any additional strength.... Does he only rely on martial arts?

SELLIA: Lilly!!!

LILLY: Yes...?

SELLIA: Go with me! Please! Please!

LILLY: Okay. Help.

That face again.... Will she be alright?

KAY: So! Nier and Maria go together. Today's training will be...

I wonder what are going to do. Maybe an exhibition of our powers? I don't think they will make us fight between us the same day they present us.

KAY: A duel to the DEATH!



KAY: Just kidding!

HUGO: ...

NOAH: He he he... (looks away)

KAY: A duel between offensive and defensive moves. You will take turns between attacker and defender and try to subdue your opponent. The first to score two consecutive wins is the victor! And remember! You guys don't need to hold back anymore, because Lilly can heal all your wounds. Is that true honey?

LILLY: Yes! It will be a pleasure!

I think they're exploiting Lilly's power a little bit, but maybe this is the best for her, she will be able to practice a lot on how to use it more effectively.

KAY: Let's begin with Angelo and Shion! Then, Maria and Nier, Noah and Hugo, and finally, Lilly and Sellia. Now come and get wooden swords from the box over there.

Me first!? In front of everybody? And against Angelo?


This is my opportunity to show my superiors how strong I have become. During this past months I couldn't fight seriously against Lilly and I have the feeling that I can go all out against Angelo.

ANGELO: Alright, let's do this then.

KAY: Proceed to go to the center and a few meters between each other.

- Angelo, can I start attacking?

ANGELO: Yeah, of course. And one thing before we start Shion.

- What?

ANGELO: I won't go easy on you.

- Me neither.

KAY: Get ready! 3, 2, 1...

I picked a normal wood sword just like him, but he doesn't seem to have a stance. Let's see if you can react to this.

KAY: Let's begin!

- Let my soul be my body and fire my strength!

I need to clear my mind...




He is not moving... are you ready to take this?

ANGELO: (drops the sword)


ANGELO: It's over.



As I rushed towards him and started clearing my mind, he dropped his sword on the ground. My thoughts started to burst in confusion, my power weakened, and with a simple move, he grabbed my wrist and right arm subduing me into the ground.

- Auch! What just happened?

KAY: Okay, that's enough, defender side wins. Good job Angelo.

ANGELO: Thanks Master!

- How did you...?

ANGELO: You thought that brute force will put me in a disadvantage against strength inducing abilities. Well, you were right. But! I also knew about your weakness.

- I see...

ANGELO: This fight was not a matter of who was the strongest, this was a test on who exploited the other's weaknesses first.

He defeated me with ease.

KAY: Now, let's switch positions. Shion, are you alright sweetie?

- Yes!

ANGELO: Don't give up, now you are the one defending. I've heard that's your forte.

Against normal people that would be the case. But, if he touches me... that will be the end.

KAY: Take positions!

I guess I can fight on his left side an evade getting touched by his right hand.

KAY: 3, 2, 1.... Let's Begin!

- Let my soul be my body and fire my strength.

ANGELO: Relax! Don't overthink!

He is telling me this while rushing towards me, but he is right. I need to relax, keep my thoughts to a minimum.

He is approaching... I have to keep an eye on him, he might use the sword as a distraction again. I need to...


As I was concentrated on Angelo's upper body movement, a flying object almost strikes me in the face. I took good glance at it, it was:

HIS SWORD! When did he thow it? SHIT!

ANGELO: Nice reflexes kid!

He is already on me! I managed to dodge his right hand on pure instinct. I see he is going straight for the win!

- Urgh! Hyaa!



He is closing distance again and again! I can't get him out of me and he is not letting me swing the sword comfortably...

Maybe I should...

At this point, I thought that if Angelo was exploiting my medium range that I had with my sword, the best decision I could've taken was to throw it away and fight hand to hand. That idea would have worked perfectly against normal opponents, but not against Angelo.


I don't need this!

- Take this! AAAAAH!


- Soul Flame:



The moment I used that move, I wasn't thinking at all. If a normal person had taken that hit, his upper part of his body should have gone flying in a burst of bright flames. This technique was only meant for destroying high armored objectives.

A pile of dust covered the air and, as it started to clear, I regain sense of myself.

Damn! I used it unconsciously!

ANGELO: don't move!

He dodge it! But I am not done!

- HYAAAA... Hya...?


ANGELO: That was a pretty flashy move. But it seems that after using it, the amount of brightness produced doesn't allow you to see what is in front of you.

KAY: That's enough! The winner is Angelo 2 - 0.

- How? I've never used this against anyone here before.

ANGELO: Well, I had the feeling that you were about to pull off something like that, so I stepped aside just in time. But it was a nice punch!

My defeat is absolute.

ANGELO: You can move now. (taps shoulder)

KAY: Nice match! That was a very impressive move! I am so proud of you Shion!

LILLY: Are you alright?

- Yeah. I'm fine.

KAY: Now! The next ones please.

Damn, I got destroyed. This means that I am far steps back from the rest.

LILLY: Sit here!

- Okay...

LILLY: Hey, don't get depressed for a simple defeat. It's our first day, don't worry, just think that I am going against that weird girl. I am going to get obliterated as well.

- And are you fine with that?

LILLY: Well, this means that the only thing left for us to do is win.

- Ugh?

LILLY: Even if Angelo wins every single time against you, the only thing left for him to do, is to lose, and for you, is to win.

That's sound stupid as hell. But I guess she has a point. I should be motivated about the possibility on winning rather than sad for losing.

- Thank you Lilly.

LILLY: You are welcome (smiles).

KAY: Okay everyone! Take positions.

NIER: I... will start attacking.... Is it fine for you?

MARIA: Yes, go ahead Nier.

KAY: We will start in 3, 2, 1...

I wonder how Maria and Nier will fight. I guess if Nier watches Maria's body is game over for him. They both have a sword, but it looks like Nier is hugging the sword instead of wielding it.

KAY: Let's begin!


They both fell into the ground at the same time! What is going on? Is the match over? Kay is watching with determination.

LILLY: What is happening Kay?

KAY: Oh my honey, I am glad you ask. Nier's power allows him to induce people in a deep sleep along with him.

So are they just sleeping?

KAY: But that's not all! He can enter the other people's dreams and convert them into nightmares: a manifestation of him appears in them and he is able to fight comfortably there.

LILLY: Interesting!

KAY: He is now attacking Maria in her worst nightmare possibly.

- Wow. That sound a bit harsh.

KAY: Harsh? Do you think that Maria and Nier don't know the situation they are in, sweetie?

- I mean...

KAY: Both of them know exactly that their powers are cruel and harm others, that's why Nier acts this way, he already is aware that his quirk is a very emotional damaging ability that sends people into fear and despair.

I already knew that would be hard for him as well. But, I still think that Maria is having a horrible time right now.

KAY: But not for Maria.

LILLY: What do you mean?

KAY: Maria has endured a lot during his childhood, she is more than ready to overcome his fear and defeat Nier. And also, Maria already defeated Nier a couple of times before.

Is someone able to withstand their worst fears and fight at the same time?

KAY: Here it comes...

Wait somebody is starting to move.

MARIA: (cough, cough)

NIER: (Zzzz) (Pop!)

MARIA: Argh! You almost got me this time Nier. Good job.

NIER: Thanks...

KAY: We have a winner: Maria is set 1 – 0. Nier, do you want to continue?

NIER: Yes!

And so they fought again. They both fell asleep but this time Maria woke up earlier. It appeared that she was able to withstand any psychological fear that was put into her.



MARIA: Good job again.

NIER: yes...

KAY: Okay that's settles it, the victor is Maria 2 – 0.

I wonder what nightmare will I have. Is it really that hard to endure?

As they were walking out the center of the field, I started thinking that if this were only the 'beginners' of the Kishi, then, how strong would be the Twelve?

How strong would be July? But what about Kay and Lance? And Bediverel the First? All the information about them was censored in the journal they gave me, and I haven't read any description of the other Kishi.

I am glad I didn't do it. I feel like even if I did, I would still be impressed by all the things they are capable of.

KAY: Come on you two!

HUGO: Understood.

NOAH: Let's Go!

KAY: Get yourselves in position!

NOAH: Can I go first?!


What is wrong with her?


KAY: Yes honey?

LILLY: Are they older than us?

KAY: No, they are in fact, one year younger than you two.

- Are you serious?

KAY: And not only that.

Not only?

KAY: Okay everyone. We will begin in 3, 2, 1...

As she was about to say start, he approached me quietly and said:

KAY: They are not only the youngest, but also, two of the strongest!


KAY: Let's Begin!


