
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


[main character: Lilly]

KAY: Let's begin!

As the match started both of them stared at each other in silence. They both were wielding one wooden sword, but only Hugo had a stance.

This pressure....

Something is about to happen.

SHION: They aren't moving...

- I know, but I have the feeling that something might happen at any moment!

NOAH: I've been waiting for this moment Hugo!

HUGO: Shut up.

NOAH: You're always so full of yourself! I despise you!

HUGO: Then, it's mutual.

NOAH: Today I will finally show you...

HUGO: ...

NOAH: The true power of... FEAR.

NIER: (partially covers his face with one hand)

HUGO: ... as you wish...

What in the world is going on?

I haven't read anything about these two in the journal.

- Kay! Are you sure are they going to be okay?!

KAY: (sigh) They are always acting this way, specially Noah, but they are fine, trust me. Thanks to that, they've become really strong.

As the battle was about to begin, Noah took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and looked straight at me from the distance.

NOAH: (ominous look)

What is this feeling? I feel like I am about to die!

As Noah's sight was piercing through me, my body shattered in fear. I couldn't move neither could I speak, a cold sweat covered my entire body. Shion looked at me and realized my suffering, seconds later, Noah was ready to start attacking.



So fast!

KAY: (smiles)

HUGO: Idiot!


Hugo countered Noah's direct attack with determination. The ground around them crumbled. After Noah recovered, she continued on attacking while I was still shocked about that gaze seconds ago.

Did she wanted to kill me? I don't understand anything...

KAY: Are you okay honey? I hope you can forgive Noah.

- Wha... what... just...

SHION: Don't worry Lilly, I'll ask for you: What is going on?

KAY: Noah has a very special power. He needs to induce fear into people in order to gain strength, he usually picks on Nier, but this time, it was you Lilly.


SHION: I see... but, what did he just use on Lilly?

By the way he looks, I thought Noah was a girl! Shion adapts quickly.

KAY: Actually, that's not his quirk's doing, he is just really scary.

- But how? I've never experienced a fear like that in my life.

KAY: I guess some people are born able to control their bloodlust, and, instead of minimizing it, Noah actually amplifies it to its max.

I really felt that I was about to get murdered in that same instance.

SHION: Amazing!

Although we were conversating, we couldn't look away from the duel between those two. Their movement was impeccable, Noah's was more impulsive, but Hugo maintained the composure and stood, countered, and attacked after every of Noah's offensives.

SHION: And what about Hugo? I saw something changing in his eyes.

Did he see it from over here?

KAY: Oh, so you noticed? Well, he has very special eyes...

- I don't think good sight is enough to fight against THAT.

KAY: I haven't said anything about sight honey. When Hugo activates his power, his pupils sharpen, his iris starts to rotate, and a mystic energy flows through his body.

SHION: Like mine?

KAY: We say mystic energy, but in reality, it's just his body releasing its full potential: no muscle becomes stiff, and his perception and reflexes are absolute. And to finish it off, his magnificent A rank Single-Style swordsmanship. Isn't it beautiful?

SHION: He is far beyond our actual level Lilly...

- Well, what did you expect? This was the real deal.

KAY: You are absolutely right. Now watch closely, because this match is about to finish.

How does she know?


Just after Kay anticipated the end of the battle, Hugo stepped towards Noah and with a clear hit to the chin, he was knocked down to the ground.

SHION: What an amazing hit, right Lilly?

- Yes.

Although I was positive early on, I think I got a bit overwhelmed after all that.

KAY: Okay that's enough! The winner is Hugo 1 - 0. Their duel is concluded.

Noah is not waking up from the ground.

- Should I go heal him?

KAY: Don't bother honey. Now that he used his fear trick on you, it won't be as powerful. Hugo endurance is not that high but he didn't waste any energy in this match so he would probably win again.

SHION: So that's it for them?

KAY: Yes! Trust me, is the better for Noah.

SHION: Understood Master!

KAY: Good job Hugo! I am so proud!

HUGO: (bows)

KAY: Well you two, what do you think? Was pretty intense, huh?

Too much.

SHION: Yes, but I think I've learned a lot.

KAY: Well, that's the main objective of this training.

I wonder what did Shion learned from this, apart from the fact that Noah is a very scary handsome looking boy.

KAY: Well sweetie, it's your turn now, would you like to take a break first?

- I'm a bit shocked, but I guess I can do it.

KAY: Wonderful. Sellia, come on!

SELLIA: YEAH! I've been waiting for this! Lilly!

- Yes?

SELLIA: Let's go all out alright? Let's show them what women are capable of.

What is she saying?

As Noah was being carried out by Angelo, the matches continued with me and Sellia as the next duelers.

ANGELO: Cheer up Lilly! You'll be fine.

He is right, but this can't hide the fact that whatever might happen to me now against Sellia, is going to hurt.

KAY: Set positions.

SHION: Good luck Lilly!

- Thank you!

I am going to need it!

SELLIA: I will begin attacking.

KAY: Okay then, we will start in 3, 2, 1...

Flowers, protect me.

KAY: Let's begin!


She hasn't move a muscle...

SELLIA: Uhm... Now that I think about it. This duel isn't fair at all.

- Ehm... what do you mean?

SELLIA: I exactly know what your power does, but, you don't know mine.

- Well... that's true.

SELLIA: Let me explain you what my quirk does.

- Okay.

She picked up her wooden sword and took a stance. As she murmured some words, I could feel a dense pressure in the air.

SELLIA: My quirk is called "Over Exhaust", it allows me to make things surpass their limits! Look!

Her sword is making sparkles!

SELLIA: Now, here I come!

That does not give me any relevant information at all!

She's already coming!

SELLIA: (starts running towards Lilly)

She is not as fast the rest... I feel like I could win.

Sellia approached me with her sword ready to swing. It was obvious from her posture what she was about to do, also, the strength she put on the sword was minimal, but still...



My sword! It shattered!

I can't block her next attack...

- Argh!

KAY: That's enough! The defender lost it's weapon, therefore, attacker side wins, 1 – 0.

She stopped the swing before it hit me...

SELLIA: Let's go again!

- Yes...

What can I do? It appears that she enhances materials, something similar to Shion energy. But... how do I beat this. I can't completely rely on a wooden sword.

I picked up another one and went to my position again.

What should I do...

KAY: Get ready! In 3, 2, 1...

Should I use THAT?

KAY: Let's begin!

SELLIA: Come on!

Okay I will try...

- Hana no chikara: ...

KAY: Nice Lilly you almost have it!

- (deep breath)

SELLIA: Ugh? What is...

- Kōgeki!

While I was training with Kay and Shion, we discovered that not only my power can be used as an organic healing ability, but it can also protect objects or people like it did with me against the experiments. In that instant, I covered my sword in flowers and rushed towards Sellia.

KAY: Good job Lilly! Proud of you!

SHION: Nice Lilly! You finally did it!

But I haven't won yet, lets see if this works against her.




Did my...?


Her sword is BROKEN!

KAY: That's enough! Fantastic Lilly! Now the score is set 1 – 1.

SELLIA: Lilly...

- What...?

Is she mad?

SELLIA: That was amazing! I am surprised on how a defensive ability like yours could end up being useful in offense. You are so smart Lilly!

- (blush) Well... I trained with Kay and Shi-.

SELLIA: (firmly grabs Lilly's hands) Let's continue.

- Eh... Yes!

We took positions again, and Sellia got another sword. Kay was already counting down to start the last set, this time, Sellia was attacking again.

Will this work against her one more time? I have to try.

KAY: Let's begin everyone!

- Ha...

SELLIA: You know!

She interrupted my short ritual... what is she up to?

SELLIA: It was a good idea to hide something about your power before battle, in fact, it was an incredible idea Lilly!

- Thanks?

SELLIA: I guess we have something in common...

Suddenly, a loud voice resounded from the crowd.



ANGELO: Are you sure about this?


ANGELO: Okay then. Lilly! Be careful!

KAY: Everyone, stand back a little bit!

What's about to happen?

SELLIA: I said that my power pushes the limits of things... but... it can also... (presses her hand against her stomach) surpass human limitations!


Her body started mildy shaking. I could feel an intense pressure emanating from her.

SELLIA: Here I come!

Maybe if I block her attack with my sword I can still...



Instead of hitting me directly, she aimed for the ground. Her strike was so powerful that I got knocked away and buried in the dirt.


ANGELO: Sellia!

KAY: That's enough!

- (cough, cough) Ugh...

That hurt, I can't imagine what would have done that to me if it hit me directly.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Sellia pointing at me with her sword. Suddenly, it turned into dust leaving only her opened hand to help me stand up.

- Thanks (cough, cough)

SELLIA: You're welcome. You did amazing! You really are strong.

- Me? Strong?

SELLIA: Look at you! You might've gotten a bit dirty but, apart from that, you are still intact!

She is right though, I have no injuries whatsoever.

SELLIA: Good jo... (POOF!)

She fell backwards!

- Hey Sellia! Sellia!

KAY: That was a nice move sweetie. Good job!

SELLIA: (smiles)

After that, the duels concluded. We continued further away from the crater that Sellia left on the training ground. Shion saw that I was perfectly fine and instead, helped Sellia to the infirmary where there she could just rest. Kay was so proud of my development, but Shion looked a bit frustrated.

(One hour later)

KAY: That's all physical training for today!

ANGELO: Understood Master.

MARIA: Thanks Master!

NIER: Thank you...

HUGO: (bows)

NOAH: ... Zzzz.

Everyone thanked Kay for the training and we all went to our rooms to change clothes and take a shower.

I surely got dirty from that explosive move. It was amazing to be honest.

I am a bit worried about Shion. He is really strong, but I feel that Angelo was his worst match up. Maybe that's why Shion choose him. Wait! we didn't know what we were going to do in the first place, Argh! I'm overthinking again. I guess bad habits die hard.

As I changed my clothes after taking a shower I saw Shion leaving the bath with a smile on his face.

- Shion! Are you okay?

SHION: Ah, yes! I talked with Angelo and I feel better now. He gave me lot's of tips for beating him next time and I also gave him some as well, (laughs).

I guess these two are more alike than they think.

SHION: And you? I saw that you didn't have a single scratch.

- Yes, I am perfectly fine! Let's go eat something with the rest.

SHION: Of course!

Shion and I were the first ones going to the dining room, the rest were either taking a shower, or changing their clothes. We used to have lunch two hours before the rest, so we were very hungry at that time of the day. In one of the hallways we saw July leaving his room.

SHION: Hey July! How are you?

JULY: What's up Shion!? And Lilly! How was the training today?

- A bit intense, but fun.

SHION: Yes! I fought against Angelo and he destroyed me completely.

JULY: Hahaha. Really?

SHION: Yes! Hahaha.

This two seem rather close, I've never seen them speak to each other.

- July, let me ask you something. Why don't you train with Lance?

JULY: Well, I am an Entaku, I don't have the need to train anymore, but if I wanted, I could.

- I see...

JULY: But today Lance surely is taking her time, she should've arrived 30 minutes ago.

SHION: Wow. I guess I know why more people prefer Dual-Style over Single.

- Why?

SHION: Maybe because they want to become even stronger. If they work for more hours, they might be able to achieve...


Suddently, a very loud scream resounded around the palace, it was coming from the training field. Me and Shion rushed instinctively as fast as we could.

- What do you think that might could've been?

SHION: I don't know, but it seemed like it was Kay's voice.

- Kay? I've never heard a scream out of her.

SHION: Me neither, but.... Hey! We are almost there.

We were the only ones that arrived in time to see what the source of that scream was, and, most importantly, the reason behind it.

- What in the...?

SHION: Master?

- Kay... are you?

KAY: ...

Shion and I couldn't understand what was going on. Kay was standing still in the middle of the field looking towards an unknown person walking towards the mansion few meters away from us.

Who is that? It's an intruder? What is going on?

SHION: Master Kay, were you the one who screamed?

KAY: Yes... sorry.

- Why? Are you okay?

KAY: Don't worry about me. I am completely fine.

SHION: So, Kay, what just happened?

- And who is that person coming towards us?

KAY: I ...

SHION: But what was that scream for? We were really worried.

KAY: That man over there...

That man over there? He is... WAIT!

SHION: I've never seen him before.

Wait, that man...

- Hey, I've seen him before.

KAY: (turns head over Lilly) That you WHAT?

- Ehm... in Shion's birthday, I saw that man inside the castle, she helped me on...

KAY: And you didn't tell me anything about him!?

- I thought he was a Kishi just like many of us here so I didn't...

KAY: Of course you don't know who that man's name is...

- No...

I've never seen Kay so tense before.

KAY: That man over there. Is our leader.


KAY: Arthur, the King.