

Robert is a young man with a past that is not at all normal, who is reincarnated in a world where several stories from Manhwas, Pornhwa sand Webtooms come together, trying to adapt, survive and enjoy everything he can. But for what reason was he sent to this kind of world? (Starting in chapter 8, the MC begins to fully intertwine with the plots of the different works used, but maintaining the story of this fanfic as the central line) Cover image taken from Pixiv, credits to whom it may apply. If you want me to remove it, send me a message and I'll remove it. .................................................. .................... Look at the labels before reading to avoid misunderstandings later. Warning!: If you are one of those self-conscious children who only comment on stupid things just to comment, I will delete your comments. This is not a fanfic where everything happens overnight, its pace is more or less slow, and there is interaction for the construction of a more or less functional world. If you get bored quickly, maybe this is not for you. DISCLAIMER: I do not have any rights to the story or characters of the Manhwas used, credits to their respective authors The cover was taken from the internet. I do not have any of the rights to the characters present, credits to their respective authors. English is not my native language, so there may be some grammatical errors. Related worlds: | Solo Leveling | Teenage Mercenary | How To Fight | Lookism| Manager Kim | Silent War | Fitness | Beautiful New World | Panty note | Celebrity Next Door | and other manhwas Additional tags: | Manhwas | Mature | Ecchi | Netori | Milf | Antihero |

Culture_Lover · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs


The air in the room became thick and tense as Robert pushed the corpse of one of his attackers away.

 The floor, carpeted and stained with blood, muffled his footsteps as he walked slowly forward.

In front of him, a few meters away, were the two brothers, who looked at him in silence, but with vicious smiles on their faces.

The room seemed to shrink around them, shrinking to the three of them and the fight that was about to break out.

"Hehehe… I didn't think that SW would have another extraordinary brat besides Suk-joo, that really surprises me" – Dong Soo took off his jacket and walked slowly while taking out two curved daggers from both sides of his waist – "I "I'll have fun with you instead of that guy from SW."

"I think it's time for us to fight seriously, little brother, this boy is almost as fast as you" – Dong Suk began to roll up his shirt, opened one of the drawers of his desk and took out a Falcata, a curved sword – "We must eliminate him quickly, otherwise we will have problems"

These two brothers talked and behaved as if they didn't care that their subordinates were dead and lying on the floor. Although from the description that the system had given of each one, it was not surprising.

"Wow, how intimidating they look with those weapons, where did they get them from? From a museum perhaps?" – Robert responded with a mockery.

However, he adopted a fighting stance.

He knew that his so far had been a warm-up.

Now he himself had to do everything he could to face these two guys, so he decided to go all out from the beginning.

[Martial arts lvl 3 – activated] [Sprinting lvl 1 – activated] [Body resistance lvl 2 – activated]

His muscles tensed, ready to act in an instant, while his mind traced the first movements of what promised to be an intense and decisive combat.

The two Hwang brothers advanced without responding to the mocking words and positioned themselves on either side of Robert.


With a loud sound, both subjects lunged towards his prey, causing the floor above his feet to break from the inertia of the movement!

"AHHH!" – The older brother came quickly from the right almost instantly in front of Robert, brandishing his sword high and slashing downwards, straight at his neck.


He quickly raised the knife in his hand and tried to block the rapidly falling sword, just as he launched a spinning kick towards his left flank.


The kick connected with Dong-soo's torso, who seemed to have teleported from his position to Robert's location, causing his daggers to head towards his chest!

*Clank!* Crack!*

From this first exchange of blows, Robert took two steps back as he raised his hand and saw how the dagger he was holding had broken from the impact of Dong-Suk's sword.

For his part, Dong-Soo also took a couple of steps back as his smile widened.

The pain he felt in the side of his chest seemed to be an accelerator of his euphoria, as if he was beginning to enjoy this fight.

'That guy has a body like a concrete wall' - Robert smiled after this small exchange of blows, which allowed him to probe the movements of both attackers.

"Oh… I see that you are strong, a little more than I thought" – Dong Suk smiled as he raised his sword – "How much does SW pay you? We could easily double it, even give you more benefits"

"Stop talking nonsense Dong-Suk and start attacking or I'll do it myself!"


Dong-Suk no longer stayed to talk and accelerated faster than before, once again slashing his sword towards Robert's neck.


However, before he could connect with Robert's throat, he held Dong-Suk's wrist with great strength, stopping the attack a few centimeters away.


And with a thunderous roundhouse kick, Robert launched the eldest of the Hwang brothers into the air and sent him crashing into a bookcase.

"Damn stuck-up brat, don't be cocky."

Suddenly Dong-Soo's dagger flew towards Robert's face, but he easily turned his head and dodged the attack.


The attack happened so quickly that the wind blew into Robert's face! 

'Damn, so this is the power of someone with level 60 [Strength]!' – Robert thought in surprise. It was a strength worthy of a truly powerful human.

"That?!" – Dong-Soo exclaimed as he launched another attack, but he was equally dodged by our protagonist.

Almost no one in his life had been able to dodge his attack, and now a brat had done it, so his opponent's smile frustrated him even more!

Launching into the attack again, Dong-Soo made a hail of slashes from his blades rain down on Robert mercilessly.

But without losing any speed, He dodged them and counterattacked with his bare fists, hitting the arms of his opponent!






The two men were constantly exchanging blows or dodging their opponent's blows! Neither of them were willing to back down!


At that moment, Robert launched two blows with all his strength directly to the body and head of his opponent, connecting fully and making him take several steps back and hit the wall behind him, falling between several boxes and remaining partially unconscious.

"It's a mistake to be distracted!"

Dong-Suk, the eldest of the Hwang brothers, suddenly appeared and made a surprising vertical slash, aiming for Robert's head.


He was barely able to avoid the attack, being hit by the edge of the sword near his thigh, which caused a bleeding wound.

And it wasn't that he was distracted, he had just been under stress from fighting with all his might against someone who was on the same level as him.

"Hahaha, die brat."

Dong-Suk, seeing that he injured his opponent, rushed forward confidently, believing that he could obtain victory.

But to his bitter surprise, Robert began to evade all of his attacks and deliver several fatal blows to him!





"This can not-"


After a moment of combat it became clear that Robert was superior to Dong-Suk!

Dong-Soo, who stood up slightly, was now feeling extreme pain in his abdomen and face, which spread to his entire body. He suddenly felt something hot come out and fall from the corner of his mouth.

When he cleaned himself, he realized that it was blood.

"Shit brat, I'll kill you!"

Letting out an enraged shout, Dong-Suk lunged at the target of him.

However, he stopped short when his brother's body was thrown with great force against him, impacting him and causing both of them to collide with the wooden desk and breaking it in half.

*Crack! Boommm!*

"Hagh! How stupid you are, Dong-Suk, how can you let yourself go like that!" – The younger brother shouted as he pulled his brother aside and quickly stood up – "Come on! Get up you damn old man, we have to put an end to that brat."

However, despite the screams, Dong-Suk remained face down and did not get up.

He didn't even move.

"Ah… ah… hey idiot" – Robert breathed heavily as he remained standing – "I know you have no respect for the dead, but not even with your brother?"


It took Dong-soo a moment to process these words, but seeing how his brother's sword was in his enemy's hands and stained with blood, he finally understood what had happened.

He slowly crouched down and turned his older brother's body, only to see his expressionless face, with a lost look. On his chest, a grotesque open wound was gushing blood in abundance.

Ding, ding, ding

[You have killed a main character, you have an extra point! You have a new skill gained! Activation time: 5 minutes]

The system announced the gain of one point for killing the eldest of the Hwang brothers, as well as a new skill which would be activated in five minutes!

"Ah… I always knew that you would be the first of us to die" – Dong Soo stood up while she turned her back to Robert – "But thinking about it and living it is something completely different"

Turning around, it could be seen that Dong-Suk's watery eyes were bloodshot.




Dong-Soo burst the floor where he was and launched himself furiously at his opponent!

[HP: 35 -->34 -->32] [MP: 30 --> 28 -->26]

[STR: 60 -->61 -->62] [AGI: 45 --> 46-->47]

'Shit! This one also does the same thing as Gunner! 'How the hell can they do this?' – Robert cursed internally as he watched as his opponent began to burn his HP and MP, increasing his [Strength] and [Agility] points.

Dong-Soo was already at the same level of Strength as Robert, now he was surpassing him little by little!

And let's not even mention that having fought intensely with Dong-Suk had tired him out!

Although he had the advantage of fighting at high speed due to having [Sprint] active, the gap in strength was beginning to be noticeable!

However, with the points he had accumulated so far he could raise his HP stats, but he wanted to know how long he could endure a fight with someone at higher levels.

At least he wanted to do it until the deadline to get the new ability from him is up. Maybe with her, he could turn the situation around.

"Ah! He dies damn! Go dead!"






The fight inside the office caused things to be thrown everywhere, breaking the windows and everything in their path!

If it weren't for the fact that outside Ijin and Suk-Joo had also started the attack to rescue Yuna and Dayun, everyone would have heard the thunderous fight.

Little by little Dong-Soo had cornered Robert, making him crash into the wall.


With a loud bang, Robert was violently thrown to the side, even causing the concrete wall he hit to crack from the blow!

"Cough, cough… Phew, shit, this really hurt" – He slowly stood up while blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

"Ah…ah… damn brat, why don't you die?!"

Dong-soo was breathing heavily as he held up his daggers, still with fury coursing through his entire body, but with extreme exhaustion.

He didn't know how, but being angry to the core seemed to have given him a surge of strength that he hadn't experienced before. However, no matter how much strength he had gained, he still couldn't kill the brat in front of him!

Robert did not pay attention to the shouts of his opponent, he only focused on the new statistics that he showed.

[HP: 10] [MP: 5]

[STR: 70] [AGI: 60]

'Well, damn, no wonder I got beat up' – He joked – 'But I think with all my skills, I have been able to fight against someone with a [Strength] ten levels above me... this information is already somewhat useful.'

*Ding, ding, ding*

[Time completed! New active skill gained! – Thirst blood lvl1]

Suddenly, the system made an announcement that attracted our protagonist's attention.

[Because the host took the life of a human, his aura will become heavy, managing to intimidate his opponents. When activated, the target will lose 50% of all attributes for 30 seconds. Cost per 30 seconds: 50 MP]

When Robert read what the system was offering him, a small smile appeared on his face.

'Damn, this skill fits me like a glove'

"What are you laughing at, you damn bitch? Did you go crazy before you died?" – Dong Soo got upset when he saw the provocative smile of his opponent – ​​"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, no, I'm not making fun of you little brother, I'm just grateful for your help" – Robert responded as he began to walk slowly towards his goal.

Dong-Soo wasted no time and pounced on our protagonist.

[Bloodlust: activated]


Dong-Soo thought as she looked into Robert's eyes, which seemed to flash with a phosphorescent blue color.

'What the fuck is happening to me?!'

After locking eyes with Robert's, Dong-Soo suddenly felt as if he were immersed in deep waters. His body felt heavy to her, as if he were struggling to move underwater.

The new speed he had gained had been drastically reduced!

*Slash! Slash!*

In the next instant, Robert's attacks began to land, and one after another, wounds began to appear all over Dong-Soo's body.

'This can not be!'

Dong-Soo couldn't understand how the booger in front of him turned so fast. However, he didn't have time to finish his thoughts, as his panic quickly turned to terror.

Robert was charging directly at him from the front. Dong-Soo swung his knife at Robert's eyes with all the speed he could muster as a last resort.


Robert quickly turned his head, but was scratched on the cheek by the dagger. But this amount of damage was within his calculations.

He had thrown his entire body forward in a decisive blow, anticipating dodging his desperate counterattack. The two men were fighting in a world where time seemed to have slowed down.

However, in one swift movement, the fight came to an end.


The Falcata sword, the sword that Dong-Suk had treasured for a long time, plunged into Dong-Soo's chest.


The youngest of the Hwang brothers widened his eyes in pain!

At that moment, the two men knew it was over.

The winner had been decided. Of all the days where they had lived and terrorized everyone, precisely today he had to meet a guy who broke all of his schemes.

"I really have bad luck…"

Dong-Soo said with blood seeping from the corners of his mouth. He was smiling with a mouth full of blood and gasping for breath, even the daggers had fallen from his hands.

However, before dying, he approached Robert, and with the last of his strength he whispered something in his ear.

His eyes gradually recovered calm, but his brow furrowed.

When Dong-Soo finished saying his last words, our protagonist pulled the sword from his chest and the gangster's body collapsed on the ground in a pool of blood, like a puppet with its strings cut.


Ding, ding, ding

[You have killed a main character, you have an extra point! You have a new active skill gained! Access to the inner world – lvl 1]

[Hidden mission – ending trash brings benefits, completed! Eliminate all the subjects in this room and thereby gain the favor of several important people. However, you will make more enemies than you have: reward 10 additional points earned]

The next moment, Robert collapsed as he watched the system screen display his new earnings.

However, the words that Dong-Soo had said to him before he died caused him to not fully enjoy his victory. He smiled slightly, but now he understood the part of the mission that warned him about making more enemies.

"So they were the ones behind these two guys huh… and it seems that my arrival made them become more powerful… this will get even more dangerous… heh, I'm looking forward to it."