
ENIGMATIC DESIRES (Echoes of Reconciliation)

In the aftermath of a school shooting, Zoe takes a bullet intended for Alex, reigniting his dormant feelings for her. After a month-long coma, Zoe awakens to Alex's confession and the truth about their past. Betrayed by her supposed best friend, Alice, and manipulated by Peter, Alex's revelation paves the way for reconciliation and a second chance at love amidst the chaos of tragedy.

AmourArtiste · Hiện thực
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10 Chs


As I watched Zoe rush off to the restroom, concern etched across my features, I couldn't help but feel a wave of shame wash over me. What I did to her was fucked up—I allowed the poison of others' words to blind me to the truth, dismissing everything she tried to tell me.

For some time now, I've been wrestling with the desire to talk to her, to finally confront what I've come to understand and seek reconciliation. But fear grips me tightly; I'm terrified she won't forgive me, that I've damaged our bond irreparably. So, I wait, hoping for the right moment to make amends.

As she returned with her friends and settled back into her seat, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. When our eyes met, I held her gaze, unable to tear myself away. She turned back, laying her head down, and I knew I had to make a move.

Deciding that today, after school, would be the day, I resolved to speak to her. But as I admired her, lost in thoughts of her, my friend Josh snapped me back to reality with a nudge and a barrage of questions. "Earth to Alex," he teased, "what's got you smiling like that? Is it a girl? Come on, spill!"

I rolled my eyes, annoyance bubbling up at his interruption. "No, bro, just shut the fuck up and listen to the teacher," I grumbled, frustrated that he'd disrupted my thoughts. But deep down, I knew he was right—I had a lot to sort out, especially when it came to Zoe.