

Reeves Hunter an eighteen year old kid who has vowed to live a stress-free life with nothing but momentary enjoyment and freedom from responsibility will do just about anything to achieve that goal, from plain average grades to whiling away watching different geners of movies and animes, suddenly found a dark purple colored orb seemingly hovering above his reading desk beckoning on him to touch it. Filled with a sense of familiarity touched and his soul got draged out of his body transversing him to an alternate dimension ----INTEGRATION COMPLETE---- Host has been employed to become the main casts plot amour failure to protect them will lead to immediate death. "...." F**K Join him on his day to day life as he strives to regain the freedom he once lost in this world filled with mana, mythical beings, gods and all powerful humans who could wreak havoc by the mere thought of it, essentially a dog eat dog world where only power decides your faith ................................................................................. Note: this is my first attempt on a novel so pardon me for any mistake as it was probably made unknowingly I'll be proof reading and updating the novels Incase there are any inconsistencies, and the book cover isn't mine if you are the owner and want me to take it down pls contact me and I'll do it as soon as possible

Artichunter · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

New Beginning (1)

Early in the morning after enjoying the feeling of soaking in hot water, reeves dried his hair with a towel engraved with two phoenix in the shape of ying and yang balls, staring at his face at the mirror he mumbled to himself

Damn am one average looking guy, I thought every transmitter would always come out as very handsome, as he was contemplating what "wonderful luck he had" he sat on his bed and called out


what will happen if the MC dies ?

Host will suffer a painful death, your soul will get forcefully riped from your conscience and dissipate into tiny bits of purple light leading to a slow but excruciating death.

"...." Damn

But on the bright side host, you'll only have to be plot amour at the start of his rise to power once he reaches the saint realm host is no longer liable to any damages. Although this comes with a catch as the system was built on equivalent exchange, it goes as follows;

For the elevation of responsibility of taking care of the main character for eternity host must make a sacrifice conditions if this sacrifice will be known to host once he reaches a sufficient level.

System is there any way to bypass the barrier of knowledge other than a sufficient level to know what the sacrifice is ?

Host this system works hand in hand with equivalent exchange to know the banished knowledge even the Arkasic records aren't worthy of carrying you have to pay with your life.

Oi system what's with my soul on the line for every option you give me, is it worth that much in your non-existent eye's ?

To know the answer to the question host will have to provide 7 safe points.

What's a safe point ?

This are points gotten from either helping, or protecting the MC and CO, they can also be stocked over time as the MC does an awe inspiring act but it's very random as depending on the act the MC performs so will the equivalent number of safe points it amounts would be added to your system.

Shouldn't I have Fate points seeing that the MC is already at the 1st level of the foundation realm ?

The act isn't worthy of a fate point seeing as it's at the lowest of the low it isn't this systems fault the world's mana supply is cut off.

"...." you know he can kill me your chosen with a strike of his fist right ? This system could easily find another host.

With a sigh reeves stopped arguing with the hateful system. Wearing a grey shirt engraved with the crest of the hunters family at the right chest area always symbolizing what force your from and a black jeans penciled matching his slides, he stepped out of his apartment like room into the hall decorated with expensive materials he couldn't help but giving out a smug smile the power of influence he mumbled.

On reaching to the class reeves sat down at the middle mixing in with the other extras seeing as the theoretical lectures would only take three hours standard earth time and four hours for practicals where they would attend their respective field of interest admist all these of course would be an hour break before finally letting them go he decided to get a little shut eye untill the lesson starts by 8 when he heard clamorous whispers, feeling the urge to slap the shit out of the culprits he raised his head, thats when he saw them his bane for the coming coming months possibly years the Main characters or as I like to call them Fate challangers.