
Enigma of Tsukirai Hatake

In the world of Naruto, Tsukirai is a man who finds himself in a realm unknown, transmigrated as the younger brother of the renowned ninja, Kakashi Hatake. With a unique name that signifies the moon's enduring presence, Tsukirai possesses qualities reminiscent of the night owl - quiet, steadfast, and deeply connected to the mysteries of the night. Unlike his brother, Tsukirai lacks innate talents or extraordinary abilities, but he brings with him a deep sense of purpose. With a gift for logical thinking, he hones his skills, becoming a master of hand-to-hand combat and specializing in wind elemental jutsu. Tsukirai blends these abilities seamlessly with the Hatake sword style, creating a unique fighting technique that reflects the graceful and powerful dance of the night owl. Tsukirai's journey unfolds as he seeks to establish his own legacy in the ninja world, not as a replacement for his brother, but as a warrior who brings his own strengths to the forefront. Along the way, he forms bonds with fellow ninja, proving that even without prodigious talents, one can make a lasting impact through unwavering dedication and determination.

Purplesplinter · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Return of Kakashi

In the third-person perspective,

As time inched forward, Tsukirai gradually came to terms with the undeniable reality that he now inhabited the lives of both Harry and Tsukirai Hatake. The boundary between these two identities had blurred to the point of no return, and he could no longer deny the complexity of his existence. With each passing day, Tsukirai's physical strength returned, allowing him to sit up, albeit slowly. He had come to accept that this was no hallucination; it was a profound and inexplicable reality.

Daily visits from the doctor provided a routine check on his progress. Tsukirai's responses remained concise, limited to simple "yes" or "no" answers. He felt the need to shield himself from this world's inhabitants, who were still strangers to him. Given the extraordinary circumstances he had endured, this cautious approach seemed entirely justified.

More days elapsed, bringing Tsukirai to the pivotal seventh day since his arrival in this unfamiliar world. It was the day he anticipated with a mix of anxiety and excitement—the day when he would finally reunite with his brother, who was due to return from his mission.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Fire, a group of skilled individuals navigated the forest with incredible agility. They leaped from tree to tree at breathtaking speeds, forming a precise and dynamic diamond-shaped formation. It was a remarkable display of their prowess, with some members positioned within the heart of this diamond formation, illustrating the coordinated expertise of these shinobi.

Among this group of individuals, there was a noticeable sense of unity, not just in their extraordinary abilities but also in their attire. They all wore clothing that bore a striking resemblance to the typical shinobi attire of the Hidden Leaf Village. The members forming the diamond-shaped formation stood out further, donning the recognizable vests worn by chunin and jounin. In contrast, those positioned within the heart of the formation appeared to be young genins, signifying a diverse range of experience and expertise.

Leading the formation was a young man with striking features—a mop of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His commanding presence indicated that he held a significant role within this group. Beside him, a child of about ten years old stood, characterized by distinctive white hair and a mask concealing his face. The two engaged in conversation as they navigated the treetops with ease.

The blonde man initiated the dialogue, addressing the child named Kakashi with a sense of respect and authority. "Kakashi, have you received any orders from the village headquarters that require my immediate attention?"

Kakashi, the young shinobi with the mask, responded with a simple shake of his head. "No, Minato-sensei," he replied, his tone respectful and composed. "They have instructed us to return to the village headquarters and provide them with a status report regarding the ongoing war on the eastern front, which may be nearing its conclusion."

Minato, understanding the urgency of their mission, nodded in agreement. He was well aware of Kakashi's longing to know about his brother's condition, a matter that weighed heavily on the young shinobi's mind.

"The situation demands our swiftness," Minato affirmed. "I also understand your concern for your brother, Kakashi."

Kakashi's mood grew somber as he recalled his brother's condition. For two long months, Tsukirai had remained unconscious since their father's tragic demise, and despite the passing of time, there had been no discernible improvement in his health. Kakashi, his face reflecting his inner turmoil, simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, Sensei."

Recognizing that it was not the time for further discussion, Minato decided to continue their journey in solemn silence. The weight of their responsibilities pressed upon them as they moved forward, each step bringing them closer to the Hidden Leaf Village and the answers they sought.

They arrived in the village under the shroud of midnight, the darkness concealing their weary faces and battle-worn forms. As the team dispersed, Minato called out to Kakashi, halting his departure. Kakashi turned towards his sensei, his inquiring gaze fixed upon Minato.

With a hint of understanding in his voice, Minato addressed Kakashi's unspoken concern. "Kakashi, I'm aware that you'll need to check on your brother tomorrow. You won't be required to come to the Hokage Tower," he assured.

Kakashi, burdened by his brother's condition and the constant worry it brought, felt a wave of relief wash over him at Minato's words. He expressed his gratitude, his voice tinged with emotion.

"Thank you, Minato-sensei," Kakashi said, appreciating the understanding and consideration of his mentor. With that, he took his leave, knowing that tomorrow would bring him the answers he desperately sought about Tsukirai's condition

Bidding farewell to Minato, Kakashi made his way back to his home. The once lively and vibrant house, filled with the warmth of family, now felt eerily silent. It was in these walls that laughter had echoed, and smiles had brightened every room. Those happy moments, those cherished memories, seemed like a distant dream now, a reality forever altered.

As Kakashi stood in the solitude of his home, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his loneliness. The absence of his father, the uncertainty surrounding Tsukirai, and the newfound emptiness in his life all bore down on him.

With a heavy heart, Kakashi took a cold shower, hoping that perhaps the chill could wash away some of the emotional turmoil. Eventually, he retired to his bed, laying there in the quiet darkness, yearning for the day when he might receive the long-awaited news about his brother's condition.

He turned off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness, and closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would offer some solace, even if just for a little while. Tomorrow was another day, and it held the promise of answers, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that had become his life 

On the following day, within the confines of the hospital, Tsukirai diligently engaged in the exercises prescribed by his doctor. It was a necessary routine, designed to reawaken muscles that had remained dormant for nearly two months. Each movement was a struggle, but he was determined to regain his strength.

Today held particular significance for Tsukirai. It marked the day when he would finally reunite with his brother, Kakashi, in this unfamiliar world. It was a moment fraught with anticipation and uncertainty, for Tsukirai was not just Tsukirai anymore. He was also Harry, a character from a completely different realm – the world of anime he had known before.

As he performed his exercises, Tsukirai's thoughts raced with questions and doubts. He pondered how their first meeting would unfold, especially considering Kakashi's exceptional intelligence and keen perceptiveness. In the hierarchy of intellect within the series, Kakashi was rivaled only by Shikamaru. His mastery of tactics, strategy, and intellect was unparalleled, making him a formidable figure.

Tsukirai couldn't help but wonder, "Will Kakashi, with his astute mind, be able to discern that I am not just Tsukirai but also Harry from another world?" The weight of this uncertainty bore down on him as he grappled with the complexity of his dual existence.

In the depths of his contemplation, Tsukirai acknowledged, "If there's anyone in this world capable of unraveling my true nature, it would be Kakashi. His detective-like mindset and unparalleled intellectual capabilities may expose the enigma of my existence." The prospect of facing his brother, not as the Tsukirai they once knew but as someone who had traversed worlds, filled him with a unique blend of apprehension and curiosity.

While Tsukirai was entangled in his contemplations, Kakashi stood just beyond his brother's hospital room, wrestling with his own uncertainties. The news of Tsukirai's awakening had filled him with hope, but it was tempered by the disquieting reports of his altered behavior.

Kakashi decided to seek answers, his resolve firm. He ventured to the doctor's office, where important files and documents cluttered the workspace. With a respectful knock, he initiated the conversation, "Sir, may I come in?" 

The doctor acknowledged his presence and warmly welcomed him. "Ah, you must be Tsukirai's older brother," he surmised, his gaze shifting from the papers before him. "We haven't had the chance to meet formally, but I've heard about you. You're Minato's student, aren't you? He's a dear friend of mine."

This unexpected connection brought a sense of familiarity to the conversation, easing Kakashi's initial trepidation. Yet, beneath this veneer of camaraderie, a deeper concern gnawed at him. He hoped the doctor could shed light on the mysteries surrounding his brother's altered demeanor.

Kakashi, concerned for his brother, shut the door quietly, creating an atmosphere of confidentiality within the doctor's office. He took a seat across from the doctor, a palpable seriousness hanging in the air, his words direct and to the point. "Doctor, how is Tsukirai doing? The receptionist mentioned that his behavior is somewhat abnormal, that he only responds with 'yes' or 'no.'"

The doctor, recognizing the gravity of the conversation, acknowledged Kakashi's inquiry with a thoughtful hum. He knew that the chunin seated before him sought substantial information about his brother's well-being and not mere pleasantries.

In response to Kakashi's question, the doctor provided reassurance. "You see, it's quite normal for him to exhibit such behavior given the shock he experienced. But rest assured, he will gradually return to his normal self over the course of a month or two."

The doctor offered a crucial piece of advice, emphasizing the importance of patience. "However, I would advise against rushing him or trying to push him to act 'normal.' Let him heal at his own pace."

Kakashi's anxiety began to ebb as he absorbed the doctor's words. Grateful for the information and guidance, he inquired further, "Thank you, doctor. When can I take him home?"

The doctor's response was swift and encouraging. "Given that he has no injuries, it would be far more beneficial for him to recover in the comfort of his own home rather than here in the hospital. You can take him home whenever you feel it's appropriate."

With a sense of relief and gratitude, Kakashi rose from his seat, offering a respectful bow to the doctor. "Thank you for your assistance." He then made his exit, a newfound sense of hope in his heart, eager to support his brother on the path to recovery.

In the present moment,

Kakashi quietly entered Tsukirai's room, the door creaking softly as it swung open. Inside, he found Tsukirai engrossed in his exercise routine, determined to regain his strength.

As the door's sound reached Tsukirai's ears, he instinctively turned his head, curiosity piqued to discover who had entered his room. His gaze locked onto a young boy, slightly older than himself, with striking white hair that framed his forehead and concealed most of his face behind a mask. A peculiar sense of déjà vu hung in the air as Tsukirai studied the newcomer. 

An observer would note the uncanny resemblance between the two boys. They shared the same hairstyle, similar skin tones, and an eerie familiarity that went beyond mere physical traits. The primary distinction lay in their eyes – Kakashi's were a deep black, while Tsukirai's possessed a striking violet hue, setting them apart.

In this moment of silent recognition, the two brothers, both grappling with their unique circumstances, stood face to face, a profound understanding passing unspoken between them.

In this shared moment of silence and contemplation,

Kakashi and Tsukirai faced each other, a mixture of emotions lingering unspoken in the air. Kakashi, cautious not to push the boundaries of his brother's fragile mental state, chose his words carefully. He broke the silence by asking a simple question, "How are you feeling now?"

Tsukirai's response was equally succinct, a monotone "good," revealing little about the storm of thoughts swirling within him.

Kakashi was torn between joy at his brother's awakening and concern for his fragile mental condition. They continued to lock eyes, Kakashi's mind racing with thoughts about what to say next. He decided to share the doctor's update, "The doctor mentioned that you can be discharged whenever you're ready, but you'll need to continue your exercises."

Tsukirai responded in a similar monotone, "Sounds good."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Kakashi told him, "Alright, I'll make the preparations and inform the doctor about your discharge." Tsukirai simply nodded in response, and Kakashi left the room, his thoughts consumed by the complexities of the situation.