
Enigma of Swift Mastery: Chronicles of the One-Click Training System

As the first rays of the sun kissed the horizon, a melodious chime resounded, akin to the mystical echoes of eldritch lands. "Ding! The inaugural function is invoked, and the art of automatic training is set into motion. Its swiftness rivals that of the most malevolent forces!" With a celestial harmony, the ethereal chime chimed once more, and the function ascended to new heights. "Ding! The function advances, the pace of training redoubles, and again it elevates, the speed of training increases yet again!" As the day's light continued to unfold, another sonorous chime unfurled, announcing the arrival of the second function. "Ding! The second function awakens, bestowing the secrets of automatic martial arts upon the humble practitioner..." A pause ensued, then, "Ding! The third function manifests its presence." "Is the path of cultivation a treacherous journey for you?" Su Lang contemplated. "I offer my apologies, for a solitary day of my cultivation surpasses the laborious decades endured by others!" "Is the path of mastery a daunting endeavor?" he continued, his eyes filled with knowing. "I am regretful that I can effortlessly amass a wealth of techniques without exerting a single ounce of sweat!" "Is the craft of alchemy a challenge to you?" A wry smile crossed his lips. "I am sorry, but if I fail to complete a concoction, my elixir shall merely turn moldy in the end!" Upon traversing the threshold of existence, Su Lang's fate intertwined with a singular gift, a one-click training system that burgeoned in potency with each passing second. Hereafter, he would cast aside all limitations, for in his grasp, the world had become bereft of adversaries.

Nachtregen · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 - An Unlikely Bargain

Chu Gang remained baffled by Su Lang's newfound strength, yet he understood the immutable reality. Su Lang possessed the inability to cultivate martial arts, forever relegated to ordinary life. Even if he had become remarkably robust, it would never be sufficient to challenge the fearsome warriors of the Broken Axe Hunting Group.

Consequently, Chu Gang harbored no apprehensions and felt certain that Su Lang would be paralyzed by fright.

"The Broken Axe Hunting Group?" Su Lang muttered with a cold glint in his eyes. For the first time, he understood the immense gravity of the situation. The Broken Axe Hunting Group was a notorious local gang that thrived on pillaging and lawlessness.

Recollecting the tattoos on the ears of the two ruffians who had ruthlessly beaten him in the past, he recognized the emblem of the Broken Axe Hunting Group.

"Very well, the Broken Axe Hunting Group!" Su Lang's tone grew resolute, an amalgamation of bitterness and murder. "Considering your past callousness and the care my parents once bestowed upon you, rectifying this wrong shall demand your entire existence."

"No! Su Lang, I'm at fault!"

Chu Gang, in the face of impending doom, prostrated himself before Su Lang, uttering desperate pleas for mercy.

"Humph!" Su Lang snorted and extended his arm, retrieving a dark Tang knife from the wall.

"Stay your hand, please! I don't wish to die!" Chu Gang entreated, terror etched across his countenance. "Don't forget that executing someone within the city is a crime. You'll face a gruesome end if you slay me!"

"The laws are intended to govern the weak. An unspoken consensus," Su Lang remarked with a cold smile, slowly unsheathing the glinting blade.

"Please, I beg you! Spare me!" Chu Gang implored as tears welled in his eyes.

"It is not impossible to spare your life." Su Lang held the knife to Chu Gang's throat, eliciting a bead of crimson liquid. "Reveal everything about the Broken Axe Hunting Group: their background, location, numbers, and strengths."

"Very well! Don't kill me, I shall divulge everything!" Chu Gang pleaded, his hair standing on end, while shivering uncontrollably.

"I've only recently joined the Broken Axe Hunting Group, and I lack knowledge of their origins," he began. "However, I do know that the gang's leader is a martial artist of some repute, and the two deputy leaders are approaching martial artist status. They are remarkably formidable."

"Ordinary members possess diverse levels of capability, spanning from the elementary body tempering stage to the peak of body tempering, including individuals like myself."

"The group's base is situated in the Golden Fruit Building. I, however, only gained access to the outer Golden Fruit Bar and lack knowledge of the core's whereabouts."

"I've also heard of a hunting base for the Broken Axe Hunting Group, situated outside the city, within the Wind Wolf area classified as F-tier."

"Is that everything? Have I satisfied your request? Please spare me!" Chu Gang concluded, fatigued and terrified.

"Two members of the Broken Axe Hunting Group..." Su Lang further inquired, providing descriptions of the duo.

"Yes, I know of them!" Chu Gang responded, trembling. "One is Dou Zhong, while the other is Cai Feng. Both are at the tempering stage and have been stationed at the strongholds outside the city for an extended period."

"They returned just yesterday and enjoyed an extended evening with me at the Golden Fruit Bar. They withdrew early the following morning with a group of others. However, I was left behind due to my lowly status."

"Very well." Su Lang nodded and, with a swift movement, sheathed the dark blade.

Chu Gang breathed a sigh of relief at the sight, sweat coursing down his body, his demeanor akin to a stray dog recently rescued from the rain.

But the relief was fleeting. Su Lang's smile took on a sinister edge, his gaze locked upon Chu Gang's intact arm.

"Su Lang! What are you planning?" Chu Gang's pupils constricted in alarm, his voice quivering with trepidation. "No! Spare me!"

Su Lang disregarded the entreaties for mercy and promptly delivered another merciless blow.


"Ahhh!" Chu Gang howled, writhing in agony, tears streaming from his eyes.

"It doesn't end here," Su Lang added. With a menacing grin, he relocated his foot to Chu Gang's injured thigh. "All limbs will be shattered."

"Please, Master Su!"


