
Enialation before Creation

It's a story about reality in different dimensions and world's (and also memory). It is a story that would give you cill. You know because it is cool. And it also a little bit funny. So, If you want to read this "I Welcome You". (PS. Guess who's the main character)

Tiham_Sheikh_831 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 3-Name it

"In a distant flat green plain"


Kill that Lijax


Watchout there is a goliath behind you

*Turns around and starts shooting*

Thanks bro. You just save me from getting dirty. I really don't like getting dirty.

Don't mention it.

Let's continue. Shall we.

Yes, we shall.

[In the background*DIE YOU MONSTERS!!!*]

"A littel bit far from the battel"

Don't you think this tea feels refreshing with the view of dieing creatures.

Yes. It is very nice to drink with the good view. We should have brought some snacks along.

We will bring a full picnic basket with us next time.

Okay, who wants to kill creatures after the tea party raise there hand.

Seems like everyone is hyped.

[On the battle field]

Those guys are having fun behind there.

Yes, they are would you like to join them.

No, I don't enjoy that kind of fun. My fun is just right here.

You won't change.

No, ma'am.

Hey guys, There seems to be a lot of creatures compared to tomorrow don't you think.

Yeah. I also noticed it. The number increased.

Yeah! You known what that means.

Yes. Grinding time.

Haha! Your having fun aren't you.

Sure I am.

Enough talk now let's enjoy while we have our time.

Yeah. The given time isn't enough for us. They should increase the time for us. It already seems killing 1 Billion creatures isn't enough.

Your right, they should also increase the creatures power and their number by 1 Million times.

*The time has run out. All remaining players return to the lobby and update the player ID*

Damn. Why this early.

Come dude let's go. There is always next time to do this.


"Everyone one is entering the cosmic lobby"