

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


'it seems he didn't finish his elementary studies after all ' thought Mr. Long as he continued.

"Ranks are what we humans use to measure the power of an energy practitioner, mutated beast, weapons, and energy moves. It is divided into three parts which are mortal, immortal, and divine. The mortal ranges from Rank E to C with Rank E having an initial phase of 100 mana to the peak phase of 1000 mana. Rank D has the initial phase of 1001 mana to the peak phase of 2000 mana, Rank C has the initial phase of 2001 mana to the peak phase of 5000 mana".

"Mr. Long, why is Rank C higher than the other mortal ranks?" asked Dave with a curious expression. With a satisfied expression, Mr. Long said.

"It's because Rank C is the last stage before reaching the immortal realm so it's Rank it's used to make any energy practitioner's foundation solid".

"Ok, Mr. Long" replied Dave as he cast away the curious expression from his face and looked at Mr. Long attentively.

'This boy is a good listener' thought Mr. Long as he continued.

"The next realm is the immortal realm which is much harder to advance than the mortal realm. it ranges from Rank B to Rank A as the former has the initial phase of 5001 mana to the peak phase of 50,000 mana while the latter has the initial phase of 50,001 mana to the peak phase of 100,000 mana"

"So wide!!" said Dave with an incredulous expression.

"That's why I said it's much harder to advance than the mortal realm"

"If the immortal Is so hard to advance, I wonder how hard it will be to advance in the Divine realm"

Suddenly, Mr. Long had a look of reverence as he explains.

"The Divine realm is the epitome of power for humans before entering Godhood. It ranges from Rank S above as the Rank S initial phase is 100,001 mana while its peak phase is 500,000 mana. There is currently one human who is currently at Rank S and he is currently humanity's greatest hope in defeating the mutated beast and closing the dimensional crack"

"So Mr. Long, what rank do you think I am?" asked Dave with an anticipated expression.

After inspecting Dave's body for a few minutes, Mr. Long sighed as he said.

"You haven't awakened your element yet so you are currently unranked"

After hearing Mr. Long's answer, Dave became disheartened. When Mr. Long noticed Dave's mood, he suddenly said something that brought life back into Dave.

"But we can make your element to be awakened"

"How Mr. Long?"

Suddenly, Mr. Long waved his right hand and a transparent globe ball appeared floating on his palm.

"What is this?" asked Dave as he pointed toward the ball with a curious expression.

"This is an element ball used to wake someone's element up. For example, if an energy practitioner put his palm on the ball and a fire was found in the ball, that means his element has been awakened being the fire element"

"Cool!" exclaimed Dave with glistening eyes.

"Yeah, I can remember when I tried to awaken my element. when I touched the element ball, a bright light appeared along with an Ice boulder" said Mr. Long with a prideful manner.

But unfortunately, Dave simply ignored it as he asks.

"Can I try to wake mine?"

"Ehn... Yeah. Just place your palm on the ball and everything will go smoothly" replied Mr. Long with a strange smile.

When Dave placed his palm on the element ball, no reaction was found on the ball for some time.

'Is this ball broken or those Dave have no element in him?' thought Mr. Long as he tried to inspect the ball on his palm. But before he could inspect the ball, it suddenly turned black.

"Holy Shit!, you are actually of the darkness element" exclaimed Mr. Long with excitement. But the ball didn't stop there, a ray of light slowly came out from the black ball.

Suddenly, the ray of light expanded rapidly and covered half of the element ball while the other part is covered in darkness. When everything stabled for a few moments, Dave slowly removed his palm from the ball as he looked back at Mr. Long.

Immediately after Dave saw the state Mr. Long was in, he immediately stood up to get closer to meet Mr. Long as he asked worriedly.

"Mr. Long, are you ok?"

Right now Mr. Long was trembling violently with extreme ecstasy on his face. Before Dave could get to him, he suddenly threw the element ball away and held Dave's hands as he asked with a trembling voice.

"Doe... Does... anyone know about you... your elements before now?"

"No Mr. Long, this is the first time of used the element ball so no one else will know what my elements are. But Mr. Long, are you ok?" asked Dave again still with a worried face.

"No am fine, I was just mesmerized by your result," said Mr. Long with ecstasy still on his face but now moderate.

"From now on, you will be in closed doors training with me for a year," said Mr. Long with an ambitious look on his face after pondering for some seconds.

"Huh?, Why!?" asked Dave with a confused expression.

Still, with that ambitious expression, Mr. Long looked at Dave and said.

"To transform you for the new students sparring contest"

(To be continued...)

Thanks, everyone for your patience with this book. Now it's about time to go into the good part.

Alalibo_Samuelcreators' thoughts