
Chapter 98

Max's jaw dropped the moment she agreed to being the girl in the video.

" Wow Ariana, I never thought you'd admit to being the girl in this video so easily" he muttered to himself.

Ariana sobbed as she had just admitted to being the girl in the video. What would she tell Raymond after she got back. Would she tell him that she had made out with Nicolas?

" I really didn't expect this from you Ariana. you are one of the students I respect the most in this college" Mr Shawn said, disappointment evident in his voice. " You know, if you had denied making out with Nicolas, I'd have believed you but you didn't, I'm sorry but I'll have to expell you" Mr Shawn said and left.

Immediately Mr Shawn left, Ariana cried like never before.

Casey ran to her, " what have you done Ariana. You didn't do it so why did you admit to it?" Casey asked.

" You wouldn't understand why I did what I did but soon, you'll understand" she said.

She moved to Nicolas, " I trusted you Nicolas, I gave you my friendship but what did you do, you took my trust and stabbed me in the back. I'll never forgive you for this" she said and ran away.

" Ari, hold on" Casey called as she chased after her.

In time, the students left, all chattering on how they'd just watched Ariana making out with Nicolas.

" She's pretty good you know. Knowing where to touch and stuff like that, only a pro would know how to do stuff like that" Max heard a say. 

" I hope she comes to try it with me" the other boy said.

All the students left, leaving Max, Alen, Nicolas and Sofie behind.

" What a day!!" Alen said.

" Finally, Ariana's out of high school" Max sighed. " She has finally paid for that slap" he said.

" But I feel bad though. Today I got her expelled. Do you think she'd ever forgive me for what I did to her?" Nicolas asked.

" Come on, you're such a softie. Sometimes, you have to do things and let them roll of your back" Sofie said and chuckled.

" Whatever. I need to get some rest" Nicolas said and left.

" Where did you find such a softie? All he had to do was agree that he spent the night with Ariana so why is he feeling bad about it?" Sofie asked.

" Just let him be. We've gotten what we wanted so he's of no use to us. am I right Max?" Alen asked.

" Of course. I've gotten revenge for that slap, you've gotten revenge for Beatrice and Sofie has avenged her sister, Presley's suspension"

" Yes and all that was possible through Nicolas. I feel so happy, I can't wait to tell Presley about it" Sofie said as she smiled to herself maniacally.

" Come on, let's go get ready to leave" Max said.

" Hey, don't forget to send the video to the school website alright? Everyone must see Ariana making out with Nicolas" Sofie said.

" We already did that. There's no way we'd forget to do something as important as that" Alen said with a smirk on his face.

" Come on, let's go get ready to leave" Max suggested and they left.



This is terrible. I can't believe Ariana got expelled. Sorry Ari,I didn't mean to do this to you.

More updates coming tomorrow.

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