
Chapter 37


" Max, max. Ew, why's this place such a mess? Was there a party here?" Ariana asked herself as she picked up the dirts. " Is this alcohol?" She asked herself again after picking up a bottle. " Ugh. I'm gonna throw up soon" she thought to herself as she walked up to Max's room.

" Max, are you.........." As she opened the door. She saw the last thing she'd have ever wanted to see in her life.

" MAX!!!" She yelled causing max to wake up.

" Ariana you...." He said trying to cover himself up properly with the blanket.

" I'm ashamed of you" she said and ran out crying.

" Ariana,.." Max called. He quickly put on his robe and dashed out of the room.

" Ariana, " he called again but she kept on running with tears in her eyes.

In time, he caught up with her.

" Ari, you......"

" Let go of me" Ariana yelled as she landed a spicy slap across his face. " Taxi" she quickly got into the taxi. " Merother high school" she said and the driver sped off.

Max just stood their holding his cheeks which had just turned red as a result of the slap.

" Did she just slap me?" Max asked himself.


" Ari,.." Casey called as she saw Ariana run past her crying.

" Just leave me alone" Ariana sobbed and ran into the men's washroom by accident. Unknowingly, Raymond was there.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" she yelled as she slipped and almost fell due to the wet floor but a strong hand caught her by the waist, breaking her fall.

" Ariana baby, what are you doing in the men's washroom" Raymond asked.

" It's nothing" Ariana lied and ran out.

" Strange" Raymond thought.

" Ariana, come with me" Casey said and dragged her into the women's washroom.

" Come on, spill the beans. What's wrong with you and why are you crying" Casey asked with genuine concern.

" It's Max" Ariana said still in tears.

" Max? What did he do. Are you crying because you think he's still upset with you?" Casey asked.

" He cheated on me Casey, he cheated" Ariana said and cried more.

" What?" Cassandra was shocked. She definitely did not see this coming. " Did he kiss another girl? Who did he kiss?" Cassandra asked.

" If only he'd just kissed someone else. If he has just kissed someone else, do you think I'd cry?" She asked Cassandra.

" No, you wouldn't" Casey said. " If he didn't kiss someone else, then what did he do?" 

" He made love to two girls over the night" Ariana said.

" What?!!!!" Now that's what I call shocking news. Casey was shocked beyond imagination. She definitely didn't expect this from Max.

" But how do you know? Did you see him? I mean there is always more to it than meets the eye" Cassandra said looking for possible ways to calm Ariana.

" Then explain this. You walk into your house, it's all dirty, alcohol all over and then you walk into your boyfriend's room and find him naked in bed with two strange girls who have their clothes littered all over" Ariana asked. " Come on, I'm listening. You wanna explain to me right? Then tell me what other logical explanation there is" Ariana asked.

" Ari,... It's gonna be fine" Casey said and embraced her. She clearly understood what Ariana was going through. She was once in such a relationship.

" Thanks Casey" Ariana said hugging her back. " Infact, you know what? I'm not gonna cry anymore. Mariana's right. I'm way too emotional and people take advantage of that. From now, I'm going to pay those who have hurt me back In a hundred folds. Guess who's number one?" Ariana asked

" Who?" Casey asked. She was scared at the moment to think of what Ariana would do to the number one person on her list.

" Beatrice" Ariana said and chuckled under her breathe. " I'll hit her where it hurts the most" she said and left.